Chapter 9

This made him realise that he couldn't accept the new life. He couldn’t live knowing he would see Wei Long every day and would be subjected to memories of the past or worse, fall into the same limbo. His encounter with Wei Long had clearly showed him that his feelings for him had never changed and may never change.

The only way he would remain in the world was if he pierced his ear drums and plucked out his eyes. That way, he wouldn’t be able to hear or see Wei Long. But who wanted to live like that? He shook his head. He had to find a way to leave and do the needful.

Chen Jie badly wanted to ask again what the whole thing with Wei Long was about but from the look on Hao Yu's face, he could tell that Hao Yu didn't want to talk about it so he asked; "Should we head home now? School is already over."

Hao Yu was about to nod when he suddenly froze. Home? Since he woke up, he hadn't even thought of going home. His family never crossed his mind. Not even once. He was too busy thinking about leaving the world because of Wei Long.

"Hao Yu, are you okay?" Chan Jie asked, noticing how quiet Hao Yu went.

"I'm fine. Why don't you head home first? There's something I want to do." Hao Yu answered.

Chen Jie wanted to protest but Hao Yu patted him on the shoulder, giving him a bright smile. "I'll be fine, Chen Jie. Although I'm an omega, I'm not weak. Yo don't have to accompany me everywhere like some bodyguard. I'll head home once I've finished what I want to do, okay?"

With a sigh, Chen Jie, nodded for he was quite tired already. He had been stressing all week because Hao Yu had declared that he was going to join the marathon and now that everything was over, he really wanted to get some sleep. "Fine. But call me immediately you get home or I'll go there myself."

Hao Yu couldn't help but laugh. Still, his heart warmed, knowing his best friend cared so much for him. "Okay. I'll call you."

He knew he was lying. He knew what he had planned but he couldn't tell Chen Jie. Instead, he pulled his tall burly best friend into a tight hug, surprising him.

"H-Hao Yu, w-what are you doing?" Chen Jie stuttered, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "People are watching."

But Hao Yu didn't care. In his last life, Chen Jie was the only one who stuck with him despite everything. Even when he went mad and everyone left, Chen Jie never abandoned him. It wasn't until he committed that horrible crime and was sent to jail, that Chen Jie decided he was irredeemable. But even at that, Chen Jie still sent him letters every week. He never forgot Hao Yu.

"Thank you, Chen Jie." He whispered, feeling grateful. He never got to thank Chen Jie in his last life. "Thank you for everything. You're truly my best friend."

Chen Jie only felt Hao Yu was being weird. He patted Hao Yu gently on the back. "Sure sure. Now stop this. You're scaring me."

Hao Yu chuckled and pulled back, staring at best friend. "You know, you're quite handsome." he teased, going on his toes and raising a hand to ruffle Chen Jie's brown curls.

Chen Jie blushed deeply, his cheeks and ears turning crimson as he playfully batted away Hao Yu's hand. It was the first time Hao Yu had ever complimented his appearance, leaving Chen Jie feeling oddly flustered and at a loss for words. His stunned yet bashful expression only served to elicit laughter from Hao Yu.

"I'm going home." Chen Jie grumbled, turning away. "You better call me when you get home." With that, he sprinted off the field and Hao Yu's smile slowly recceeded as he watched his best friend leave.

A tear slowly rolled down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. It was better like this. At least the last memory he had of his best friend was him blushing. Unlike his past life where Chen Jie left with his wife and kids. He sighed. Now it was time for him to leave this world. He wasn't supposed to be in it and he didn't want to. Life only made him yearn for and pursue what he couldn't have. He even went mad and died because of it. He didn't want a repeat.

With a sigh, he trudged towards the school building. Inside, the corridors echoed with the chatter of students rushing out of the school, each one eager to go home.

Hao Yu felt a pang of pain in his chest when he thought of the word. 'Home.' He thought of his father, his mother and older brother and his eyes welled with hot tears. In his former life, after learning that he was in love with an Alpha, his father had kicked him out of the house and disowned him publicly, taking his name out of the family register and declaring that he did not have such a useless shameless man for a son.

It all happened in his last year of college, when he had learned that Wei Long was engaged to a female omega and he had gone to confront him. He was madly in love and didn't care about anything but Wei Long. At first, when he had confessed is feelings to Wei Long, he did it with the intention of forgetting about it and moving on with his life but when an incident happened that caused Wei Long to mark him, he went crazy.

It was unheard of for an Alpha to mark another Alpha. In fact, it was supposed to be impossible but it happened. It happened and Hao Yu was bound to Wei Long forever. The mark heightened his emotions and made him crave Wei Long more than anything. Even in his death, he couldn't get Wei Long out of his mind.

He quietly ascended the stairs, his footsteps muffled by the worn-out linoleum. Passing through each floor, he climbed higher and higher until he reached the roof, a secluded spot away from the bustling activities below.