
Vlad drove Ivanie home, he look over to see her still asleep, he didn't want to disturb her so he got down first.

He was met with Mrs Shanks at the door.

"Vlad" She called, she had a luggage in her hand.

"Hello Mrs Shanks" Vlad greeted. I was about bringing Ivanie in, but I didn't want to disturb her sleep. He look her over noticing the luggage.

"Are you going somewhere?"

Mrs shanks look down at the luggage shaking her head.

"No this are Ivanie's belonging" Mrs shanks told him.

Vlad brow knitted, he wasn't informed about Ivanie traveling must be something else.

"We will be unavailable for the mean time and there's no one to care for her, I would trouble you to take care of dear Ivanie please " Mrs Shanks request of him.

Mrs Shanks shove the luggage into Vlad hands before rushing back inside.

Vlad turn and left with the luggage drooping it at his back seat before getting behind the wheel and zooming out.


Ivanie woke up yawning she stretch out turning to the side. She blinked awake looking around the unfamiliar atmosphere.

The room was a cozy one with a blue like ceiling showing different sort of comfort display like a blue oceans and whales.

She sat up to look around and notice a very well furnished room, the bed she slept on was a blue and white cover and the wall was painted in a slight cream.

There was a comfy chair at the corner that looks like what a cat would find comfort in, it was cozy as h*ll.

The room at a led light which was displaying a blue hue making the place look bluish.

"Is this a dream, it feels real though was I supposed to be on my way home?" Ivanie thought. She noticed her clutch which was leaning against the wall close to her bed and she grab it using it to stand to her feet.

She wince at the slight pain that shoot up to her spine, she must have been in bed for long.

Ivanie pulled open the door exiting the glorious comfort zone she was in.

Was she kidnapped? If she was then the kidnapper must have been kind enough to provide her with a comfortable bed and no security, maybe they have leveled up these days.

Ivanie walk down the short hallway and took a turn which led her to the living room.

It was a classic modernized room with a lot of expensive things which Ivanie recognize as the trendy.

The couch wasn't just comfortable and functional but stylist too. The coffee table facing it was one heck of a transparent glass with a fish tank inside, the blue light illuminating from it was about to catch anyone who walk past it attention. Inside was life fishes which swim from one end to another in their cozy home.

Ivanie smiled looking into the tank.

"You are awake?" Ivanie heard from behind her, she twirl around her eyes catching sight of a slip on before of her position.

She raised her head to see Vlad in a casual baggy outfits, his hair was down covering his temple and almost covering his eyes.

He held a coffee mug in his hand while looking down at Ivanie.

"Where am " Ivanie asked getting up her feet with the support of the clutch she balance on it.

"At my place" Vlad replied her.

Ivanie brow raised in question.

"Your what? Am supposed to be ony way home or at home Soo...?" Ivanie said not sure why he brother her to his place.

"Your parents are not Available they had important things to attend to so you would be staying with me for the mean time" Vlad explained.

Ivanie's frown deepen. Wasn't she supposed to be informed of her parents journey or whatever it might be, why wasn't she informed?

Ivanie eye scrutinize the place before her gaze landed back at Vlad. She gave him a suspicious glare before asking.

"Do you live alone?" Ivanie asked.

"What do you think" Vlad replied handing her the mug.

Ivanie accepted it warming her palm with it since Vlad place was cold the Aircon were all turned on.

Although they were in the summer season and the hotness was something Ivanie couldn't handle still the amount of coldness was still making Ivanie uncomfortable as she find it hard to breathe in properly.

Vlad noticed this and reduce the level of the AC.

"What would you like to eat, it almost midnight you slept all through the day you barely touched your food at the hospital earlier" Vlad said in one go looking at the lady who had already made her self comfortable on the couch with a smile.

"Umm scrambled egg" Ivanie said but Vlad frown was evident indicating he didn't like the idea of that. Ivanie seeing this was quick to change her preference.

"Ahh Tacos Salad??" Ivanie said and Vlad nodded strolling off to the kitchen to get it done.

"Can he even cook, I hope it worth it" Ivanie said turning on the TV and tunning in the station she wants.

In no time the meal was prepared and Vlad was serving her in no time.

Ivanie sat on the dining staring at the well prepared Tacos salad, the greens wasn't too much but it well prepared Ivanie felt her mouth watered.

Vlad took his seat next to her with a plate of Tacos salad himself.

He watch as Ivanie dug in with her fork taking bite after bite while closing her eyes to savour the taste.

"Ahhh finally food, the hospital meal was plain Vlad I wasn't even allowed to have certain things." Ivanie mutter.

She reach out to take a napkin inorder to wipe her lips but before she could Vlad had beat her to it.

He licked her lips which made Ivanie shook in surprise.

Again he was doing it again, he was making her lose her breathe. Ivanie tried taking another bite of her meal but Vlad having lost interest in eating and finding a new interest in watching her eat made her slightly uncomfortable.

She managed to eat her food and push it aside, she took a sip of her water and drop the cup.

"Are you satisfied?" Vlad asked .

Ivanie nodded almost trembling under his hot gaze which was on her.

"Well am quite hungry" Vlad said pushing both plate aside.

Ivanie look at the food he pushed aside her nod her head to it.

"There's food"

"I want something else though, Vlad said he got up his seat and took the plates away.

Vlad returned to the sitting room and took the remote off the coffee table he increase the level by one.

Ivanie prepared to get up so she could go to her room but before she took a step Vlad pulled her back and placed her on the dining table leaning over in-between her leg.

Ivanie breathe came out hastily she look at him in dazed lost of words but she still manage mutter out.

"Wh.... what??"

"I should dress your bandage" Vlad said he drop the kit on the table, he had gotten it from the kitchen.

Ivanie face dropped, she had expected something more exciting, was she really starting to become naughty.

Vlad had a smirk playing at the corner of his lips as he took out the necessary items for dressing a wound.


The next day Vladimir rushed off to work he made sure to place instructions for Ivanie so she could know her way around the house.

He said in the conference room with some important client who are sponsoring their going projects, they talked for a while with Xenia doing most of the talking.

After they come to a agreeable terms the meeting closed and everyone dispersed.

Vlad made his way to his next meeting his stride long and his foot step hurriedly.

He stopped at the waiting room where a man was busy sipping his tea.

He catch sight of Vlad at the door and his lips split into a grin.

"Vladimir" the man said raising to his feet.

Vlad turn to glare at James who looked away quickly.

Mr Sergio the most gossiping CEO in the circle, he doesn't let a single gossip go pass him.

"How have you been Vlad?" The man asked as Vladimir walk in to take his seat.

Was this the important meeting he had?

"I heard you were admitted, how so was it bad??" Mr Sergio went on ranting all to himself.

"Where's our awaited guest" Vlad asked James who picked a call that rang almost immediately.

"Okay" James said cutting the line.

"He's here" James said before going to Stand at a side, soon enough the door opened and Mr Federico came in looking agile like always, the old man was shown his seat by James, Vlad got up his seat to show the elder some respect.

Sergio cleared his voice also getting up his feet adjusting his clothe.

"Have your seats no need to show me so too much courtesy." The old man said.

Vlad sat back crossing his leg.

"How's Ivanie?" The old man was quick to asked using her to start the conversation.

Vlad face warmed up hearing that, Sergio who heard the name the man utter made him pay close attention to the conversation as he sat up more upright.

"Perfectly in good health, thank you for your concern" Vlad replied using that to close the matter.

The old man nodded relief and got down to business.

"I have received the project plan, and I quite like the list and wants, even my wife is eager for the production, although cocoa is highly recommendable plantation, it will still be a pleasure to contribute to the growth of the youth earnest work. That is to say Mr Vladimir I am in full support on your project I would distribute my cocoa to your company supply and make sure to you are receiving the best" Mr Federico said.

Vlad let out a small smile, he stood up to shake Mr Federico.

"Aiyoo, it a success, this project Will surely not be in vain, I hope it would become the company most biggest work and it would satisfy both partners on both end" Mr Sergio said clapping on his seat he was grinning ears to ears like he won an award.

Ivanie walk pass her room going further the building, she was simply Vlad massive self contain apartment, it can be described with just a word 'expensive' Vlad has quite the taste.

Ivanie got close to Vlad room, Although Vlad had not leave any condition for her not to step into his room, she knew she was still wrong to walk into someone privacy without their consent. But she was curious what he's like and it got the best of her.

Ivanie twist the knob open and step into the room, peeking in at first, she then step in fully.

Vlad's room was vast the wall was painted in grey color and bed spread was black and grey.

Vlad bed was something out of ordinary as it could lift up to a certain level to show a green hue lights that emit from under it.

Ivanie smiled in wonder walking pass it, she walk towards a show glass that had a lot of Award on display.

"Very Brilliant" Ivanie murmured.

She walk pass the display to see a picture of him and his Family. Although Vlad father passed on years ago he still had a display of his picture in his room.

Ivanie walk pass it and stood before another one and this time Vlad was standing with a guy whose face and voice flash through her head.

*Ivanie my little Koala my baby sister*


*Ivanie is still in there!!!!!!!*

*Nooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhh* A wail erupt in her head exploding Ivanie fell back knocking the picture frame over, it shattered on the marble floor noisily.

Unknown memories start to flood in causing Ivanie an intense headache, she screamed grabbing her head in process while crawling away from the frame which seems to haunt her.

* I love you koala, Ivanie dear come here *

*Don't worry Older brother got your back, promise me you won't cry *

*Ah ah ah*

Tears were rolling down Ivanie' cheeks and a flash of light pass through her eyes like she was reliving the horrible incident all over again.

She could see her chubby hand outstretched as she was being taken away from her brother Desmond who laid still on the ground motionless.

Her eyes unable to stay open as she was being carried out of the burning house, her little eight years old self calling her brother name before she passed out.
