Am I bad?

Vlad remain motionless on his position even as the students ran to him.

"Vlad hmmm" Britney teased watching the rest ran to him.

"It not a big deals Vlad is on this trip probably because of business, he must be exploiting new ways to improve his cosmetics production " Ivanie said going on a full defensive mood.

"Woah chill I haven't even say anything yet" Britney said pouting she felt like she was almost eaten raw by her best friend.

"Anyway we should go over and say hi, it would be awkward to just stand subtle at a side don't you think " Britney said and pull Ivanie along.

"Hello to you all, I hope you are having fun" the man introduced to them as Mr Federico said.

"Nooooo" the students began booing the teacher tried shutting them up but it was fruitless.

Mr Federico laughed.

"Alright alright, Fabio what is this? Don't give them silly lectures when they are supposed to be having fun, they are here to relax anyway " Mr Federico said to the host who he addressed as Fabio.

"Ah I thought..." Fabio was saying but he was cut short by Mr Federico.

"We have a lot of activities ground they could learn from, how about a little game in the wild?" Mr Federico asked the students who erupt in joyful screams.

Ivanie took a sneak peek at Vlad who wasn't looking her way,she turn immediately he looked pass her.

Ivanie pressed her lips together focusing on the host.

Mr Federico turn to Vlad and said.

"Seems you are familiar with the kids and they all took a liking to you, how about you spend quality time with them business can be discussed later hmmm" Mr Federico laughed walking away, James bowed to the old man.

Vlad was forced to join them on their adventurous tour.


"Wow a boat, I haven't been on a canoe before it my first time" Ivanie said laughing watching as Britney was messing around going in and out of the river with her bare legs.

Vlad stood at the back watching the girls have fun.

"Wow I can't believe Ivanie is also on this trip it truly a thing of fate ........" James couldn't complete his sentence feeling Vlad glare at him.

"Maybe it would be fate if I drown you in the river"Vlad told him.

"No it won't be murder..."

Vlad raise his brow at his talkative PA, who zip his lips almost he immediately he blurted that out.

"Sir Vlad I think Ivanie has no resentment towards you, she seems fine with your presence earlier, do you think it a cue of her finally accepting you" James said.

"James you left your ipad in the house, you should get it Incase of important business calls" Vlad told him.

"Ah right" James said suddenly spacing out while turning to go look for his iPad.

"Wait a minute I don't need the pad you told me not to answer any call on the trip Sir Vlad.... James turn on o see Vlad gone. ??? Sir Vlad Sir...." James look up to see Vlad already making his towards Ivanie.

"Oh a clever one Sir Vlad" He mutter.

Ivanie laughed continuously splashing water on Britney, Jace stood at the side with Malachi and Jeannie who stood a little behind them watching the two girls.

"Ahhhhh Britney stop..... You little" Ivanie screamed chasing Britney around the water she was going to take another set of water in her palm and pour it at Britney but she missed her step her flops coming off which send her tumbling forward going face first to the ground.

'it not going to hurt, but she probably break her nose' Ivanie screamed in fear of actually hurting her self. Before she could go down Ivanie felt a hand wrap around her while pulling her back to a hard chest.

Her breathing came out in pant trying to catch her breathe and stop the pace of her scared heart.

"Are you hurt?" Came a cold Voice in which Ivanie was sure who it might be.

She turn her head slowly to see Vlad staring down at her with worried eyes, his brow arch and he let go of her looking around to catch hold of flop which was flowing away from her on the water.

After he was sure to get hold of them Vlad took her hand and took her out the water.

He drop her slippers on on the ground and look down at her.

"Do you wish to be carried away by the waters?" Vlad asked with a pissed brow raised.

"It just a River I can manage, after all I took swimming classes when I was young" Ivanie said not getting why Vlad was pissed, she should be pissed was that how he greet her after about a month of not seeing him, and why does she care about that. Ivanie thought thought to her self.

" You should be careful and don't do things that would get you in trouble, this is a wild not your school playground where you could behave immature" Vlad told her.

Ivanie fumed, was he really addressing her as a kid?

"Yes the wild and not your company, don't speak to me like that I am no kid okay" Ivanie said angrily she walk away making sure she collided with him aggressively to show how annoyed she was.

Vlad sigh.

"Nice meeting you again" He mutter.

Britney shook her head at the two silly people who just argued about something so stupid.

"Are they for real?" Britney said.


"What was that about Sir Vlad, why argue with her?" James asked after they had left the river back

"What was what?" Vlad asked not stopping, he continued to walk with Rapid steps.

"I mean Ivanie didn't you see how much you pissed her off" James asked.

"Pissed her off? I was only warning her of the possible dangers..

"What dangers, you are behaving like a very old man" James said.

"I was only looking out for her," Vlad said.

"She doesn't need you to do that , the host in charge of them look very much capable.

Vlad stopped and look around the rocky path leading to the river.


Jeannie turn away making her way back to the hostel her hands dangling around as if joyful.

She took a left turn and walk back into the hostel on her way, she met Jace who was coming out the male hostel focused on his phone, he had a frown on trying to look for network on his phone.

"Do you have issues trying to connect to the net?" Jeannie asked.

Jace flinch seeing as she pop out of no where.

"Did I scare you am sorry I was only trying to help"

"It ok, am trying to reach my mom but the net isn't good in the area" Jace said.

"Oh you should use a pay phone, the instructor carried it around" Jeannie said.

"Oh really that still works? I would just go see him real quick thanks " Jace said walking away hurriedly.

Jeannie smiled her cheek red and she turned and walk off also.


It was night time and dinner was served, they were all served vegetable porridge.

"Is this food?" Ivanie asked staring into the plate of food.

"I guess" Britney said unsure.

"And we are supposed to eat this like consume this?" Ivanie asked no one again but Britney replied her instead.

"Where else would it go if not the stomach"

" I would get food poisoning if I consume this, I would definitely get food poisoning" Ivanie said dropping the plate aside.

"You are not eating?" Jace asked he used the tip of his spoon to pole the meal.

"There's nothing to eat from this, I think I would be okay going to bed with snacks " Ivanie said.

Jeannie took a bite from her meal and said.

"Hmm it tasty" she commented staring at the girls who were still giving the food a double check.

"Of course it would taste good, poor people stick to poor things any way your systems are built for this" Ivanie made a comment which brought a frown of Jace face.

Jeannie look down feeling bad, all she wanted was to make Ivanie comfortable with eating her meal and not to feed on unhealthy things before going to bed, she might have an upset stomach in the morning.

"Ivanie that is no way to address someone" Jace scolded.

"The hell Jace don't scold me,am not wrong she's poor, what's so bad about it, am only telling her the reality I don't understand why you are mad". Ivanie said her voice raising high catching the attention of other students.

"What has gotten into you Ivanie, don't be impolite and apologize to Jeannie right now" Jace said.

Malachi tried calming the two.

"Calm down Jace Ivanie does it really meant it " Malachi said.

"Of course Jace Ivanie doesn't mean any harm she has always been without filter" Britney told a pissed Jace.

"We can't always ignore her immaturity and rudeness" Jace said.

Ivanie angrily stood up and walk out the hall.

"Ivanie wait.....I" Jeannie tried calling back but Ivanie was out before she knew it.

Ivanie eyes were puffy red she barely saw where she was headed, she bump into the one who was coming from the opposite direction.

"Hey ....." Vlad pulled her back to see her red eyes Ivanie who bite her lips to hold back her tears.

"Who hurt you?" Vlad asked his jaw ticking he hate seeing her like this it piss him off

Ivanie burst into a loud tears her voice pained and whinny.

"Hey hey shush, it okay" Vlad comforted the crying baby, he wipe her tears with his thumb and heard her say in-between tears while she hiccuped

"Am I a bad person?" Ivanie asked.

"Who dare say that to you?" Came Vlad cold voice.