

The month quickly passed by, and I was surprised to realize that our first exams were already scheduled for Thursday and Friday. It feels like it was just yesterday when we had our first day of class, and now we're already having exams. Within that fast-paced month, many things have changed, like Ate Jove and Andre constantly arguing. Even if they reconcile briefly, they always find something to argue about, and it becomes a battle of pride.

Lica, on the other hand, has a beautiful love life. Aside from receiving chocolates from her classmates every day, she also has a crush on a "nerdy" guy. He may not be conventionally handsome, but he's cute. Lica always accompanies him during lunch because she finds it lonely without him. She's really into him. Soon, I'll be a proud sister. Imagine, after all the time Lica spent being obsessed with anime, she's now crazy about a real person.

As for Prof, we've become even closer. They even offer to pick me up and drop me off. They don't want a repeat of the incident where a stranger suddenly kissed me. Papa also agreed that I don't need to take the service anymore since I have many companions.

Isiah is still pursuing me. He can't always come to our house because he's busy with his studies, but he never stops trying to make me happy. He sends me flowers and sweet messages. Regarding my plan to answer Isiah's feelings, I decided not to do it because I don't want to be unfair in my response. My heart and mind are in turmoil.

As the days pass by quickly, I find myself getting closer to Link. We've become like best friends who constantly tease each other. He has this habit of annoying me, which I dislike. Link also told me that he has stopped pursuing Gipsy. So every time she see us, she looks at me as if I'm about to be devoured. I just ignore her because I won't gain anything by fighting with her. Besides, I'm not a confrontational person, so I don't pay attention to people like them.

He said that when he was pursuing her, she didn't want to be pursued anymore, so he stopped. That's why I know I became his second option, getting closer to me.

"Will you just have a small bag tomorrow?" Mama asked while we were having dinner.

"Yes, Mom. It's just a test," Lica replied.

"Remember, if you don't know the answer, choose letter D."

I cringed at Mama's words. She always tells us that if we don't know the answer, we should choose letter D. I've tried that several times, but it's usually wrong. Most of the time, the correct answer is letter B. But I don't need to think about it anymore because we're not dealing with multiple-choice questions anymore. We need to know the answers ourselves, as it's no longer like that in Senior High.

"Angelle, what are your plans for your debut?" Mama suddenly asked, and I choked on my food.

"Mom! I don't want to have a debut," I complained.

"Sis, it's fun to have parties!" Jr. interjected.

"Excuse me? It's just an expense," I retorted.

"No, Sis. I know many people who would prefer to have a debut rather than spend money on something else," Lica said.

I don't want to have a debut because I don't want to dance with just any guy. I mean, it's okay, but it's not really my thing.

"Your dad wants you to have a debut, don't you want to dance with your dad?" Mama asked.

"I do, but—" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Lica spoke up.

"Don't you also want to dance with Kuya Link?" She smiled mischievously.

This is one thing that puzzles me about Lica. She knows that Isiah is courting me, so why does it seem like she's switching sides? Especially since she used to tell everything to Isiah before.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, sounding annoyed.

"Come on, admit it. Sis, Kuya Link is courting you." I raised an eyebrow.

"Link and I are not on good terms, okay? And no, I don't like Link," I said and took a sip of water.

"Duh, you'll eat your words eventually," she said, sounding snappy.

"Both of you, stop it. Let's just discuss the preparations next time," Mama said.

They really want me to have a debut, even though I'm against it. Urgh! What should I do?

After we finished eating, I asked Mama for permission to go to Prof's place. Mama already knows my new friends here, and she's aware that Prof is my classmate who I often work on projects with.

When I arrived at Link's house, I caught him on his way out, dressed up. Where is he going?

"Link, please lock the gate," Prof said to someone inside.

Prof turned around and seemed slightly surprised to see me. I raised an eyebrow as I caught a whiff of his cologne. The scent is so familiar, but I'm not sure if it's the same one.

"Oh, Angelle. What are you doing here?" he asked, adjusting the umbrella he was holding.

He was wearing cut pants and had his off-white sweater draped over a black t-shirt. He also had an off-white bag that I always see him carrying during get-togethers. He even paired it with his newly bought NIKE shoes. Prof looks handsome :>

"Um, didn't you say we were going to work on the papers for Students today?" I said, placing my hand on my forehead.

"Oh, right. I forgot."

"It's okay if we do it tomorrow," I suggested.

"No, I'll ask Link to help you."

"Huh? No, Prof. Let's just do it tomorrow!"

It's not that I don't want to be with Link, I just don't want him to see my handwriting.

"No, it has to be submitted on Friday," I sighed.

"What should we do then?"

"Is it okay with you if Link helps you with your work? He's good at doing papers."

What else can I do? If Prof and I don't submit our work, we might fail. Plus, we can get high grades if we have well-written papers.

I nodded. "Okay, let Link help me then." Prof smiled and gently pushed me inside the house.

I let out a gasp as my chest collided with someone who was about to leave the house. I quickly moved away from Link when I saw him in front of me.

"Oh, why is Angelle here?" he asked Prof.

"I'll leave Angelle in your hands for now, help her with the papers. Is that okay with you?" Link looked at me before nodding. "Good, then I'll be on my way." He added with a wink and bid farewell.

Link then ushered me inside as he locked the gate. I glanced at the TV.

"Do you want to watch Myx?" I looked up and saw Link looking at me.

"Ah, it's fine with Cinemo." I replied, and he nodded, lowering the remote and heading upstairs.

He must be getting the supplies that Prof bought. Prof and I pooled our resources, and he was the one who bought the materials we needed. When Link returned, he had the items Prof bought from Pandayan. He placed them on the small table and took off his t-shirt. I thought he was going to be half-naked, but he had a tank top underneath. It's so hot in the Philippines, and he's wearing layers. Tch!

"Shall we start?" Aww, why does he look cute when he speaks English? "Angelle, shall we begin?" he asked again when I didn't respond.

"Ah, yes." I replied.

He sat beside me, and we started working on the papers for Students. I tried not to stare at his well-built muscles and focused on the task at hand.

"Have you eaten?" he asked while typing on Prof's laptop keyboard.

"Yes," I replied curtly.

"What do you prefer? Hotdog or egg?" I paused in my work and furrowed my brows as I looked at him, as if I found his question disgusting.

"Excuse me?"

He glanced at me and quickly returned his gaze to the monitor, typing away.

"Hotdog or egg?"

"Are you being disrespectful?" I asked, sounding annoyed. He chuckled and faced me.

"Are you offended by my question?"

Am I offended?


He smiled. "I'm making papers for students, because you're a student. I'm asking you these things to elaborate on the questions I'll be making... I'm not asking you if you prefer eating something long or round." He explained.

I felt my face turn red with embarrassment. I avoided eye contact and tasted bitterness.

"S-sorry," I stammered.

"It's just that different things come to the minds of young people when they hear those kinds of questions," he said, still typing.

"You didn't specify that it was about food. You should have clarified."

"Tch! Your mind really went somewhere else, but have you ever tasted it?"

"N-no," I replied innocently.

He burst into laughter, looking delighted as he looked at me. What's wrong with this guy?

"You've never tasted it before?" I nodded innocently. "What did you have for breakfast?"

"Hotdog, egg, and bacon."

"Tch! Did you eat?" I nodded. "See, your mind really went somewhere else." He said, trying to hold back his laughter as he returned to typing.

"Don't ask me those kinds of questions!" I snapped and glared at him.

"Don't worry, your answer helped with the question I'm working on," he said.

"K, fine."

After we finished a few questionnaires that took us a couple of hours, we took a break and had some food in their kitchen. I was impressed because they had a lot of food stocked in their fridge and kitchen cabinets.

"Do you want more peanuts?" Link asked, and I shook my head.

I was already full from the chocolates and snacks that the two of us ate. It turns out that Link also loves food, and that's how we found common ground.

"What time are you going home?"

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was already 8:45 PM. Prof and I can still finish the remaining questionnaires tomorrow since we only have exams.

"We will finish these tomorrow, it's already late." I said

We went back to the living room and helped him tidy up and put away the materials we used.

"Wait for me, I'll drive you home," he said, placing the completed papers under the small table.

"No need," I replied.

"I insist."


He smiled and turned off the TV, inviting me to leave. As we stepped out of their gate, we started walking towards my house.

"What's your favorite dish?" Link broke the silence that enveloped us.

"Um, sinigang. Why are you asking?"

"Just curious, so I have something to know about you."

"It's not necessary."

"Why not? I can use that information when I court you." I stopped walking and faced him, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you sure about what you're saying? You're going to court me?" he grinned.

"I'm serious, Angelle. It's also fine with me if there's competition, at least there's some thrill." I glared at him and continued walking.

"It's your life."

When we arrived at my house, Link greeted Mama before bidding her goodbye and returning to their place.

"What about Isiah?" Mama asked, catching me off guard as she locked the door.

"What about him, Ma?" I asked, confused, as I sat on the couch.

"Isiah has been courting you for months. As a suitor, it's probably not okay for him to have competition." I lowered my head at Mama's words. "Who weighs more between the two of them?" she asked.

"I'm still confused, Mama. All I know is that when I see and talk to Link, I'm happy, but at the same time, annoyed by his antics." Mama chuckled softly and sat beside me.

"It's tough being beautiful, isn't it?" I nodded in agreement because I am beautiful, duh. "But, my child, find out who truly deserves them both so that you can let one of them know early on." I nodded.

"I also feel happy when I see Isiah, Ma. But when I'm with Link, I feel a different kind of happiness. You know, the kind of happiness when you're in love, Ma?" Mama nodded.

"Are you sure if you choose Link?"

I sighed. "Not yet."

"I don't want to suggest, but it might be better to let both of them court you." I recoiled at Mama's suggestion.

"No, Ma! I don't want to hurt Isiah!"

I'm sure I'll hurt him if I allow Link to court me. What will Auntie say if she finds out that I just hurt her son?

But even if I don't want to admit it, I know that I have feelings for Link. Other guys have come into my life, so I know this feeling.

"How can you fix your situation? It might stress you out," I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

"Let fate find a way," Mama shrugged.

"Do what is right, Angelle. Don't rely on fate to do it for you, it's your life," Mama said. "Love the right man," Mama continued.

After my conversation with Mama, I went up to my room and prepared for bed. I lay down on my bed and turned to my side, but before I could close my eyes, Mama's cellphone, which she lent me temporarily, vibrated.

I reached for the cellphone on the side table and checked who sent the message. It had a specific ringtone for calls. As I opened the first message, my eyes widened. Classmate of Angelle? Is it Prof?

From: Angelle'sClassmate


I adjusted my position and quickly replied to the text.

To: Angelle'sClassmate

Yes? Prof, is that you?

After a few seconds, I received a reply.

From: Angelle'sClassmate

I'm not Prof, but I'm using Prof's phone. Why?

Huh? This person is trying to be funny. So it turns out that he's not Prof.

To: Angelle'sClassmate

Then who are you?

I got off the bed and stood by the window, where I could feel the cool breeze. I was almost tempted to sing, as the surroundings were so quiet and there were no people walking on the street. They're just afraid of the curfew.


From: Angelle'sClassmate


I sighed and was about to compose a reply when the phone suddenly rang. I panicked and looked at it, unsure of what to do. Shit, why is he calling?

I fixed my hair and cleared my throat before answering. Wait, why am I fixing my hair? It's just a call, not a video call.

"Hello, Angelle."

I couldn't help but smile upon hearing his voice.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked, trying to sound annoyed. I don't want him to think that just because we're okay now, I won't be snappy with him anymore.

"Do you have something going on right now? You sound so snappy."

"Excuse me? I just finished something."

"Hahaha, you really said that, huh?"

"Tch! What did you call for?"


I furrowed my brows. Me?

"What about me?"

"I need you, that's why I called,"

I bit my lip. "O-oh, what is it?" Shit, don't let yourself break down from the kilig. Angelle?!

I heard him sigh. "I just wanted to hear your voice,"

"Well, you've heard it now. Are you satisfied?" I replied, trying to sound snappy.

"Yes, okay. Go to sleep now before more pimples grow on your nose,"

I blinked in disbelief and ended the call. He calls just to make me feel kilig and then teases me? Tch!

I was about to place the phone on the side table when it vibrated again. I read the message from Link.

From: Angelle'sClassmate

Sleep well, dream of me and goodnight.

I smiled at his text and set the phone aside. Such a tease, damn it!

I sighed and hugged my large pillow, closing my eyes and embracing the darkness.





"Shit, guys. Hurry up with the answers and send them on Share It!"

"Damn it! Wait, I still have a lot of people to pass my answers to!"

"Hurry up! Sir is coming back!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at my classmates. Sir Archie just left for a moment to get the next set of questionnaires, but my classmates acted as if they couldn't answer a simple question. Like Mama said, we can answer the exam questions if we study. These classmates of ours obviously didn't review for the exam.

I glanced at Prof, who was typing on his phone. My eyes widened when I saw him texting Sir Archie. Damn this guy! Doesn't he feel sorry for our classmates?

After he sent the message, he smiled and glanced at me, giving me a mischievous look. I rolled my eyes and looked ahead. Sometimes, there are hype beasts who think they're cool just because they're good-looking. I mean, it's Prof, always trying to be cute with our female classmates. I can't deny that he's cute and handsome, but duh, he shouldn't try to be cute with me.

"Pass your papers!"

We all jumped in surprise as Sir Archie entered and shouted. My classmates hurriedly hid their cell phones.

"How did you manage to move up?" he suddenly asked as he placed the papers on the teacher's table.

No one spoke up. "Didn't I explain the rules and regulations to you? Why are you still acting like Grade 7 students?" It's because of Prof. "I'll let it slide this time, but your grades won't pass." Sir said before leaving us.

I smirked and looked at my classmates, who looked like they were hit by a ton of bricks. It's their fault too, if they didn't cheat, Prof wouldn't have reported it and we wouldn't have been scolded. Tch!

"How did Sir find out?"

"Maybe Sir's Share It was still open and he received the answers?"

"Someone must have snitched."

We heard various whispers as Sir Archie left the classroom. Prof was laughing at our classmates' reactions. I just shook my head and counted sheep to keep myself from getting bored. I'm already done, while my classmates are not.

"You guys can be so clueless sometimes, huh?" Prof suddenly said, causing all of

us to look at him.

"Why do you say that?" one of our classmates asked.

"Tch! There's a huge sign that says 'honesty is the best policy' and you still didn't see it." Prof said, laughing.

None of our classmates spoke up and remained silent. But there was one person who noticed Prof and gave him a nasty look. Does he know what Prof did?