Chapter 2: Golden Finger

As Jonathan, now inhabiting the body of a young boy, sat at the breakfast table, his "mom" reminded him of his impending lateness for school.

"Michael, you're going to be late for school if you don't hurry up and finish eating. After this, you need to take a quick shower. Hurry up now," she said in a slightly exasperated tone.

"Okay, Mom," Jonathan replied, his head beginning to throb with a sudden surge of memories flooding into his consciousness.

Michael Wilson, a 15-year-old geek with a love for superheroes, comics, and all things nerdy. His friends, his classmates at Midtown High, his father who was a police officer, all of his thoughts and memories - It all came rushing back to Jonathan in a dizzying wave of realization.

Now that Jonathan understood more about Michael's life, he couldn't help but feel a mix of fascination and worry. He was essentially living as someone else, dealing with the challenges of being a teenage boy while holding onto the awareness of a completely different reality.

As he quickly ate his breakfast and hurried through the shower, Jonathan couldn't shake the feeling of being a stranger in his own body. Every action, every thought felt both familiar and strange at the same time, a constant reminder of the strange situation that had brought him to this point.

But amidst the confusion, one thing remained clear: he had a mission.

While he washed his hair, Jonathan thought about the responsibility now on his shoulders.

"But maybe there's a reason I'm here," he thought, trying to wrap his head around it all.

"I'm here to help and teach Peter Parker," he said to himself, the idea sounding like something out of a movie. "To guide the guy who will become Spider-Man." We'll why did i said that well let's just say I want to guide him because of a certain reasons.

With that, Jonathan got dressed and headed out the door, ready to face whatever came his way, knowing he had an important role to play in shaping what was to come. But as he walked, a thought struck him, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Here I am, thinking I'm going to mentor the future Spider-Man," he laughed to himself. "But for now, Peter isn't even born yet. I'm still stuck in 1947, and the plot doesn't kick off until 1962! I've got 15 years to kill... well, not literally!" Jonathan chuckled again, realizing the irony of his situation. "I guess I'll figure it out as I go along!"

With renewed determination, Jonathan, now fully embracing his role as Michael Wilson, grabbed his backpack and dashed out the door, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him at Midtown High School.

"Have a great day at school, Michael!" his "mom" called after him.

"Thanks, Mom! I'll see you later!" Michael responded, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. As he walked away from the house, he couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited him in this strange new world.


Midtown High School buzzed with life as Jonathan, now inhabiting the body of 15-year-old Michael Wilson, He walked through the busy hallways. With his backpack on his shoulder, he moved through the crowd of students with a newfound confidence, feeling stronger because he knew who he really was and what his purpose in this world.


As he walked, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances thrown his way by his fellow classmates. Some whispered amongst themselves, while others openly stared, their eyes lingering on him with a mix of intrigue and weird thing.


Jonathan now Became Michael brushed off their stares, focusing instead on finding his friends. He remembered their names from Michael's memories—Mark, Emily, and Chris. They were his closest companions, the ones who had shared his love for comics and superheroes.


Spotting them gathered near their lockers, Jonathan approached with a smile, eager to reconnect with familiar faces in this unfamiliar world.


"Hey, guys," he greeted them, His voice showing none of the inner turmoil he felt.


Mark, a tall, lanky boy with glasses perched on his nose, grinned at Jonathan. "Hey, Michael! You're looking chipper today. What's up?"


Jonathan hesitated for a moment, grappling with the realization that he was no longer the Michael they knew. But he quickly pushed aside his doubts, Knowing that he needed their support now more than ever, after all, he is now Michael Wilson.


"Not much, just gearing up for another thrilling day of high school," he replied with a shrug, attempting to adopt Michael's casual demeanor.


Emily, a petite girl with bright blue eyes and a mischievous smile, nudged Michael playfully. "You sound way too excited for a Wednesday morning, Michael. Did you finally finish that comic you've been reading on?"


Michael chuckled nervously, grateful for Emily's light-hearted banter. "Not yet, but I'm getting there. Just a few more tweaks, Im almost read all of it."


Chris, a wiry boy with a mop of unruly hair, raised an eyebrow at Michael. "You and your comics, Michael. When are you gonna grow up and act your age?"


Michael's smile faltered for a moment, a feeling of sadness pulling at his heart as he noticed how different he had become since his change. But he swiftly brushed away his uncertainties, resolved to accept his new reality with bravery and strong belief..


"Who says I have to act my age, Chris?" he retorted, his tone playful yet tinged with defiance. "Life's too short to be serious all the time. Besides, where's the fun in growing up too fast?"


Chris opened his mouth to reply, but before he could utter a word, a shadow fell over them, casting a dark cloud over their conversation.


"I'm scared. No, my body is scared,(I know in michael's Memory) Brad bullies this Michael kid," Michael thought, a rush of conflicting emotions flooding his mind.

Brad sauntered over with a sneer, his cronies trailing behind him like loyal henchmen. "Well, well, well, if it isn't little Mikey and his band of merry misfits," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Michael squared his shoulders, refusing to back down in the face of adversity. He may have been inhabiting the body of a 15-year-old boy, but he was no longer the timid Michael they once knew. He was Jonathan Anderson, a 27-year-old man with a newfound sense of purpose and determination.


"Back off, Brad," Michael said,His voice stayed strong even though he felt scared. "We're not interested in whatever nonsense you're trying to sell today."


Brad's eyes narrowed, his expression darkening with anger. "You've got guts, Mikey. I'll give you that. But guts will only get you so far in this world. Eventually, you'll learn that the hard way."


With that ominous warning, With Brad and his cronies retreating, Michael's friends gathered around him, their expressions a mix of concern and bewilderment.

"Are you on high or something, Michael? Why did you provoke Brad?" Mark asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. "You know Brad, right? A bully, jock, American football... You know him. He will never let this be. I'm sure that jock trash will screw you sooner or later."

Michael took a deep breath, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a response. He knew that Mark's words held truth; Brad was not one to back down easily, and Michael's Resistance would probably only intensify their hostility.

"I know, Mark," Michael replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I couldn't just stand there and let him push us around. We have to stand up for ourselves, no matter the consequences."

Emily nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and concern. "You're right, Michael. We can't let bullies like Brad dictate how we live our lives. We have to fight back, even if it's scary."

Chris, ever the voice of reason, chimed in with a sigh. "I get where you're coming from, Michael, but you have to be careful. Brad's not someone to mess with lightly. He's got a mean streak a mile wide, and he won't hesitate to make your life hell if you push him too far"

Jonathan now Michael nodded solemnly, his resolve tempered by the weight of his friends' warnings. He knew that facing off against Brad would be no easy feat, but he also knew that he couldn't stand idly by while injustice reigned supreme.

"Thanks, guys," Michael said, gratitude coloring his words. "I appreciate your concern, but I can handle myself. And besides, I've got a feeling that things are about to get a lot more interesting around here."

As Michael reflected on the moment, a wry chuckle escaped him. In his mind, he couldn't help but mull over the irony. "Here I am, inhabiting the body of a 15-year-old," Michael thought, "yet I'm a 27-year-old man. Am I truly expected to be intimidated by a mere teenager? Sure, this body may lack athleticism, given its geeky nature, but that doesn't diminish my resolve."

As the bell rang, signaling the start of another day of classes, Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over him. He may have been thrown into a strange new world, but he refused to let fear dictate his actions.

As he followed his friends to their first class of the day, Michael couldn't help but wonder what other adventures awaited him in the days and weeks to come.

Suddenly, a translucent window appeared before him, displaying a message: "Host, welcome to the Spider-Man system. Would you like to access the beginner pack?"

Wait, is this what they call the "golden finger," I wondered silently to myself.

To be Continued