Chapter 20

Hua Ren gritted his teeth angrily as he watched Sheng Fei dash into the nearby forest. Like he could even leave. Smelling Sheng Fei’s damned pheromones had rendered him too weak to move. He cursed inwardly. Was this how all omegas feel when Alphas released their pheromones? He didn’t like it one bit because it sucked. He thought about it more and understood why omegas could never fight back when they were being tormented by Alphas. No wonder that bastard Hei Long could keep so many.

Suddenly, a chilling realization gripped him, sending shivers down his spine. If he could succumb to such weakness whenever Sheng Fei deployed his pheromones, did that imply that Sheng Fei held the power to torment and torture him without any defence on his part as an omega? His complexion drained of colour as panic set in. No, he couldn't allow himself to fall victim to such a fate. He had to escape at any expense. His Emperor was waiting for him.

As Hua Ren attempted to rise, his limbs quivered uncontrollably, betraying his feeble state. His knees buckled beneath him, feeling as if they were made of jelly, incapable of supporting his weight. With barely a shred of strength remaining in him, he stumbled forward, only to collapse to the ground with a thud.

Witnessing his plight, Qi Zhen swiftly hastened to his side, concern etched across his features. With gentle hands, he helped Hua Ren to a seated position upon the rock, steadying him. “This is quite strange…” he said, observing Hua Ren. His mute point had finally been released. “So you’re an Omega.”

Hua Ren glared at him then turned his head, feeling ashamed to be seen in such a weak state by the person he had kidnapped.

“That explains why you’re so beautiful and why your body is lean and delicate.” He said, putting a hand to his chin as he gazed at Hua Ren from head to toe. “But it doesn’t explain why you’re so strong. You’re an omega but you were fighting on par with our leader and he is one of the strongest Alphas in the Celestial Kingdom. How is that even possible?”

Even Hua Ren didn’t know. All he knew was that he was born this way. “Do not call yourselves citizens of this Kingdom.” He said, his words laced with simmering anger. "Anyone who opposes the rightful rule of the Emperor cannot lay claim to citizenship. You are all traitors!"

Qi Zhen sighed. Despite his earnest efforts to enlighten him, it seemed as though Hua Ren remained ensnared by some unseen veil, shielding him from the harsh reality of their ruler's cruelty and callousness. He wondered why Hua Ren couldn’t see it. It was as clear as day. The only place in Celestial Kingdom that thrived under his rule was the Capital. Everywhere else was ridden with poverty, corruption, and suffering. Only a few towns under Sheng Fei’s protection were doing slightly well and that was because they didn’t have enough manpower. People were too afraid of the Emperor and his Celestial Army to join the Rebellion. He had thought about it. If they could have someone as significant as the Ivory Warlord, Hua Ren, on their side, many people would be willing to pick up arms and fight for themselves. Many would join the Rebellion and see to it that they overthrow such a cruel leader.

Determined to make one final attempt at persuading Hua Ren, Qi Zhen steeled himself for the conversation ahead. He understood the significance of gaining the support of the Ivory Warlord and how it could potentially alter the course of their struggle. However, before he could broach the subject, a cacophony of urgent voices and the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the moment. He locked eyes with Hua Ren and both of them turned their attention towards the cave's entrance.

Qi Zhen's eyes widened as he beheld the sight of villagers emerging, brandishing torches and weapons in readiness for a confrontation. Yet, their fervour dissipated upon spotting their unharmed village leader standing alongside the General. Their expressions shifted from hostility to relief in an instant.

“Village Chief, you’re alive!” One of them, a male, exclaimed. He hurried towards Qi Zhen, checking his body for any kind of injury. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Qi Zhen smiled, his old heart filling up with warmth for he never expected the villagers to come after them. “I am fine, Blaze. The General did not hurt me.”

Blaze turned to Hua Ren, glaring at him as he pointed a kunai to his face. “How dare you kidnap the village Chief!”

Hua Ren recognised him as the guy that had attacked him earlier. He moved his arms and legs, trying to see if they were stable enough for him to move but he still felt some form of weakness in his bones. He cursed Sheng Fei inwardly. How could the pheromone effect last for such a long time? He really hated it. If he didn’t feel so weak, he would have beat them all up and ran away with the Village Chief. Now he could do neither. He wondered when he would be able to return to the Emperor’s side.

“Calm down, Blaze.” Qi Zhen said, using a finger to push the kunai away from Hua Ren’s face. “Let us all go back, brew some tea and talk like civilised adults, okay?”

“Tell that to him.” Blaze scoffed. “He hurt Jade and Rina. Why should we be nice to him?”

“Yes Yes!” The villagers chorused, agreeing with Blaze.

Before Qi Zhen could answer, a person landed swiftly before them, throwing three bodies on the ground.

Hua Ren’s eyes widened in surprise for the bodies were all clad in the Celestial Army uniform. The Emperor had already sent spies and they had seen him in the arms of the Rebel Leader! If Sheng Fei had allowed a single one to escape, they would have fed the Emperor the wrong information!

In a way, he was angry about the entire situation but he was also relieved that Sheng Fei had caught them.