Chapter 19

There were things that just happened naturally. Omegas were naturally susceptible to Alpha pheromones. Whether Hua Ren liked it or not, he could not fight his nature. Especially when he was before his mate.

This had him completely panicking. He was in the arms of his enemy! He couldn't believe it. How could he perceive pheromones? How could they make him so weak? He felt like all his strength had been sucked away by a vacuum, leaving him at the mercy of the man that was his Alpha and it enraged him so much that he felt like smashing something but there no strength in his fingers. He could not move an inch. His knees felt so soft and Sheng Fei's pheromones were making him dizzy. As an omega who had never known what pheromones were like, experiencing it for the first time only amplified their effect and rendered Hua Ren even more vulnerable to their influence.

He had never imagined that Sheng Fei's pheromones could have such a profound effect on him. He never imagined he would be so affected by any kind of pheromone. Since he was born, he could never perceive nor release pheromones. Why now?

He gazed up at the man that was his Alpha and questioned; Why him? Why a rebel? Why an enemy? And not just any rebel but the leader. Why was such a man his Alpha? Hua Ren had never really cared about finding his mate let alone fantasize about what his mate looked like or who he was. Ever since he found the Emperor, his heart had been carved out of his chest and given to the ruler of the Kingdom. He could feel nothing for others. Especially a rebel.

"Let go of me." He gritted out, trying to break free but it was impossible. He felt weaker than an ant. His voice even came out soft and sweet. As if he was acting coquettishly. His frustration couldn't be heard at all.

Sheng Fei gazed at the omega in his arms that was busy struggling like a new-born kitten and he couldn't help but smile. So the Ivory Warlord could be this cute.

"I told you to let me go!" Hua Ren exclaimed but it only made Sheng Fei hold him tighter and closer. Sheng Fei's pheromones were getting stronger and denser making Hua Ren feel some slight changes in his own body which he didn't like. His body temperature had risen significantly and he felt very sensitive. He felt this maddening urge to hug Sheng Fei and breathe in his scent. He wanted to be closer to his Alpha and it scared him. He had never felt such a way in his entire life! Was this what it meant to be with your mate? He found that he couldn't fight the feeling no matter how much he wanted to. His body was practically yearning to be held closer and tighter.

His thoughts suddenly went to Emperor and his eyes went misty with tears. If only he was a normal omega, maybe he would have been in the arms of the Emperor and not his enemy who was busy smirking down at him. He felt Sheng Fei pull him closer and he moaned softly, his body shivering. It felt weird but it also felt good. Very good. Hua Ren had never felt anything like that before. It was like his body was lit up in a good way but he didn’t like it. He tried to fight the feeling with everything he had.

"W-What are you doing to me?" He moaned, staring up at Sheng Fei. "Stop it. Let me go."

"And why should I?" Sheng Fei asked gazing down at Hua Ren. The moon was bright, its silver rays shining down on them. This enabled Sheng Fei to see Hua Ren clearly and he realised that his omega was extremely attractive. Even more than he had imagined.

Hua Ren’s hair was long, cascading down his shoulders like strands of pristine white silk, shimmering softly in the ambient light. His face was covered by a thin white veil but that didn’t dim his beauty in anyway. In fact, it only added to the mystery which made Sheng Fei interested. The most captivating aspect of Hua Ren's appearance was his eyes. They were a mesmerizing shade of white, akin to the luminous glow of moonstone, with ethereal light grey pupils that drew you in like tiny wisps of cloud against a clear sky. The eyes were bewitching, sparkling with an otherworldly allure that left Sheng Fei spellbound. He had never seen eyes so bright and clear like that before. He was completely mesmerised.

His heart began to pound. He had never met an omega that roused such emotions from him before. His Alpha instincts were taking over and he felt the urge to mark the omega in his arms and make him his forever.

Suddenly, there was a subtle shift in the air. A new scent, clear and refreshing, cut through the heady aroma of sage like a ray of sunlight piercing through dense clouds. It was unmistakably fruity, like ripe peaches on a warm summer day, its sweetness mingling with the earthy undertones of sage in a tantalizing combination. Sheng Fei’s nose twitched and his golden eyes flashed as he realized he recognised the scent! It was the same one he had smelt on the battlefield!

To Hua Ren's astonishment, Sheng Fei lowered his head to his neck, his breath warm against his skin as he inhaled deeply. A shiver ran down Hua Ren's spine as he felt his Alpha's lips brush against his ear, his deep voice sending a jolt of electricity through him.

"Hmmm, peaches," Sheng Fei whispered, his words tinged with amusement and satisfaction.

Hua Ren were momentarily taken aback. Peaches? His beautiful white eyes widened slightly in surprise, the light grey pupils reflecting a glimmer of curiosity mixed with a hint of apprehension. What was the damned rebel talking about?

But Hua Ren had no chance to find out because the wind blew and with it came three different sets of scents. Their eyes met again and they both knew it. They were being watched.

“Stay here.” Sheng Fei commanded, placing Hua Ren in a sitting position on a nearby rock. He then turned to Qi Zhen who was still stunned by everything he just saw. “Watch him, old man. Do not let him leave.”