You drain me quickly

Ivanie dropped her travel box and stood at the school gate alongside Side Jace and other students, Britney and Malachi were yet to arrive.

Their are about three school buses which was carry them, all the students were all dressed up casually and comfortably.

"Have you ever been on a farm before?" Jace asked Ivanie who shook her head.

"My dad has a cotton farm in the country side but I have never visited it once, I prefer rather safe than sorry. Mom won't let me go on a muddy soil, she's so possessive " Ivanie said.

A car drove to a stop and Britney head poke out the window from the front seat, she wave at them with a smile on.

Malachi seemed to say something to her in which she glare at him for before getting out his car and running towards Ivanie and Jace.

"Guys " she squeak with a smile broad on her face. Malachi came down his car minutes later dragging along with him both his and Britneys bag.

"I am so happy" she told Ivanie.

"You are always happy" Malachi replied her.

"She should be it not wrong" Ivanie said.

Malachi stood beside Jace and they all waited for the teachers to be through with the arrangements.

They finally settled in, the bus began moving but it stopped again and someone hop on board, it was Jeannie she barely made it in.

She looked around and noticed there was only an empty seat at the back which she took.

Through out the entire ride everyone was having fun.


Vlad arrived with James on the coca farm, they were casually dressed up.

"Mr Federico lives up the mountain side it a long walk from here" James informed Vlad who look at the far side were going to be walking.

Vlad carried his luggage which was a bag and took a hiking stick with him before the two journey up the mountains

James sigh continuously tired he had never climb a mountain in his life but Vlad seemed fine, he didn't wait nor stop to spare James who tried matching his pace.

The two climbed up the forest path and walk further up, they met some hikers on the way who were busy taking a tour of the place.

Finally got to where they were going Vlad stopped looking at the map on his phone which was giving them pointers to where they were headed.

"The pointer stopped giving direction, is Mr Federico home around this area " Vlad said walking a little forward, he stop and turned again.

"I think this is it" Vlad said.

James gave up tiredly on the muddy floor he was breathing heavily, he brought out the bottle in his bag and drank from it tastily.

"Sir Vlad a moment please I need.... To ..... Catch my breath" James said.

A ruffle came from a distance which made Vlad turn to look where it was coming from.

"Sir Vlad we are in the area alone, I think it might be some mountain animal it headed out way" James said getting up his feet getting ready to run.

Vlad gave him a look over.

"That should be less of your worries at the moment James, the fact that we could be lost in the mountains, we might end up dieing of less water and starvation. Being eaten by a wide boar would be favourable at the moment" Vlad blurted.

A chuckle resounded from the other end and a man walked out, he was dressed like a hiker, he hat a hat on and he held in his hand a gun.

"You are quite creative young man," the man said dropping his gun to lean on it while looking at the two people.

"Thank God, we finally found our salvation " James said.

"Who do you seek that you came far into the mountains are you not worried you might get lost or eaten by a boar" The man asked.

"We are looking for Mr Federico Santos" Vlad said.

"Federico Santos??"

"You know him?" James asked hopefully looking at the man.

"Of course I do,who wouldn't know him, he's quite popular around here" the man said.

"Oh thank God please can you lead us to his abode we would love to meet him." James said.

"Sure sure come along now young man, I was headed there anyway " The man told them and he began leading them away.


The bus carrying the students and teachers finally came to a stop.

Britney and Ivanie were tab awake, Britney hummed raising her head from Ivanie shoulders, she look up to see Jace and Malachi who were heading out they also look like they had just woken up from a nap.

Students were climbing off the bus, Ivanie stood up alongside Britney and they made their way down, Jeannie was right behind them although the four didn't take notice of her.

Everyone of the students gathered around as instructions were given out to each of them.

"I don't want to find a lost students so you all should behave yourself, no late night gathering if must do it in your hostel. No student should be seen roaming around the area without permission if caught you would be sent back immediately. Any dangerous activities not hosted by the teachers or who ever in charge should be cancelled out. Make sure you follow instructions and don't stray off. A tag would be handed to you all so make sure you have it on every minutes and seconds through out the entire stay here, If there's any instructions you would be informed, for now put on your comfortable shoes and follow behind in order.

The students were handed a tag and they fell in line hiking up a mountain path.

"Oh God oh God am exhausted" Britney complain.

"Does this ever end" Ivanie said as they continued, the man leading them was at the front going up like nothing was wrong.

"He must be use to this how can he not be companionate to look back at our struggles" Britney complained.

Jeannie was breathing hard as she tried not to look tired, she look at Jace broad back that was going up effortlessly.

Malachi stopped noticing Britney rush to go on.

"What are you doing?" Malachi asked which caused Ivanie and Jace to stop, the other students walk past them.

"I can't no more no one told me I was going to go hiking, I was told we were going to a farm not a mountain hike" she said.

"Well here we are, you were so energetic this morning where did all the energy to?" Malachi asked teasing a very pissed of Britney whose face was red from annoyance.

"I slept it all off and it was drained as soon as we arrive" Britney said pouting annoyed. She took off her boot to see her toes all red from climbing a tough part.

Malachi look down to see her toes all red.

"Do you have ants in your boot or you probably forgot your makeup there" he teased Irritating her further.

"Shut up" Britney said.

Jeannie who had stopped along with them said.

"Sorry Britney I think we are almost there, there's probably just a few way to go" Jace look past Ivanie to see Jeannie so as Ivanie and Britney.

"Were you standing there all this while?" Ivanie asked and Jeannie nodded.

"Why aren't you going up are we blocking your path?" Ivanie asked and Jeannie shook her head.

"No I just wanted to wait for you guys" she replied.

Ivanie arch her brow not liking the girls gentleness, it freaks her out.

Malachi bent backing Britney who look at him confused.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Get on, you are delaying us" Malachi told her.

Am quite heavy but I won't refuse a kind offer, she said with a smile and hop on Malachi back who carried her up like she weighs nothing.

"Let go" he said to the rest who followed up immediately.

Britney smiled at Ivanie who gave her a wink.

They finally arrived at the end of the mountain and standing before them was duplex building facing each other.

"Is that where we are staying?" Ivanie asked staring at the building, the paint was washed off but it was beautiful.

"Surely" came Jace reply.

"I can't wait to stretch my legs" Ivanie said her legs aches.

Finally settled in, Ivanie was sharing a room with Britney, Jeannie and some other girl who was in another class.

"Activities would start tomorrow, I brought lots of long pants I cannot let myself be feasted on by mosquitoes," Britney said.

"And I brought lots of home made cookies and snacks, " Ivanie said with a smile pouring them out.

Britney laughed grabbing some to eat later in the day.

"Um I have drinks I can share" Jeannie said awkwardly,Ivanie and Britney look over at her Britney smiled.

"Sure we will share okay".

Vlad settled in the living room, he was on the dining of Mr Federico who had saved them earlier, he later introduced himself as soon as they got to his house.

"I have some well cook pork meat, you eat pork right?" Vlad nodded his head, he dished himself and handed the bow to James who also digged in.

"Wow you cook delicious meal Mrs Santos I can't get enough of it" James praised.

Mrs Santos wave it off laughing.

"You are such a sweet talker" She told him.

"Mr Santos I would get straight to the point " Vlad was saying but Mr Santos raised his hand stopping Vlad midway.

"Don't discuss business while eating, my wife doesn't like it, tomorrow is another day, it late discussing business would only give you indigestion and a bad sleep " Mr Santos told him.

"Vlad looked at the man a little shook but he nodded anyway, digging in his food, he also needs his rest.


All in Line The three girls had just woken up and after taking their bath they were summon by the teacher.

Ivanie had a boot on her jean with a black polo top, she held in her hand a mini fan because of the hot weather.

"We are visiting the infamous cocoa farm today, you would learn how cocoa are grown and nurtured to give you a lot of things produced, in which we all favorite in"

"Isn't chocolate also from cocoa?" Someone asked beside Ivanie, her friend nodded saying.

" It made with cocoa beans"


"Shush, listen to instructions"

"Britney have you ever been to a cocoa farm?"

"Yeah once, my dad took me to scout it, it was fun" Britney said with a smile.

"Where do all your energies comes from?". Malachi interrupted.

"From not hearing your voice in a day, as soon as I hear or see you it drains quickly" Britney replied him with a eye roll.

"Lucky you, you have a human size taming machine" Malachi told her and she gasped.

Ivanie laughed.

"Ivanie?" Ivanie turn to see she was summoned out by the host.

"Was i funny?" The host asked.

"No sir I....."

"You would be assisting me in giving the other students a tour " the man told her.

"What?! Am a student my self" Ivanie said.

"Which is why you would be my assistant, good right? now fall in line " the host said.

Ivanie looked over at her friends with a pout.


"So you want me to be your main supply for coca?" Mr Federico asked.

"Yes I would be honored " Vlad replied.

"But you haven't seen the farm yet? How about I take you on a tour to the farm." Mr Federico said.

"That would be lovely " Vlad replied.

"Cocoa is a very tough plant to grow, it takes up to five years to be able to have a result you want.

Cocoa requires shades in the first year of growing." Mr Federico said.

Vlad dig his hands into the dried out cocoa seed.

"This is either made into chocolate or coffee or anything cocoa seed could make" Mr Federico said.

"It lovely knowing how cocoa has a lot things it can make." Vlad said.

Laughter erupt from a distance and students rushed in.

"Are those your workers?" Vlad asked seeing how young they are.

"Oh no no, some high school kids are here On excursion.

They are from town, I can't recollect the name of the school,but they are bunch lovely kids, they can't keep their curiosity to themselves and I find it lovely." Mr Santos said fondly looking at them.

Vlad look at them walking in the farm looking amazed by each things they are introduced to.

"Ivanie?" The host called and the next seconds Ivanie was walking to his side looking all worked up.

Vlad stopped his eyes fixed on her.

Was that Ivanie he was seeing or is he seeing things.

James who also sighted Ivanie looked confused and turn to look at Vlad who seemed surprised.

The host pointed to their side probably pointing Mr Federico to them.

They all looked his way and the next instant the teens were all screaming Vlad's name .

Ivanie locked eyes with him surprised.