Stranger's Kiss


Me and my siblings were exhausted and worn out when we arrived home from school. We went straight to our rooms and rested after eating and cleaning up. It's only the first day of class but it's already tiring because of the long hours. Even if you're just sitting and listening to your teacher's discussion, you'll still get tired. Especially because what's being discussed isn't that joyful.

It was already dark when I woke up due to my mom waking me up. She said I had a visitor. When I went down, I saw Timothy. He was inviting me to go to the market at this hour. Although I was puzzled, I went with him because he wanted to talk to me.

"So, what are we going to do at the market?" I asked, he glanced at me before answering.

"I'm going to treat you," I laughed softly.

"I thought it was something serious."

"Don't you like it?"

"No, I don't want to waste the treat." He chuckled softly.

We had a moment of silence before I broke it with a question.

"Anyway, has Link cheated on Gipsy yet?" I asked, he looked at me before looking at the road.

My question was abrupt, I know I wasn't careful. Why would I ask that?

"No, Link isn't like other guys..." eh? "Link loves Gipsy so much, he wouldn't cheat on her." I nodded.

He glanced at me and met my gaze. "Why do you ask?"

Why did I ask?

"Um, no reason." He nodded as if he immediately accepted my answer.

When we arrived at the market. He immediately invited me and bought me french fries, hotdog with bread, and choco drinks. We sat on a bench here in what they call the Playground.

"Why did you invite me? Where are Prof and the others?" I asked after sipping my drink.

"They're at Link's house, catching wifi." I chuckled.


"They're playing Mobile Legends,"

Ah, that explains it.

"Why didn't you join them?"

"I don't play games like that,"

"What are you into?"

"Baseball," my eyes widen as I look at him.


"Um, why is your reaction like that?"

"Because you and Isiah have the same sport." He smiled.

"Why haven't you answered Isiah yet?" I stopped midway through eating my hotdog with bread and sighed.

"My mind and heart are still confused," he furrowed his brows.

"What do you mean?"

He can't know that my heart and mind are confused because of that darn Link. I'm confused about the kiss he gave me on my forehead. I don't want to deny that it meant something to me because I know it did.

"I'm not fully sure about my feelings for Isiah."

"Just answer him, once you guys are together, you'll realize that you actually love him." He replied.

"What if I say I'm confused because of someone else?"

"You mean you're only 50% sure about Isiah?" I nodded.

"That's...hard," I bowed my head, I was right, it's hard! "Just give Isiah a chance," I pursed my lips and looked at him.

"Why do you seem to want me to answer Isiah so quickly?" I asked, laughing.

"As your friend, I just want you to be with the right guy." Aww.

"Is Isiah the right guy for me?" He smiled and nodded.

"I know he'll take care of you. And he won't hurt you."

"You know, you're right, Isiah is kind. He's my ideal type." I said. "But I don't want to make a decision right away when I'm not 100% sure about my feelings." I added.

"You have nothing to lose if you give him a chance,"

I fell silent for a moment and sipped my choco drink.

I've made up my mind, to get rid of this confusion... I'll answer Isiah when he comes here and I'll dedicate my time to him. Maybe in that way, I can get over my feelings for Link. I know it's wrong but I don't want to reach a point where I'm hoping for someone.

After finishing our meal with Timothy, we headed home and ran into Link and Prof on the way.

"Oh, where have you two been?" Prof asked with a playful smile.

"I was just hanging out with Angelle," Timothy replied. Prof nodded while Link was engrossed in his cell phone.

"Why don't you join us?" Prof suggested.

"Where are you going?" Timothy asked.

"We're going to buy some food," Prof explained.

Both of them turned to me, waiting for my response.

"Okay, I'll come along," I agreed.

They both smiled, and we headed to the local market to buy their ingredients. Prof chose a milkfish for their dinner.

They were planning to make Sinigang. But before we headed home, Prof bought a hamburger. I was so full from all the food today. I decided not to eat rice later because my friends had already filled me up.

"Thanks for coming with us, Angelle. Next time, we'll just go shopping together," Prof said, laughing.

"Hey, don't forget me," Timothy chimed in.

"We'll go shopping in phase one so we can buy clothes," I agreed, nodding.

I looked at Link who didn't even talk to me or greet me. He doesn't seem to have any intention of saying goodbye at all.

Timothy dropped me off at home before heading to his own place. It was getting late, and we had school tomorrow.

"You left your phone. Kuya Isiah called," Lica informed me as I walked in. She handed me my phone, and I saw 21 missed calls from Isiah. Oh no!

I stepped outside and dialed Isiah's number. He picked up after just one ring.

"Hello, Angelle?"

"Yes, it's me. I'm sorry I missed your calls. I was out. Why did you call?" I asked.

"Um, nothing. I'm just tired and wanted to rest," he replied.

"You wanted to rest but you call me?" I asked. He was tired but still made the effort to call.

He chuckled. "Before I rest, I wanted to talk to you first. How was your first day at Maximo?"

"Um, it was okay. It was tiring because it was a full day, but it's fine. How about you?" I asked.

"Fine, just tired," he replied.

"When are you coming over?" I asked.

"Why? Do you miss me?" he teased.

I smiled slightly. "No! Just wondering when you're coming."

"I don't know but I'll message you if I will visit you," he answered.

"Okay," I said.

"Why are you asking?" he inquired.

"So I can hide," I replied.

He scoffed. "That's how you are now, huh?"

"Just kidding! You'll find out when you come here."

"It's impossible to surprise me. Is it my birthday to surprise me?"

"Nah, its surprised!"

"Alright, rest now so I can rest too."

"Okay, goodnight."

"I love you," he said.


W-what did he say?

"I love you,"

"I love you,"

"I love you,"

I bit my lip and tried to process what just happened. I couldn't deny that I felt a flutter of excitement, but why was it just excitement? The crazy, overwhelming feeling was gone.

"Sis, stop smiling and come inside," Lica said, peeking through the door.

"I'll follow," I replied.

I ignored the other emotions I was feeling and smiled as I entered the house. I informed Mama that I wouldn't be eating and stayed in the living room, watching TV instead.

"Do you only love me because I resemble your wife?" I heard from the TV, catching my attention. It reminded me of the time when Link hugged me, mistaking me for Gipsy. Urgh! Every time I remember that, it annoys me. I'm so different from Gipsy, as Paps Justine also said. I don't look like Gipsy from behind.

"N-no," the leading man stammered.

"Not just that, but I can feel-"

I was startled when the TV suddenly turned off, along with the lights. Shit. Don't tell me it's a...

"Mom! Power outage!" I heard Hero shout, sounding scared.

I grabbed my cell phone and turned on the flashlight, then went to the kitchen where I saw their unfinished food due to the sudden blackout.

"What happened? Mom, did you pay the electricity bill?" Lica asked, still seated.

"Yes," Mama replied curtly.

Mama and I went outside to check if the power was out in the whole area. After confirming that it was, we went back inside. It was scary outside because it was pitch black, and without using a light, you couldn't see the way.

"Angelle, go buy some candles there," Mama instructed, handing me money.

I didn't refuse and went out to go to the store. As I arrived at the store where I first met Link, I bought two long candles.

"Blackout in your area too, Angelle?" I turned to the man standing next to me and saw that it was Jimwell.

"Yes, it seems like everywhere," I replied.

"The post they installed collapsed. And because of that, it affected the other power lines as well." I nodded, understanding. So, there's a possibility that it will take a while before we have electricity again?

"When do you think the power will come back?"

"I'm not sure, but maybe once they fix the post," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Excuse me? It might take weeks to fix the post, so we'll be using candles for weeks?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, but let's wait for what the Barangay Captain will say." I just nodded and bid him goodbye before heading home.

As I was walking, not too far from where I was, someone suddenly pulled me, causing me to drop what I was holding. I was about to react when the person pinned me against the wall, and I felt his lips touch mine. I couldn't move, not only because they held me tightly, but my body refused to react.

I felt him slowly moving his lips, and that's when a word screamed in my mind, urging me to break free from the person. I quickly kicked his treasure and ran away from that place.

I was feeling a mix of emotions as I walked home, tears streaming down my face. I was angry and frustrated because someone suddenly pulled me and kissed me, and on top of that, I left my cell phone there, and it looks like it's broken!

Who is that shameless person?

When I arrived home, Mama was puzzled as to why I was crying. Actually, while I was walking, many people were looking at me outside because I bumped into things or tripped since I couldn't see the way, and I was crying.

"Someone suddenly pulled me and kissed me on the lips," I sobbed.

Mama tried to calm me down and Lica handed me some water, while my two brothers looked at me with concern.

"Do you recognize the guy?" I shook my head as I took a sip of water. "Let's not tell your father about this for now. He'll surely get angry and won't be able to focus on work," Mama said.

"Sis, we'll eventually find out who he is," Lica reassured me.

He just kissed me, but what he did was still wrong. It was disrespectful. What's worse is that my cell phone got damaged because of his forceful pull. If I were as bad as others, I might be cursing him right now, but I entrusted that man to God.

Mommy and Ate Jove happened to come to our house. Mama told Mommy about what happened since they don't keep secrets from each other.

"Let's just be grateful that you weren't raped," Mommy said.

"Cousin, do you remember his height or any other details that could help us identify him?" Ate Jove asked, trying to calm me down.

"I-I'm not sure. He was taller than me. I remember his perfume, it was new to my sense of smell," I replied.

"If you smell something similar to what you described, investigate it," Ate Jove advised.


"There are many guys here who are interested in you, Angelle. You know how some men are nowadays, they're not as respectful as they used to be, and they don't know their boundaries," she explained.

"Let's just leave it at that. We'll eventually find out who did that to Angelle," Mommy said.

After a while, Mommy and Ate Jove bid their goodbyes, and Mama told me to rest. Mama and Lica went to the store to buy new candles.

I lay down on my bed, trying to recall what happened earlier. I touched my lips and out of the blue, I felt a different kind of uneasiness. A feeling I couldn't explain. Is it because of the guy who kissed me? I don't know, all I know is that I also liked his kiss earlier... I can't explain it, but there's something different about that man that prevented my body from reacting immediately to hurt him.

Could he be a rapist?



Prof and some friends had lunch together in the canteen. We talked about what happened to me last night. Prof was furious about the guy's actions. It's amusing to think that I have these 'big brothers' looking out for me. Link wasn't with us today because he had something to take care of.

"Next time, whoever sees our female friends in a situation like that, we should accompany or escort them," Prof instructed, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I wish I had accompanied you, Angelle," Jimwell said, and I smiled at him.

"It's okay," I reassured him.

We continued eating and chatting about other things. I didn't want to dwell on what happened last night.

"I thought Link had something to do?" we all turned to Timothy, who had just arrived and sat next to Paps Justine.

Why does Timothy seem annoyed?

"That's what he said, that's why he couldn't come with us," Wendell replied.

"Tch! Does he have something to do or is he going to chase after Gipsy?"

Everyone fell silent and looked at me. Okay, why are they looking at me?

I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you all looking at me?" I asked, sounding annoyed, and took a sip of water from my tumbler.

"Huh? We thought you would react because Link is pursuing you," Andre said, almost making me spit out the water I was drinking. What are they talking about?

"Pursuing? Since when?" my companions furrowed their brows.

"He told us that he's going to court you, and Lica also mentioned it to us," Lica?

"H-He hasn't courted me yet," I said, feeling a bit disappointed. He didn't say anything to me.

"Why do you seem disappointed, Couz? Do you like him?" Ate Jove asked.

"WHAT? No! I wouldn't like that guy!" I retorted.

"That's right, Couz. I don't want Link for you," they all looked at Ate Jove, surprised by her statement.

"Why though?" Kervin asked.

"Link deserves Gipsy, Angelle deserves Isiah. Because Link is not an Angle," Ate Jove replied.

Everyone fell silent after Ate Jove's statement. Link is not an Angle? What's the connection?

I know that "link" means is a connection between two people and Angle arrrgh! I don’t know.

"But Jove, what if Angelle likes Link? Can you do anything about it?" Ate Jove looked at me.

"N-no, it's my cousin's choice. If she chooses him and gets hurt, that's her decision. I just stated my opinion," she said, taking a bite of rice.

"But Link is different from other guys, we know he's not like the others," Paps said.

"But people can change," Timothy interjected, and we all fell silent. "There are people who change because of love," he continued.

"Why do you seem to dislike Link for Angelle?" Prof asked Timothy, his voice filled with annoyance.

Timothy lifted his head and met my gaze, something he always does. "Because I like Angelle," he said.


I sat up abruptly on my bed and looked at the ceiling. What did Timothy mean by that? I didn't get a chance to ask him if it was true because he left after saying that.


I turned my attention to the open door of my room when someone knocked, and it was Mama.

"There's a guy downstairs looking for you," she said, furrowing her brows.

Why is it always guys looking for me? Mama must think I'm flirting with a lot of people.

"Who is it?"

"He said his name is Timothy," she replied. I furrowed my brows.

I jumped off the bed and quickly made my way to the living room where I saw Timothy sitting with Hero, munching on cookies.

"How old are you?" Hero asked.

"17," Timothy replied briefly.

"Do you go to school?" Timothy nodded, looking pleased with Hero's question. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Timothy shook his head.

"Hey, Timothy." I caught his attention.

He stood up from his seat and approached me. "Can we talk?" I smiled and nodded.

I informed Mama that Timothy and I were just going to have a chat. I also mentioned that he's a friend, so she agreed. We went to the river side knowing that there wouldn't be anyone else around to overhear our conversation.

"So, what do you want to say?" I asked him.

"Um, I'm sorry for what I said earlier," he said, looking down. I smiled at him.

"It's fine," I reassured him, and he lifted his head, looking at me.

"Actually, I wanted to explain why I said that."

"I also want to know," I replied.

"To be honest, I don't want Link for you. I know that you don't deserve him, as Jovelyn said."

"How can you say that?"

He looked at the river before answering my question. "I don't know, but I just feel like you wouldn't be happy with him."

"But is it true that you like me?"

He didn't answer immediately. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat and smiled.

"I admire your personality, Angelle. But about what I said earlier, I only said it because I couldn't think of any other reason." I chuckled softly and playfully slapped his shoulder. "W-Why?" he asked, surprised, while holding onto his shoulder.

"You made me think! Luckily, it turns out it wasn't true!" I teased him.

"To be honest, there's someone else I like, but she's hard to reach." Timothy suddenly said, and I raised an eyebrow at his words.

"How do you know she's hard to reach?"

"She likes someone else."

I reached out and held Timothy's hand, giving him a sweet smile.

"You know what? I was in a similar situation with Isiah before. I mean, I liked Isiah, but he liked someone else. But you know what? I caught his attention because of my efforts." He furrowed his brows.

"Did you court him?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"No, I'm still a girl after all."

"Well, what efforts did you make?"

"Um, whenever he played baseball, Lica and I would go to where he played and leave him some Gatorade. He liked it as a source of energy. We even left sticky notes with sweet quotes on them, hehe," I added.

"Do you want to see her?" he asked me, and I nodded.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and went to the gallery. Afterward, he handed me the phone and showed me the girl he was talking about.

She was beautiful, wearing her P.E. uniform and seemed to have taken a selfie after doing some activity at school. She had long hair that reached her waist. Wow! She's from a different school based on her P.E. uniform.

"It seems like you have a thing for models," I commented, and Timothy shyly smiled.

"Actually, I started liking her when she joined the Ms. Buras pageant last year." I nodded in understanding.


e'll be yours too, just have faith." He nodded in response.

Now I realized that hype beasts are just like ordinary young people. They have dreams that are difficult for them to achieve. They're not just ordinary hype beasts like others may think.

I also pondered on what Timothy said. Is it right for me to answer Isiah's feelings even though I know there's someone else causing confusion in my heart?