I was foolish

Ivanie lay sprang on the hospital bed exhausted, her blood being pump out of her. She press her palm on a squishy ball continuou

The nurse came in and took off another blood from the hanger replacing it with a new bag.

She carried out the new set and took it to the ICU.

Vlad stare at the nurse with dark eyes as she kept going back and forth.

After about an hour the light turned off and about three medical personnels came out removing their nose mask and their head cap.

Two of them walk away but the doctor who was in charge of the surgery stayed behind.

He look at the curious eyes of the people in front of him an told them.

"The surgery was a success, All of them let out a sigh of relieve except for Vlad whose figure was looming behind them with a poker face on. She needs to stay in the ICU room for now so we can monitor her improvement. For now no one is allowed to pay her a visit" the doctor informed them.

The doctor walk past a relieved Jace and made his way towards Vlad whose hands were pocketed casually.

"Miss Ivanie is asleep right now, I would write the list of things she needs to take after she wakes up please ensure she take them, she lost quite the amount of blood today." The doctor informed vlad before finally walking away.

Vlad left the kids to go into Ivanie's room, he met her asleep she look tired and a little bit sick.

She was all about facade, she's as soft as a fluffy bear, how could she donate her blood so willingly without restraint or a second thinking, his fiancee is just the best.


Britney had to return home because she hadn't inform her parents about her whereabouts.

Standing at the front of the hospital, she checked her phone constantly waiting for an Uber, it almost thirty minutes since she has been standing in the front hoping the Uber would arrive soon.

She checked her time to see it was quarter past ten and she wasn't home yet her mom had phoned her a few times asking when she was coming home.

A jeep stop Infront of her , Britney turn away thinking it was one of those men who approaches lady standing by the road side.

The glass whined down and Britney got ready to throw him off, she was in no mood to accommodate their nonsense.

"Go....." She stop mid sentence seeing who it was.

Malachi look tiredly at her his hair still a wild mess and his eyes tired from the stress, his baggy hoodie looking pompous on him.

"Get in" he told her.

"I don't need your help" Britney replied, deep down she knew she needed him how was she going to get home, it was already late and the Uber isn't showing up but she was too prideful to admit it.

"Just get in let not argue" Malachi told her not in the mood.

Britney hesitated for a moment and finally summited, she got in the front seat Malachi didn't say a word before driving them away.

The journey was silent and awkward, okay for her because Malachi seemed nonchalant.

She sigh resting her head back, her eyes felt heavy she blink away the sleep that was closing in on her. Britney opened her eyes wide in a effort not to fall asleep, but all was fruitless because in the next seconds she had fall asleep her head luring sideway.

Malachi got to the front of Britneys home, he packed just a gate away from her's and turned off the ignition. He look over at the sleeping lady who look uncomfortable in the position she was sleeping.

He pressed a button and Britney seat whined back, she moved comfortably to the side a pleasant look on her face, her head which was facing the widow before turned to face Malachi.

Malachi loosen his seat belt and stare at the sleeping Britney, emotion displayed on his face.

She look nothing like the fierce Britney, she was just like a little puppy who has been satisfied by her mother's breast milk.

Her lips slightly pouted and her lashes shut close, her hair which she tied in a messy bun was framing tendrils on her face.

Malachi hand slowly took away the tendrils that was disturbing her sleep and brought it behind her ears.

He lean in bringing his face forward and invading her space. His lips was just an inch away from her's he was about placing a kiss on her lips but he suddenly changed his mind.

He moved away from her, he cleared his throat sitting upright and putting back on his seat belt.

He press down on the honk which jolted Britney awake.

She jolted upright her eyes searching around for any danger.

"You are home now" Malachi told her, Britney flushed embarrassed, she look out the car and saw her home standing amongst many of the tall expensive building.

"Ohhhh" Britney mouthed, she unfasten the belt and came down the car, she has a lot to tell Malachi but things were too complicated between them, Britney didn't say anything ,she only turn and leave.

Malachi didn't wait for her to get in before speeding off, Britney turn to see the car driving away.

"He didn't even wait to see me walk in like he always do, have we become distant to that extent" Britney murmured finally making her way in.

Malachi stare at the rare view mirror to see Britney walking into her house, he had only speed off so he wouldn't make her feel any more awkward.

The next day Ivanie woke up feeling light headed, she look around the room to noticed the brightness, it dawn on her that she was still at the hospital and she was in the same ward she donated her blood.

Speaking of Blood How's Jeannie, Ivanie got up hurriedly and a wave of dizziness wash over her.

"You shouldn't be getting up so soon" Vlad told her walking into the room with a plate of vegetables salad.

"Why do I feel so light headed it sickening" Ivanie told Vlad.

"Of course you would feel light headed what else are you expecting "

Vlad drop the Tray on the slab he pulled out from the side of the bed.

Ivanie stare at the food in front of her and look up at a stern Vlad.

"The last time I checked I am not a vegetarian and if I was to be won't I be needing a tasty food like chicken laps and chilled bottle of yogurt and yes a chili sauce to go with the well fried chicken" Ivanie told him.

"The last time I also checked you selflessly donated your blood acting all selfless and full of moral, your action comes with a prize you should finish up your meal without letting any go to waste." Vlad rotate back to her.

Ivanie pouted and began digging in.

"You are so mean" she told him taking the spoon to her lips.

The door shrug open when Ivanie was half way through with her meal.

The doctor walk in with a file in his hand he adjusted his glasses and said to the two people present.

"Jaennie is out of danger, she has been moved to a VIP ward as per your request Mr Vlad." Vlad nodded, Ivanie let out a sigh of relieve she wasn't informed of the situation last night.

"Thank God, I can't be more happy hearing that" Ivanie said.

"Your sister is safe Miss Ivanie" the doctor informed her. Ivanie who had been smiling earlier brow knitted in confusion.

"Um she's not my sister we are friends" she corrected the man.

It was the doctor turn to look confuse, how was it so?

"Really but the DNA was saying otherwise it was seventy five percent marching, the patient and you have almost the same blood running through your veins. Aren't you both sisters?" The man asked.

The confusion went round, Ivanie face knitted in a deep scowl, She had the same DNA as Jaennie but how was that possible?"

The door to her room shrug open Mr Shanks made his way with Mrs Shanks both looking worriedly at their child.

Ivanie slowly turn to see her parents and a weird thought crawled in.

'Don't tell me, it not possible right?'

"Ivanie dear" her mother look very much disturbed.

"I am not hospitalized why are you so tensed?" Ivanie asked looking at her parents suspiciously.

Her father seem to shift from one feet to another, he look over at the doctor who stood at a corner and back at Ivanie whose face was molded in a frown.

"Mom is there something I should know?" Ivanie ask, Mrs shanks turn to look at her husband who fidget each time Ivanie opens her mouth.

Mrs shanks nervously shook her head.

"Of course not" Replied Mrs Shanks.

Ivanie nodded and it dawn on her again.

"I didn't inform you about the accident how come you are here, Vlad?" She turn to Vlad who didn't reply she knew he couldn't have disturb them with such trivia matters.

"Ahh well your friend Britney told me about it, you weren't picking your calls so I called her" Mrs Shanks replied.

"Ohhh" Ivanie didn't want to continue dragging the matter so she kept quiet.

She slide off the bed and stood up.

"As you can see am very fine, you don't have to worry about me" Ivanie told them.

She exited the room leaving them all inside, as soon as she was out she exhale almost losing her balance.

'How could she have a half sister, which of her parents was responsible for her.'

Ivanie made her way to Jeannie's ward

Upon entering she met Jace fast asleep on the couch close to Jaennie.

Jaennie skin was so pale she was close to becoming one with the white bedsheet.

Ivanie stare at Jaennie and wondered about her family history. She once heard about her mom passing away and how she was living with her little brother.

"How was Jaennie related to her how are they siblings and to top it all they were both born in the same year and month but different date. How?' she was confused.

Jace stirred awake he turn to see Ivanie standing close to Jaennie bed looking intensely at her.

"You are here" Vlad said getting up.

Ivanie said nothing, Vlad stood next to her and also gaze at Jaennie like an art on display.

"Thanks to you, she's fine the doctor said she's improving very well" Jace told her.

"Was she always this beautiful, you must have felt attracted to her beauty" Ivanie said her words came out like ice but Jace paid less attention to the emotion brewing on Ivanie's face, his gaze was solely focus on Jaennie.

"Well her beauty did lure me in but honestly I didn't fall for her looks, she has such kindred spirits that get me enchanted each time I set my eyes on her." Jace said from his heart a smile broke out on his lips.

"Does she?" Ivanie ask cooly her gaze not once leaving Jaennie.

"Come to think of it, I think both of you are very similar, you have the same features both eyes are sharp and piercing, the same face structure the only difference is the shape of your nose, her's soft while yours is pointy and sharp." If I haven't met you both before I would almost mistake you guys for twins" Jace said.

Ivanie nodded agreeing with him, she look away from the girl and smiled Jace.

"I will be on my way now, take care I would drop by again" Ivanie told Jace and walk out.

Jace watch her go, after she had exited he walk up to Jaennie bed placing a kiss on her forehead.

Ivanie stood at the hospital exit with Vlad waiting for the chauffeur to turn the car around, Ivanie stare into space, her eyes focused on nothing as she seemed lost in thought.

Vlad pat her head bringing her back to present, she turn to look up at him and he gave her one of his comforting smile.

"Let go home" he said.

Ivanie nodded her eyes clouding with tears, she look down and a drop fell from her eyes she bite down on her lips trying to hold back the tears but it ended in fail because she bursted into tears the next minute.

"Hey..." Vlad took her face into his palm.

"Are my parents struggling with their marriage, are they going to have a divorce, it seems like dad cheated on mom, why's she covering up his mistake, are they going to break apart, dad seemed worried about Jaennie earlier I know he didn't come to check up on me, he didn't even show up when I fell down the cliff but he showed up for Jaennie, doesn't he care about me or mom any more?" Ivanie rant her tears pouring her face red.

she had barely hold back from asking her parents all this question and now she was a crying mess.

She cried unable to control her self.

Vlad sigh and pulled her in a hug Patting her back slowly.

"Come with me" he said to her and pull her by the hand ignoring the car that had just pulled up in front of him. He walk away with Ivanie by leg.

Ivanie frown amidst tears and went along with him since she didn't need to have a choice before following him.


Malachi stood on the stair way watching his father drag his luggage from his room.

He stop in the middle of the living room and turn to look back at his son.

His mother stood at the kitchen entrance with a mug in her hand, she watch her ex-husband approach their son.

Malachi dad look guiltily at his son.

"I know it hurts even if you tend to be nonchalant at times, I just hope you don't end up like me. Am a man who doesn't know how to express his emotions, this brought a lot of misunderstanding between your mom and I. We couldn't maintain our relationship and we fought a lot. Son once you meet someone you wish to spend your eternity with, I hope you don't shy away or push her back. Tell her you love her even if it not meant to be, it much better than unnecessary feelings in the future." His father said.

Malachi stare at his father his mind stirring, he thought back to how he used to cozy up with Britney how they argued a lot and shared the perfect relationship as friends.

How they were inseparable, how she was everywhere he went and everywhere she went.

How she had fought with the boys who harassed him when he was a kid at their first meeting.

How she called him first panicking about her first time seeing her period.

How she never failed to protect him from the boys even though she was the One in need of protection.

How they had both messed up her father's birthday party because they had taken the wrong drink which ended in both of them being drunk and ruining the night.

They shared too much memory together it's overwhelming to think back to.

Maybe he had loved her since day one and he was too slow to realize it.

Now that he think about it he has been foolish all along and all he needed was just her.

Malachi walk past his dad and dash out their family building.

"Dear where are you off to" his father called after him, his mother rush out to see what was going on.