I have always loved you

The rain poured heavily, Britney frown as she carried the luggages into the booth. All of a sudden her dad told them they needed to leave for the countryside.

She sigh and look out the lonely street of their estate, every one in probably cozying up in their bed.

They were on a midterm break in school hopefully she would be before it ends, not like she staying forever there, she still need to do the final exam.

"Britney come take the rest of your luggage." Her mother called out.

"Coming " she called back closing the booth to avoid getting the things in it wet.

She adjusted her umbrella to the other hand and turn to go back in.

Suddenly someone stepped into her line of sight, she look down at the wet Crocs and slowly raised her head to See Malachi.

He pant all wet his hair clinging to each other and falling all over his sight. He had a intense look on as he stared at Britney.

Her brow knitted.

"What the hell Malachi you hate wet weather what are you doing in the rain and without an umbrella" Britney said raising her umbrella over his head.

The rain was petaling around them noisily she watch as his lips raise and fall as he uttered.

The thunder strike flashing it blue spiky light above the sky.

Britney frown she didn't hear what he had just say but his eyes were so full of life she wondered what made him so giddy up.

"What?? I can't hear a thing you say mind if you repeat that..." She couldn't process what had happen all she knew she was being embraced by Malachi and their lips was connecting.

Britney eyes widen in shock as she could feel the wet lips on hers. He moved away and gaze into her eyes before saying again what she wasn't expecting him to say so bluntly.

"I like you Britney, no not like am obsessed with you if you want to interpret as love then you are allowed to" Malachi said to her.

Britney brow was almost disappearing into her hair line, she seems to be in a daze.

Malachi had rendered her speechless and she wasn't going to recover from it.

"Honestly I don't know when it all began but.... He stop trying to find his words, he isn't the type to be expressive. I can't live another day with us growing further apart. It's okay if you don't want to talk to me and give me attitude just..... don't take too long to come back to me please don't distance yourself from me. I can't handle the pressure" Malachi said pouring his heart out the best way he could.

Seeing as Britney wasn't replying he nodded understanding she might not feel the same way he does.

He pulled away ready to apologize for his sudden approach and walk away, before he could even take a step, Britney pulled him back and stand on her tiptoe holding his shoulder for support before crashing her lips on his.

Malachi was the one surprised this time, Britney pulled away with a smile and said to him.

"You idiot it took you long to realize do you know how much you made me wait for you" Britney said to him looking slightly angry.

Malachi lips curled in a crazed smile unable to control himself he was back to leaning down to savour her lips that lures him in.

The umbrella dropped as Britney wrap her arm around his neck, Malachi hand found his way to Britney waist and he pulled her against him her warm bodies molding into his.

They both became drench in rain as they savour their longings for each other both forgetting the moment.

"Britney !!" Her mother voice echoes from within the house, she pulled away and look behind Malachi to see her mom coming out the house.

Her eyes widen and she push Malachi aside so she wouldn't be caught with him.

"What are you doing, it raining and why are you wet didn't I tell you to bring the rest of the luggage. Go back in and change into something warm or you would catch a cold, you silly child" her mother said.

Britney smiled foolishly and her mother shook her head getting the key from the ignition and walking back in not after saying.

"Don't let me call out to you one more time" Britney nodded turning to grab her umbrella as her mother got back in the house.

Malachi came out his hiding Britney turn to see he was already invading her space.

"You are leaving town?" He asked and Britney nodded sadly.

"We are performing grandpa's memorial service next week so dad wants us to be there" Britney told him.

"Don't stay for too long hmmm" Malachi told her. He kissed her lips one more time and pulled away from her.

He turn to leave but Britney words stopped him.

"I love you Malachi I have always do".

Malachi sigh and turn again to crash his lips against her's.

"You are making it hard for me to let go" he told her. Britney grin Poking his waist.

"You are really naughty" Britney informed him.

"Do you hate it?" He asked a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hmmm, I don't think so" Britney replied.

"Then we don't have a problem you should embrace it" he told her.

Britney broke into laugher as Malachi finally pulled away. He was always full of himself a total narcissist.

At the hospital Jaennie opened her eyes and look around the room her vision blurry, she was unable to utter a word due to the numbness.

The door shrug open and Jace walked in, he walked towards the window and pulled it open so to let some fresh air in.

He turn to see if there was anything out of place when his eyes caught Jaennie's. She was looking straight ahead at him.

Jace eyes widen and he rush up to her, he took hold of her hand and whispered.

"Hey, you are awake"

Jaennie was unable to reply so she stared at him continuously.

Jace press the button close to her bed for the doctors, they came running in no time.

"Is there an emergency?" The doctor ask coming in with a nurse. He saw Jeannie awake and walk up to her in a hurry.

He did a thorough check up.

"If I ask a question you squeeze my thump once for an answer if it no you squeeze twice okay." The doctor said.

Jaennie squeeze his thump in return.

"Does it hurt anywhere?" Jaennie squeeze once.

"Is it your wound?" Jaennie squeeze once.

"Any other place I should know about?" Jaennie squeeze twice.

"That's good, don't worry you are showing improvement you would be fine if you take your medications accordingly." The doctor informed.

Jaennie squeeze once again.

He turned to Jace and briefed him.

"She fine now, she won't be needing a life support anymore, don't worry about her not being able to talk it natural to feel numb after an intense surgery, she would be perfectly fine." The doctor said.

Jace nodded happily, after the doctor left, he took hold of Jaennie's hand and she squeeze his thump,he felt joy ripped down his heart.

'What would he have done without her' he thought to himself.

Ivanie was seated inside a coffee shop watching as it pour heavily outside, the curtain glass she was facing was dripping with rain drops and next to her was Vlad whose hand was holding up a cup of coffee.

Vlad held it close to his nose sniffing in the steam of the black coffee.

Ivanie held her cup with both hands warming herself up as she took a sip. There was soft murmurs going around as the people present were having a chat one way or the other.

Vlad drop his cup and took hold of Ivanie's hand, Ivanie look over at him with a question mark written on her face.

He gaze at her leaning close, Ivanie look around to see if they were being watch as she exploded blushing.

"What are you doing?" Ivanie asked.

Vlad didn't reply he place a kiss on the inside of her palm and gaze back at her.

Ivanie tried pulling away but Vlad wasn't having any of it. He link their hands and rest back casually and began operating his phone.

A call came through and Vlad picked up on the second ring.

"Hello" he said into the phone.

"Good" Vlad replied and the line went off.

Ivanie stare at him curiously, Vlad noticed what she wanted and only replied casually.

"Nothing much just some unpaid debt" Vlad told her.

"Debt they are refusing to pay, what's this you aren't some sort of loan shark" Ivanie said feeling irritated.

"Don't worry they are due for their payback and believe me I am receiving it with Double the interest" Vlad told her.

Ivanie nodded.

"Right they were selfish enough to not want to pay back after you helped them, you should make sure they suffer alone with the pay" Ivanie told him carelessly.

Vlad eyes beam as he stare more at her.

"Should I now?" Vlad asked and Ivanie nodded innocently thinking it was just a little punishment, little did she know she was digging a grave that one wouldn't escape from.

Xenia look out the window of the building she was hiding at, there has been no news of the kidnapping so it either they were operating low key and not involving the media.

That was a good thing, at least she's able to step out without any trouble of being arrested.

She has heard from her source that Vlad hasn't made any move yet, there's a possibility that he didn't know she was the one.

If she was to go back, she could lie about her leave and tell him it was an emergency and she needed to leave to visit her family who lives outside the country.

'That was a good cover up wasn't it' Xenia thought to herself.

As she was about making her way back into the house after a long day of scouting the local market just to get her supplies in which she didn't take pleasure in, a black jeep pulled up close to her front gate blocking her exit.

Xenia frown at the intrusion, was things always this annoying at a local area it was hard enough that she needed to cope, now this.

Some one came out from the front seat and went to open the back seat door.

A black well polished expensive shoe came stepping out and he alight the car fully.

Fear wash over Xenia and she dropped the bag she was holding in shock.

She took a step back staring at the man she wasn't expecting to show up appear before her.