Chapter 17

Hua Ren was so confused. If what Qi Zhen was saying was the truth, how would he not be aware?

"Shut up." He snapped. "You're just trying to turn me against the Emperor!"

"I'm trying to make you see the truth!" Qi Zhen insisted. "Do you even know that people are still being sold off as slaves? Those high ranking officials and rich families kidnap young people from all over the Kingdom and subject them to slavery. They sell them covertly in auction houses and subject them to hard labour. Some are even used at sex slaves."

Hua Ren's eyes widened in shock. How could such things be?

Qi Zhen laughed dryly. "You know nothing General, yet, you follow the Emperor's commands like a dog. You do not even know the kind of man you are serving."

"No. No, you're lying." Hua Ren said, shaking his head. He had watched the Emperor since he joined the army. He had worked hard and strived just to be by the Emperor's side and now, an old man was telling him that the person he loved was evil? He couldn't accept it.

Qi Zhen opened his mouth to speak but Hua Ren quickly pressed his mute point, rendering him unable to speak.

The old man glared at Hua Ren but Hua Ren didn't care. He was already confused about many things. He couldn't let the cunning old man corrupt his thoughts about the Emperor.

"We will go to the palace and I will prove to you that all you said are lies." He said. "There has to be an explanation for the situation with your village and Hei Long. The Emperor will explain." He believed it.

With that, he dragged the mute Qi Zhen along.

As they proceeded, the distant murmur of water reached Hua Ren's ears, growing louder as they approached. The sound hinted at the presence of a small lake. Eventually, they reached the cave's entrance, revealing a tranquil scene bathed in dim, natural light.

At the edge of the lake, a man sat cross-legged on the grass, immersed in meditation. The air was still, interrupted only by the gentle ripples of the water.

In the gentle glow of moonlight, Hua Ren's eyes fixated on the man. He was adorned in flowing black and red robes that billowed softly in the night's quiet air. Long, dark hair pulled into a neat ponytail, with a few rebellious strands cascading over pale skin, created a stark contrast. The man's posture exuded a serene dedication that left Hua Ren staring in awe.

As Hua Ren observed, a subtle fragrance wafted through the air, carrying the unmistakable scent of sage. It was a scent that danced in the air with herbal grace, entwining notes of earthiness and a touch of sweetness, creating an ambiance of tranquility.

The scent triggered a vivid memory for Hua Ren, a recollection from seven months ago on the battlefield. He gasped softly as the revelation struck him.

The man before him, bathed in the silvery rays, was none other than Sheng Fei, the Alpha leader of the rebels and, his very own Alpha!

Hua Ren's heart quickened as he immediately went on guard, shielding the old man with his body. He had no weapons and he didn't know how strong Sheng Fei was but he knew he had to get back to the Emperor at all costs.

Sheng Fei, sensing their arrival, gradually opened his eyes, his sharp, intense gaze meeting Hua Ren's immediately. It was direct and almost instinctual, shocking Hua Ren to the bone.

Sheng Fei's eyes, the color of liquid gold, held an unwavering seriousness and a dangerous glint that seemed to pierce through the very soul, leaving Hua Ren's entire body trembling in response to the intensity and gravity emanating from those piercing eyes.

The gravity of Sheng Fei's gaze far surpassed that of the encounter they had on the battlefield, creating a profound and unsettling connection.

Hua Ren, shaken to the core, felt an inexplicable magnetic pull toward the Alpha before him. It was a sensation he had never experienced before, a mixture of fear and fascination that left his heart racing and his senses heightened.

If Hua Ren was confused before, now, he was completely disoriented. What was this feeling? He hadn't felt like this on the battlefield that day. What was so different? Why was his body reacting strangely?

As Sheng Fei rose to his full height, the area seemed to yield to his commanding presence. Tall and imposing, he moved with an innate grace, every step exuding a powerful aura that could intimidate other Alphas. The air seemed to ripple with the sheer strength emanating from him.

He was a towering figure that demanded respect and commanded attention. The very essence of his presence made Hua Ren's knees weaken, the weight of Sheng Fei's dominance pressing upon him. The closer Sheng Fei got, the more his body trembled.

Hua Ren gritted his teeth from the pressure and shock. This didn't happen seven months ago. His body didn't react so strongly to Sheng Fei then. Why now?

As Sheng Fei walked towards him, all his body wanted to do was gravitate towards him and bask in his scent. He had a strong need to be embraced by his Alpha.


His scent?? Hua Ren suddenly realised that he could smell Sheng Fei's pheromones! He realised that he had also smelt it on the battlefield but he didn't put much thought into it back then. Now, he was completely confused. He couldn't perceive pheromones. How could he perceive Sheng Fei's?

"We meet again, Ivory General." Sheng Fei said, standing tall before Hua Ren, gazing at him with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

This was his Omega. The First General of the Celestial Kingdom. The Ivory Warlord.

Sheng Fei's voice was deep and curt, each word delivered with a deliberate and measured tone that sent shivers down Hua Ren's spine.

Hua Ren gulped. With great difficulty, he managed to regain his composure and took a step back, eyeing Sheng Fei carefully. There were no weapons on Sheng Fei as well. Maybe he could use this opportunity to kill Sheng Fei and present his head to the Emperor.

Sheng Fei looked at the village Chief who was standing behind Hua Ren. Qi Zhen tried to speak but his mute point hadn't been released yet so he could only stare at Sheng Fei solemnly.