She's my world

Vlad arrived home in the evening and the first thing he did was to make his way to Ivanie's room, he knock on the door but no one answered, he twist the knob open to not see her in.

Vlad brow knitted, 'why wasn't she in, where else could she be' there was no sound coming from the shower so Vlad took a turn in search of her.

On his way he noticed his room door slightly opened, panic arose in his eyes as he dash forward making his way in.

The moment he drench the most unfold before him, Ivanie was sitting in a corner on the marbled floor her leg drawled to her chest her head down.

"Ivanie?" Vlad called seeing the mess on the floor, he avoid stepping on the shattered glass as he took strides towards her.

Ivanie raise her head, her eyes red her nose stuffy.

Vlad went on his kneels knowing what must have happened.

"Desmond, Vlad Desmond he..... he... he's dead, ah ah" Ivanie burst into another round of tears Vlad heart shattered seeing her in such state.

He look over the glass on the floor with a photo frame of Desmond smiling boldly for the camera, he could still remember that night vividly like it was yesterday.


"Mom I want to go on a vacation, all my friends are having one with their family why can't I go with you all too" Ivanie told her mom who refused outright.

"Ivanie dear, we are so busy we can't go this summer, maybe next time hmmm. I promise daddy and I would take you " Mrs Shanks told her.

Ivanie frown upon hearing her refusal.

"I want to go now!!" Ivanie being their spoiled little princess scream running off to grieve in her room.

Desmond arrived back from school to not see Ivanie.

"Where's she?" He asked his mother who shook her head looking up the stairs.

"She refuse to come out her room, she has been stubborn about going on a vacation." Mrs Shanks told him.

"Really," Desmond said handling his school bag to his mom outstretched hand she handed it to the maid facing her son again.

"You should have your meal, she can't keep up the facade for long" Mrs Shanks said.

"Can you send my meal up to Ivanie's room? " Vlad ask of his mom who sigh nodding.

"Sure go on son" His mother told him.

Desmond place a knock on the door.

"Little Koala won't you come out to meet your brother"

*Knock *knock

The turn knob twist and it open slowly revealing a small figure whose face was all smeared in tears.

Desmond went on one knees stretching his for her to take.

"Brother!!" Ivanie called wailing into his arms.

Desmond smiled picking up his little cutie and taking her back to her room.

"What wrong??" He asked feigning ignorance about the matter.

"They won't...let me.....go on a Vacation" little Ivanie said her voice breaking as she used her left arm to wipe her runny nose.

"Awwn really they won't, well that bad, but why are you eager to go on one?" Desmond asked.

"I want to go with all of you," Ivanie replied.

"Alright then we will go okay, wipe your tears now and let eat" Desmond told her.


At The Shanks vacation home back in Singapore.

Ivanie walk into the kitchen to pick a bottle of water from the fridge her hands could reach them, the waters was placed at the very top.

Ivanie turn to go call Desmond so he could get them for her but her eyes caught sight of a lighter on the floor, it must have fell off the cupboard.

It looked just like a gun Ivanie grinned and pick it up.

The first two didn't produce light but the next one caught on.

Ivanie laughed turning with it, unknowingly to her the gas was left turned on.

She dropped the lighter on the slab with a little light peeking within it, and turn leaving the kitchen to call Desmond.

Light exploded in the kitchen as Ivanie was Making her way out, it sent her bashing off.

Screams erupt the neighborhood people began screaming .



Desmond was out playing soccer with Vlad and other neighbors kid, he noticed people running about and he raise his head to see their Vacation home burning.

Panic rose in his eyes kk he remembered he had left Ivanie asleep at home with his mom and Dad.

He dash out the field running back.

"Desmond, Desmond!!!!"

Vlad called after him, looking at the raging Fire.

Desmond stop to see everyone was running about to quench the fire.

"Nooo my Child where's Ivanie? Desmond" His mother called running towards him from the opposite side. It seems she was out with his Father leaving only Ivanie inside.

She fell screaming watching the fire rage on.

Desmond took off his hoodie and dip it into a bucket of water, he took it over his head preparing to go in.

"What are you doing!!" Vlad asked in panic.

"I have to save my sister" he yelled pushing Vlad back as he tried to stop him.

"You can't go in there" Vlad yelled at him trying to reason with the male.

"Leave me" he push Vlad back and rushed in.

"Desmond no!!" His mother screamed

"Desmond!!!!! Don't go in there" His father shout over shadowed the voice of the people but it was too late, Desmond had made his way in.

The fire fighter had a delay on their way, which resulted in the fire spreading.

Desmond ran into the house, avoiding the fire, he took a turn to the living room in search of his little sister.

"Ivanie??" Desmond called out.

As he was nearing the nearly collapse kitchen he catch sight of Ivanie at the center passed out.

"Ivanie" he called he panic praying desperately she was still alive.

"Ivanie" he muttered getting close to her resisting the heat emanating from the fire, Ivanie was close to being burned.

He took her into his arms and thankful she was still breathing , she suffered a slight injury but what matters was she was breathing.

Desmond took his wet hoodie and wrap it around his baby sister who was barely awake.

As he proceeded to leave, the kitchen door came tumbling down causing the smoke from the burnt door to rise.

Desmond cough his Asthma reacting, his eyes watered he tried to wave off the smoke. He had lost his inhaler and the situation was too dire to look for it.

Desmond tried struggling out, the fire was starting to spread and they couldn't stay there any longer.

Out of nowhere Vlad came in he also had a wet clothe covering him.

He noticed Desmond condition and tried helping, but Desmond shove Ivanie into his arms and said.

"Go with Ivanie don't worry I would be fine, she can't stay long in the fire it spreading rapidly" Desmond said trying to grasp for air.

His breathing were loud and coming in pants.

"I can't leave you Desmond you can barely breathe",Vlad said trying to help Desmond up his feet but it was all fruitless he could only help one person at a time.

"Go on keep Ivanie safe, she's my world.*gasp for air* I leave her in your care Vlad nothing must go wrong with her promise me" Desmond held Vlad hand in a tight grip.

Vladimir eyes were red and puffy, he knew what the promise means, Desmond won't be coming out, he was sacrificing his life for his sister she was that precious to him.

"Promise me Vlad" Desmond said firmly, Vlad nodded slowly and Desmond let out a smile.

He push Vlad forward as a wooden pillar came tumbling down separating the two.

Vlad turn to see Desmond leaning back against the wall.

He gave Vlad a small smile mouthing.


With a Final look at his best friend he held Ivanie firmly against his chest and dash out the building.

"Desmond" Ivanie outstretched hand went out to him before she went unconscious again.

As soon as Vlad made it to the door planning to hand Ivanie over so he could go back in, the house exploded sending them crashing.


Scream erupt from within the crowd, Vlad sat up to check on the one he held to see her still alive.

His ears rang loudly turning him deaf from the noise.

The fire fighters took Ivanie away from Vlad as he turn to see the house completely burning and falling apart.

Vlad went on his knees tightening his knuckles his face pale.

At a side Mrs Shanks was crying and thrashing about, Mr Shanks had turned completely numb his face ghostly white.

He stare at the entrance expecting his son to come out but that never happened.


Vlad pat Ivanie's back after taking her back to her room while she sob.

"How could I have forgotten" Ivanie sob.

"You had selective amnesia, after the explosion you had waken up to not remembering anything. The doctor said the event was too traumatic for you to handle, so you curb your self into not remembering it at all down to the one involved" Vlad explained.

Vlad poured her a glass of water from the stand and handed it to her, Ivanie gulp it down and stare at Vlad.

She look over at Vlad and closer to him, Vlad noticed how she moved towards him.

He got on the bed and pulled her in his warm embrace, she buried her face on his chest.


Britney walk past the school gate and took a stroll down the street, she had intended to leave early so she could arrive home early and have a rest.

Her day was stressful with a lot of practicals, Britney walk past the restaurant closest to the school.

Her eyes caught sight of Malachi who was with Jace both buying their lunch.

She decided to seek in with a smile using Malachi face cap which she had in her bag all this while.

She caught on listening to their conversation while trying to surprise the two.

"So another break up?" Jace ask but Malachi shook his head.

"There was nothing to call off to begin with" Malachi said settling down close to the massive glass which show the outside view.

"She was good in bed and she knew there's nothing between us rather than a casual benefits, she doesn't need to behave like it was a total break up" Malachi said.

"Why do you bother keeping them at arm length, there's a lot of girls chasing after you I don't understand why you refuse to get involve" Jace said and mulching on his meal.

Malachi shook his head.

"Having a relationship is very stressful, I don't intend to burden my self with such casualties" Malachi said.

Britney frown she sat a row away from the two, her eyes narrowed at Malachi.

Don't you intend to get married?" Jace asked .

"Marriage is far fetched I don't want to think about it"

"What about Britney you two have a good thing going on, have you ever considered trying out a relationship with her" Jace asked.

" Malachi stopped digging into his meal and paused for a moment, he raise his head looking at Jace.

"No" came his response.

"What why?" Jace asked surprised.

"Not her, not Britney" Malachi said his jaw contoured in a frown as they clenched.

Britney who had been anticipating to hear his reply suddenly push her seat back and got up, she walk out the restaurant her mood down and a tears escape her eyes, she walk pass the two who sat closer to the glass view.

Jace saw her and wave but she paid no attention to him, walking away with long strides.

"Isn't that Britney?" Jace said raising his hand to wave.

Malachi looked out the window to see Britney.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Jace asked.