Trying to prepare a meal

Ivanie woke to being snuggle up by Vladimir she turn to see him widely awake.

"Morning" he murmured softly looking her in the eye with utmost care.

"Morning " Ivanie replied he move over to place a kiss on her head.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked pulling away to continue staring at her.

Ivanie smiled shyly his eyes wouldn't stop staring.

"Hmmm" Ivanie nodded.

Vlad didn't say anything next he just kept on staring.

"Can you stop" Ivanie said.

"Stop what?"

"Your intense stare, I can't hold your gaze any longer" Ivanie told him.

Vlad still didn't utter any word he continued gazing at her, his eyes skimming her face.

"Vlad?" Ivanie called.

Vlad rest on his arms and place a kiss on Ivanie's lips, it wasn't a demanding kiss but a gentle and a pleasant one, he bite down on her lower lips before lapping on the tiny streak of blood that streamed out.

His hands travel beneath her pyjamas and took advantage of her no wearing brazier, he rub on her nipples and Ivanie moan out her lips vibrating against his.

He push his tongue in and and suck on hers exploring her mouth and having a tag with her tongue.

Ivanie was going out of breath and was trembling with pleasure, her lower body was turning hot with desire, Vlad pulled away.

'i can't afford to loose you Ivanie, I would rather die that let anything happen to you e" Vlad told her.

Tears well up in her eyes and she sniffle.


Malachi visit the repair shop where is bike was currently being repaired.

He met the man in charge.

"Sup man" Malachi greeted.

"Ohhh Malachi, man your bike is as good as new" the man told him him taping the bike displayed in the main shop.

Malachi nodded looking at his baby as it shone like brand new with new parts to replace the damaged ones.

"I already wired you the pay, I would take my leave" Malachi said climbing on to the bike, he ignite the engine and it roar to life, he drove out.

On his way he stopped by a restaurant to buy himself a meal, he was handed a brown package and he made his way back outside to his bike before driving off again.

Malachi finally took a stop at his favorite spot, the beach, like any normal day it wasn't packaged with much people, just few fingers of the.

Malachi rest against his bike and began munching on his meal. He had bought a medium size hamburger and a bottle of chilled Coke.

He look at the couples who roam around and thought how he wish he could do that with Britney, but things were to complicated for him.

He sigh and stare at his phone , message flash across the screen and he click on it.

"Be home by eight" it was from his mom.

Malachi got back on his bike and drove away.

He arrived home to meet his parents sitting across from each other a file was laid on the table between the both of them.

His mom look up to see him walk into the living room.

"You are back" his mom said gesturing for him to come over.

He sat across from them ignoring his mother who pointed a seat next to her to him.

"What's this about?" He asked getting impatient and a need to retreat to his room.

His mom look over at his dad the took signaling at each other who was going to speak first. His father finally took the lead to speak.

"Hmmm hmm.... He cleared his throat. Things hasn't been going well between your mom and I and I believe you are aware of it. It been hard and we decided to take a break from each other." His father said and silent follow both parent staring at their son to see his reaction.

"Break or a divorce?" Malachi asked cooly he was staring at the marble floor while ignoring the look they were giving him.

"Errr.... It better we go our separate ways, we have endured each other for long, we will only continue hurting our selves if we continue in this marriage son" Mrs Barlow Malachi mother said.

Malachi nod and stood up he look at both his parents saying.

"I will be in my room, I don't object on your decision to severe the marriage it your choice" he shrug and walk away.

His father sigh.


Britney walk down stairs and made her way to the kitchen, she opened the fridge to find it almost empty of groceries.

"Didn't mom stuck up last week, how come the fridge his almost empty." Britney wince the last thing she needed was to step out.

She texted her mom.

"Going to get groceries wire some cash to me mom"

She put her phone away and walk out the building.

Getting to the groceries store, Britney stock up the cart with some necessities, and paid for them. On her way back she was busy staring at her phone while she walk on the road side of the estate she lives in.

Unknowingly to her a bicycle was speeding along the way, she was instantly pulled away and the rider drove by.

She heard a curse and she raise her head at the familiar voice.

"You??" Malachi moved back pulling her long with him so she was standing on a safe lane.

" You should watch where you are going" Malachi said.

Britney glare at him and pull away.

"You should stay away" Britney told him .

"You....." He suddenly stop he pocketed his hand and walk pass her not after saying.

"Fine" Britney look back at him bewildered.

"That it, he's just going to walk away like that, that stupid fool, he can't even grab the situation, seriously he annoys me each time." Britney murmur and walk away feeling let down.


Ivanie grab a plate and turn to look at the macaroni She was boiling.

"Shit" she groan turning off the cooker, the pot was black and dried with the macaroni half cooked.

Some began filling the entire kitchen, Ivanie turn confused where it was coming from, her eyes skim around and she amongst choke in her saliva seeing as it was coming out of the oven.

The full chicken she had placed in there was all burnt up with just little still looking brown.

She sigh giving up, she was really a bad cook.

She heard someone cough behind her, she didn't bother turning knowing who it was.

"Ivanie, what are you doing?" Vlad ask opening the kitchen window so the smoke would go out.

"Trying to prepare a meal for you, but it all went up in flames" she choke out almost in tears.

Flame noticed the burnt chicken in the oven and the pot of macaroni that barely look eatable.

She swallowed back the incoming evil laugh that was threatening at the base of his throat, he wouldn't want her feeling more bad.

He couldn't hold it in anymore so he burst out laughing, Ivanie turn around to see Vlad making fun of her.

She bite her lips and turn away crying.

"Hey you are making fun of me" she cried out.