Can't live without her

"You are laughing at me" she burst out in tears

Ivanie sniffle and took out the pan of chicken she proceeded to thrash them all in anger.

"Hey hey hey, wait a second don't throw it away it was prepared with love I should have a taste of it at least" Vlad told her.

"No don't bother you would only end up having indigestion" Ivanie told him.

Vlad place a kiss on her forehead and took the pan from her hand he dish the chicken on a flat plate and place the macaroni in another .

He place it on the slab and took a palm size plate to have a taste of What she had prepared.

She nodded after taking a bite.

"Hmmmm hmm it hit the spot" Ivanie stare at him confused how can that taste good in a bad shape.

She dig through the plate to also have a bite but Vlad hit her hand away.

"It mine okay" Vlad told him.

"Fine have it all" she said walking away to go have a bath.

Dressed in a swimsuit Ivanie ran out the main building and went to the pool side, with a large grin she dip her leg into the pool and sigh at the soothing coolness.

"Oh this feels good," she close her eyes and raise her head to the sun, getting a tan.

A hand clasps around her ankle and she was pulled into the pool, a whooshing sound could be heard around the quiet compound.

Ivanie's eyes shot open she began struggling under the pool her arms circling the water so she could shoot back up.

Vlad came to her line of view and he had a naughty grin clinging on his lips. Ivanie swim away from him pissed off she swim back to the surface and gasping for her deprived air.

Vlad also swim up and he shook his head flinging the water about.

"Why did you do that?" She asking looking all red and flushed.

Her hair drip wet and the water slide down her open chest her blossom full and partly out in view.

This scene gave Vlad a hard on and he look back up to see his pissed Fiancee glaring angrily at him.

"We're you annoyed?" He asked like a silly teenager.

Ivanie shook her head at the silly man, that wasn't having fun she could have drown, Vlad seem to know what she was thinking because he was pulling her to him the next minute and saying.

"Don't worry about drowning, you have got the perfect lifeguard," he place a kiss on her lips and took them back in the water.

He made sure to have a tight grip on her, Ivanie wrap her leg on his waist and clung in more, her lower body touching Vlad's torso.

Vlad seem to groan under water, Ivanie felt the Vibration on her lips .

Vlad took her back to the surface and rest her back against the surface of the pool. He gaze at her wild rosy lips and dip low to bite on them.

The kiss was torturing slow and filled with nipping and lapping. Ivanie hand circle around Vlad broad shoulders and slide up his neck her finger disappearing into his dark hair.

She moan into the kiss her body rubbing against his her desire spiraling all over, she felt hot and uncomfortable between her legs that was wrapped around Vlad.

Vlad slide down her neck and suck on the tender skin, he repeated the process until Ivanie couldn't handle it anymore, she mold her self into him so hard she felt his erection press on her junction.

"Ahhhh" she moaned out intense soothing pain rising within her, she couldn't control her emotion neither could she tone it down.

"More, she breathe into Vlad's ear and his body stifled he swallowed back the hungry desire that Ivanie ignite just by whispering into his ears.

He pulled away and swim further from her, he stop at the middle and stare at a dazzling Ivanie whose face was flush, her neck displayed his artwork boldly the particular spot on her neck deep purple.

She stare at him confused, he had suddenly quench the fire burning in her by moving away so far.

Although the fire was still burning, it got a little better after she took a stroke around.

"Come don't stay too long in the pool you might catch a cold." Vlad told her swimming out of the water, he helped Ivanie up and led her back into the house.


It was late afternoon and Jaennie was at the store like every other day. The door to the convenience store open and she greeted incoming customer.

"Hello how may I...." She was saying when he suddenly pointed a gun at her.

"Oh God" she yelp moving back in fright, the man had a stern look on his face.

"If you scream I will blow your head off" he warned gesturing for her to come closer, Jaennie shook her leg coming close involuntarily.

"Open the drawer and stash all the cash into this bag quick" he said looking outside to see if there was anyone coming in.

He was alone and his hood was up covering his head, his face was visible but it won't be shown on the CCTV since he was looking down.

"I haven't sell much today please spare me I don't own the place" she tried reasoning with him.

It was true, she was only working part time and she provide for herself and her brother through it. If the man decided to rob her of someones property she would pay heavily the prize, she can't afford to face any loss.

"Please there's nothing I can offer you, I am only working here, the authority won't spare me if something goes missing." Jaennie told him.

"Enough talking and stash the cash here, I don't want to hear another word from you or I will really blow your head off" he warned again angrily, he seem to be impatient and was avoiding the cops from catching him.

"Be fast" he yelled looking out again still pointing the gun at her.

Jaennie quickly pull the drawer open with shaky hands, she began stashing the money into the bag.

The robber nodded looking away from the window

"Why are you slow do you want me to pull the trigger uhn" he said to her.

Jaennie eyes scan outside and to her luck there was a police car driving their way, as soon as it drove close to the store.

Jaennie push the man hand aside and the trigger went off by mistake.

The glass shatter and screams erupt outside, the cops pulled over and gun point out the car at the building.

"Hey you..... Little b**ch" he snarl, Jaennie had already came out the cash point and was running towards the exit, she stepped out the store, the robber release his hold on the gun clumsily the hit broke her skin.

"Ahhhhh" Jaennie screamed holding her abdomen as she topple over the ground, blood gush out from the open wound her white shirt soaking in blood.

Jaennie gasp for air her eyes blinking back the pain rapidly, she look up to see the robber muttering a curse as he ran out the store.

He was chased by one of the cops, the other rush up to her .

Before she blank out from pain, she could hear the police man speaking into his walkie talkie radioing for back up.

"Miss are you okay?" His voice sounded thousand miles away she was slowly losing conscious and all went blank.

Jace phone rang, he look at the caller and saw that it was Jaennie.

He picked up before the first ring finish.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar male voice came through, Jace frown and took the phone away from his ears to see the caller again, he brought it back to his ears after confirming it was indeed Jeannie's line.

"Hello we are calling from City hospital, a women was brought in for gun shot wound and we reach out to you seeing as it was the recent line on her contact." The man said professionally like he had repeated the line over and over again till it sounded so natural coming from him.

Jace had fell to his side as soon as the line went off his mind a mess. A gun shot wound the man had say.

He turn robotically and ran out in a panic, his mom who had just came out the kitchen carry a steaming pot of pasta, sh look at the door which had just shut close after Jace.

"What in the world, he was saying he was just hungry, where's he rushing off to now?" Jace mom said.

Malachi walk down the stairs and noticed Jace mom looking pissed.

She look up at the boy on the stairs who seem to have just woken up from a adventurous nap.

"Quick go after Jace I don't know what's wrong with him, he received a call and rushed away in an hurry.

Malachi came down the stairs and grab his bike key on the coffee table.

She look disapprovingly at the key.

"Take the car key instead," she said to him.

Malachi didn't waste any time in grabbing the car key, he also dash out the building and took the car driving out hurriedly.

He was still dressed in his black hood and a grey yoga pants, his hair a wild mess on his head.

He drove down the estate road to see Jace running like a mad man on the road.

He over took him and Jace frown.

"What are you doing?" Malachi asked seeing the worry line forming on Jace temple.

Jace got into the car and said hurriedly.

"Take me to city hospital" he said looking stressed out.

"Hospital??" Malachi asked bewildered while igniting the car to drive away.

"Who's admitted?" Malachi asked.

"Jaennie had been shot" Jace said.

Malachi asked no more and drove out the estate hitting the road.

Ivanie phone rang, she glance at the caller to see it was Malachi.


"Come to city hospital quick?" He told her.

"Why have you gotten someone pregnant?" Ivanie asked.

"Jeannie has been shot and Jace he's not in his right State of mind" Malachi told her.

"What!!" Ivanie exclaimed.

Vlad who had just walk into the room look at her expectantly.

The line went off and Vlad raise his brow.

"Take me to city hospital please Jaennie has been shot" Ivanie told Vlad she looked shaky.

Jace stood outside the ICU resting his back against the wall he look lost. Malachi stood opposite him with arms crossed, he has informed Mrs Cruz Jace's mother about the situation.

Ivanie rushed in with Vlad behind her, she look worriedly over at Jace and back at Malachi since Jace wasn't responding to anyone.

"How's she?" She asked

"Still in the ICU the doctors are still operating.

Britney rush in next she like someone who had just finished a marathon, she was having her evening jog when Ivanie phoned her about the situation.

"What happened?" She asked breathless looking at everyone of them.

Ivanie pulled her to a side and informed her of the situation.

A detective came over with a cops in uniform.

"You must be the robbery victim guardian" the man said looking at the people present.

Vlad walk over to the detective and both of them walk away, he didn't want them feeling more distressed than they already were.

"Will she be all?" Britney asked worriedly looking at the door.

Malachi look over at her worried she might burst into tears, he sigh resting his head back.

Vlad came back after having a discussion with the cops. His face was harden in a frown as soon as Ivanie came into his line of sight his face smoothen out.

"What did they say?" Ivanie asked but Vlad shook his head.

"Nothing" he replied her placing a kiss on her head.

The doctors came out Jace who had seem immobile earlier rush up to the doctor.

"How's she?" He asked.

"Bad, she needs a blood transfusion quickly but" the doctor sigh.

"But what?" Jace ask impatiently.

"She's O positive and we don't have any O positive blood bag available" the doctor said.

"If we don't give her a blood transfusion in the next thirty minutes she might not survive, she holding on to a thread line here" the doctor said.

Jace face seem to contour in pain hearing that.

Britney eyes cloud with tears am she was barely holding them back.

Ivanie bite her lips and voice out.

"Am O positive, can I donate my blood for the surgery?" Ivanie asked.

All of their heads turn swiftly to her like a ray of light.

"Um sure...we will run some test to see if you are in good health, but I must warn you, she has lost a lot of blood and would be needing quite a good amount of blood are you up for it?" The doctors asked.

Ivanie nodded, Vlad pulled her back his aura slipping out like icicle, Ivanie shutter.

He has a deep frown on and it very well show he was against the idea of her donating her blood.

"Vlad, I can't let her die Jaennie is my friend and am sure she would do the same for me and I can't let Jace suffer, look at him he barely hanging on to this whole idea of his girlfriend being in a critical condition I can't bare to see him such state." Ivanie said.

Even he doesn't like the ideas of her being poke by a needle and have her blood taken for another, he doesn't care what happens to the rest but he won't let his woman suffer for another.

"If anything goes wrong then your blood are going back into your body I don't care how " he told her sternly.

Ivanie let out a smile and nodded.

She pull away from him and made her way to the doctor, Jace took hold of her hand and said.

"I don't know what to say Ivanie but I really appreciate this " he told her.

"You don't have to say anything Jace it my duty as your friend and hers, friends stick together during bad times and I know you all won't also let me down once I get in trouble. Friends forever?" She brought out her pinky like they always do declaring their stances.

Jace brought out his pinky and cuff it on hers. Jace smiled his tears dropping to his cheek and he sniffle back becoming a mess.

Ivanie pulled him into a hug to comfort him, the dude was madly in love with Jaennie he couldn't help it, he can't lose her he simply can't.

Ivanie went in to donate her blood following the doctor who took her away.