Chapter 18

"Aren't you going to speak?" Sheng Fei asked, his gaze shifting back to Hua Ren. "You wish to remain silent in the presence of your Alpha?"

Qi Zhen's eyes widened in shock. The rebel leader was the Alpha of the Ivory Warlord???

Wait, isn't the Ivory Warlord also an Alpha???

What the hell was going on?

"You are not my Alpha." Hua Ren spat, glaring hatefully at Sheng Fei. He would never accept a rebel as his Alpha. The only person for him was the Emperor.

Sheng Fei's gaze immediately went cold the second Hua Ren's words fell. This was the first time they were meeting one on one and the first thing he gets from his omega was rejection?

Well, what did he expect? Hua Ren was the General of the Celestial Kingdom and he was the Rebel Leader. Their relationship was doomed from the very beginning. It was better like this though. He didn't need a partner and had no time for one. Especially his enemy.

His lips curved into a chilling smirk, his golden eyes gazing at Hua Ren with indifference. "Good." He nodded. "That makes things easier for me then. I do not want the Emperor's dog as my Omega either."

Hua Ren gritted his teeth. He was not the Emperor's dog! In a flash, he pushed the village Chief back and attacked Sheng Fei with ferocious speed. His fist was a blur as it hurtled toward Sheng Fei with deadly intent.

Too fast!

Despite Sheng Fei's attempt to block, Hua Ren's fist collided with his arm, the force of the impact reverberaring through his arm, leaving it numb and tingling with pain. Had he not reacted in time, the blow would have struck his chest, potentially causing severe internal injuries.

Hua Ren scowled, having missed his target but it didn't deter him. Like a relentless tempest, he unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike delivered with lightning speed and precision for he was aiming to kill. Having massacred his own soldiers and Hei Long, Sheng Fei's head shall be a gift to the Emperor and it would save him from a cruel punishment.

Surprisingly, Sheng Fei found himself on the defensive, forced to dodge and weave to avoid the onslaught of blows. Yet, no matter how agile he was, Hua Ren seemed to anticipate his every move, countering with ruthless efficiency. The sounds of their fight echoed in the moonlit night and it was such a beautiful sight.

As they kept fighting, Sheng Fei couldn't help but marvel at Hua Ren's prowess in combat. The First General lived up to his reputation, displaying not only exceptional skill but also a keen tactical mind. No one had ever conered him so tightly in a fight before.

Despite the pain and frustration of the confrontation, Sheng Fei couldn't deny a grudging admiration for Hua Ren's abilities. To think that an omega had so much strength that he could be mistaken for an Alpha. It was amazing as well as a shame that such talent was wasted in service to the Emperor. If only Hua Ren's loyalty lay elsewhere, he would have been a formidable asset. They would have also made a good pair and taking down that evil Emperor would be a piece of cake.

As Hua Ren continued his relentless assault, he couldn't help but be surprised by Sheng Fei's skill in combat. Each dodge, each counter, seemed to come effortlessly to the rebel leader, leaving Hua Ren momentarily off balance. He quickly realized that killing Sheng Fei might not be possible. Not without a weapon.

Despite this, he remained resolute in his determination. Although he couldn't kill Sheng Fei, rendering him unconscious was also a feat. He could tie him up and transport both him and the village Chief to the Palace.

Hua Ren didn't want to waste any more time because he knew that the current moment might be his only chance to capture the Rebel leader once and for all. With grim resolve, he intensified his attacks, targeting Sheng Fei's vital areas in a relentless bid to end the fight.

Sheng Fei, for his part, was taken aback by the ferocity of Hua Ren's assault. The realization that his own omega was actively trying to kill him sent a chill down his spine. He couldn't believe that Hua Ren didn't feel anything for him and was trying to kill him. They were mates. Hua Ren should also feel the bond between them. It was unmistakable and he felt it on the battlefield that day seven months ago. Admist all the chaos and bloodshed, he had perceived his omega's scent and in an instant, made eye contact. It was then he knew that the First General of the Celestial Kingdom was an omega.

Even though he wanted nothing to do with an omega that was loyal to the crown, he couldn't help but feel distressed at the thought of hurting Hua Ren so he had resorted to defending and guaging Hua Ren's skills.

Now that Hua Ren had doubled the force of his attack, he couldn't play any longer. As he blocked blow after blow, Sheng Fei made a quick shift in strategy. Even if Hua Ren could ignore the bond of being his mate, there was one thing he could never ignore.

His pheromones.

As Hua Ren found an opening and instantly went for it, the heavy scent of Sheng Fei's pheromones suddenly washed over him and he froze, unable to land his attack. They enveloped him in a heady, intoxicating scent, rich with the earthy aroma of sage. It filled the air around them, swirling and dancing in ethereal tendrils that seemed to wrap around his senses, leaving him utterly captivated and entranced. The sage scent carried with it a sense of calm and familiarity, a soothing presence tugging at the corners of Hua Ren's mind and beckoning him to surrender to its embrace.

He felt his resolve quickly crumble, his strength draining away like water from a broken dam. The overwhelming allure of his Sheng Fei's scent overpowered him, leaving him weak and disoriented. His knees buckled beneath him, and he tumbled to the ground, only to be caught in Sheng Fei's strong embrace.

Their eyes met in a silent exchange, Sheng Fei's golden gaze locking with Hua Ren's white eyes.