Angelle's Letter



"Cheers!" we exclaimed loudly.

As our glasses clinked and we took a sip, we set them down. It had been a long time since we last visited Apocalypse bar for bonding and drinks. Since we graduated and got jobs, we became busy and didn't have the chance to meet up.

"Congrats, bro! You got promoted to Director. Hehe," Wendell greeted me after finishing his drink.

I smiled. I looked at each of my friends one by one and could see how much they had changed. The ones who were once hype beasts are now successful. Is this what the judgmental people used to say about us? That our lives would amount to nothing and we'd end up as street sweepers? Look at us now, are we still the hype beasts they used to mock? Yes, we still are, but more successful now. Different from their judgments back then. If I still knew the people who judged us then, I'd want to show them how our lives turned out.