Chapter 21 School Arc (5)

As everything calmed down and things started to get better, I swung back into action. I was determined to keep my classmates safe and stop the violence in our school. Every time I shot out my webs and swung, I felt a strong need to hurry and deal those terrorist.

In the midst of this incident, my mind was consumed with worry for my friends, Mark, Emily, and Chris. "Please stay safe, you three," I muttered quietly, feeling a heavy weight of concern in my heart. With every swing, I pushed myself to go faster, desperately trying to reach them as quickly as I could. "C'mon, hurry up," I urged myself, feeling the urgency of the situation driving me to move at lightning speed.

As I swung through the corridors, I looked around desperately, trying to find my friends in all these chaos that happen. "Wait, they're not here. Where could they be? shit," I whispered to myself, feeling frustrated and worried as I couldn't spot them anywhere.

[ Note: The system can't use the Spider-Man map like we thought. It only tells us if there are people in the school or not. It can't track each person separately. Remember when I asked where there's no people, and it suggested that secluded forest? That's why the map only tells us if there are people in the city or not.]

"Think, think," I muttered to myself, trying to come up with a plan to find my friend amidst all this scenario.

"Fuck, my Spider-Sense isn't dependable right now, there is only thing i can do. I have to buy that one from the shop that I saw before. The 'Chi Sensing Technique," I muttered urgently.

"System," I urgently said, "I need the Chi Sensing' Technique. Let's buy it."

Ai System: Affirmative, host. Initiating transaction... (ding) Complete.

[Chi Sensing]

Description: This ability allows you to see the chi or aura of people, even if they are hiding in a smoke bomb or other obstructions. It enables you to see everything as long as they are alive, by perceiving their chi and aura.

[Similar to Ki Sensing in Dragon Ball]

Buy:500 thousand shop points (own)

As I activated the "Chi Sensing " Technique, I felt something strange. It was like a wave washing over me, I could perceive the chi or aura of people, even if they were hidden or obstructed from view. It was as if I had a new sense, like a sixth sense, helping me find where everyone was hiding or moving.

I focused my senses, trying to identify the 20 people whose chi I could sense. Five of them emitted an unmistakably evil aura, their intentions dark and evil like they were up to no good. These were the terrorists, the ones responsible for the attack on our school.

The remaining 15 people's auras were different. Their chi was scared and weak, indicating that they were likely hiding or injured. They were most likely the students and teachers, just trying to stay safe during all the things happen.

"System," I inquired with a furrowed brow, leaning in slightly. "Given that I'm sensing the chi of these individuals, do you think you can utilize that information to provide insights into their status? It seems reasonable to assume that sensing and seeing or observing someone are similar, right?

The AI System responded promptly, "Absolutely, host. I can utilize their chi, you're picking up to give you insights into the status of these individuals.""

The AI then proposed, "host , Would you like me to display the status of an individual you're acquainted with?"

"Wait, are you talking about my friends?" I asked anxiously, hoping it was Mark, Chris, and Emily. My heart raced with anticipation, praying for good news in the midst of this situation.

As I waited for the AI to process my request, I mentally prepared myself for whatever it might reveal. I desperately hoped for good news about my friends but steeled myself for any outcome. When the status finally appeared, I was stunned. My eyes widened " This is....."


As Dart Pleshkov kept watch, his shiny bald head reflected the faint light. Mrs. Olivia Bridget, her son Ken, and 13 students hid nearby, scared of the five terrorists hunting them."Come out!" Dart Pleshkov urged loudly. He knew they couldn't stay hidden much longer.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Olivia Bridget and her son Ken, along with thirteen students, are hiding from five terrorists. Among the criminal is Dart Pleshkov, a Russian bald henchman of Jord.

As Dart Pleshkov kept watch, his shiny bald head reflected the faint light. Mrs. Olivia Bridget, her son Ken, and 13 students hid nearby, scared of the five terrorists hunting them.

" Damnit, this fog really hinders to our hunt," Dart muttered under his breath, his frustration evident as he scanned the fog-filled surroundings.

" появиться! (Come out!)" Dart Pleshkov urged in Russian loudly. He knew they couldn't stay hidden much longer.

Suddenly, Dart spotted one of the students. Enraged, he attacked the student leaving the student badly injured.

"Come out!, I'm losing my patience," Dart snapped, his voice filled with frustration and anger.

"1, 2, 3," Dart counted, his threat looming ominously, "I'll kill this student if the rest of you don't reveal yourselves. 1, 2..."

Suddenly, Ken stepped out from his hiding spot, Fear trembled in Mrs. Olivia's quietly voice as she warned her son, "No, don't go! There are five of them. You can't win!" Ken ignored his mother's desperate pleas.


As Ken stepped up, facing Dart with resolve, he uttered, "Let him go, or else you'll see how strong I am." His voice trembled slightly, but his determination was clear.

As Ken emerged from where he was hiding, he found himself staring at Dart and his four henchmen. a tense silence fell over the foggy surroundings

Dart Pleshkov looked closely, his shiny bald head reflecting the dim light as he sized up the situation. He was surprised by the brave action taken by the young man.

Dart's henchmen feel uncomfortable, glancing at each other. They hadn't expected things to take this surprising turn either.

Then the other henchman spoke, attempting to persuade Dart to let him kill that kid, Dart's expression remained firm. "No, let me deal with that kid alone. Everyone else, step back and don't interfere, understood?"

Dart smirked evilly as he addressed Ken, "Kid, let's have a little fight, just you and me. Don't worry, I won't allow anyone else to interfere. If you win, I'll let you all escape. After all, our plan is simply to cause explosion to this school and cause harm to the students. We were never ordered to prevent you from leaving. How does that sound?

Ken's heart pounded in his chest as he listened to Dart's proposal. The safety of his mother, the other students, depended on his decision. He glanced around, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew his companions were hiding nearby, counting on him to make the right choice.

Ken raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Are you really serious about that?" he asked, his voice tinged with doubt.

Dart chuckled darkly said in Russian Accent. "I'm absolutely sure, kid," he replied,

The other henchman's face showed confusion. "Boss, why bother with this pointless stuff?"

Dart's eyes narrowed with a sinister gleam said quietly to his henchman. "I want him to feel hope, then crush it on his face."

As Dart Pleshkov, the menacing henchman, advanced towards Ken with sinister plan, Mrs. Olivia and the students watched in horror, their hearts pounding with fear for Ken's safety. They knew facing armed terrorists was dangerous.

Ken stood his ground, his fists clenched tightly at his sides as he faced Dart, his heart racing with adrenaline. Despite his fear, he refused to back down, determined to protect his fellow student and his mother from harm.

"Ken, please don't!" Mrs. Olivia begged, her voice desperate. She knew Ken was brave, after all, he inherited his dad's bravery, but she feared for his safety against such ruthless enemies.

As the tension thickened, Dart's ears hear a woman's voice slicing through the fog. His smirk widened with realization. "Who's that, your mom?" he said in Russian accent, his tone dripping with malice. "Looks like we've got a family bond on our hands. Don't worry, after I'm done with you, I'll have some fun with your momma."

Ken's jaw clenched at Dart's cruel words, his fists tightening at his sides. He couldn't allow Dart to harm his mother or any of the other students.

then Ken remained cautious, his eyes locked with Dart's as he braced himself for the confrontation ahead. He knew that he had to stand up to these terrorists, even if it meant risking his own life.

Ken smiled bravely as he faced Dart, "If something happens to me here, Mom, please tell Dad that I love you both!" Ken spoke loudly so his mom, who was hiding close by, could hear him , could hear his words over the the surroundings filled with fog.


Name: Ken Bridget

Nationality: Canadian

Age: 15 years old


Strength: 27

Agility: 25

Endurance: 28

Stamina: 26

Intelligence: 29

Reflexes: 30

Charisma: 45

Luck: 30


Detective Skills

Basketball Prodigy

Charismatic Person

Weapon Master(Locked)


Technique Skills:

Taekwondo: Master Level (Black Belter)

Firearms Proficiency: (Pro level)


Name: Dart Pleshkov

Nationality: Russian

Age: 32 years old


Strength: 32

Agility: 30

Endurance: 30

Stamina: 35

Intelligence: 25

Reflexes: 29

Charisma: 20

Luck: 25



Survival Skills

Explosives Expertise


Reckless Gambit

Technique Skills:

Firearms Proficiency: Master level

Judo: Master level (Black Belter)


As Dart came at Ken, Ken got ready, bracing himself for the fight. Dart tried to grab Ken, but Ken dodged, moving quickly out of the way. Ken then kicked Dart hard in the chest with his Taekwondo skills.

Dart barely flinched from the hit, showing how tough he was. Ken kept going, throwing punches and kicks at Dart's face, hoping to find a weak spot.

But Dart was too good. He blocked Ken's attacks easily and moved in close. With a sudden move, Dart grabbed Ken's arm and threw him to the ground.

Ken tried to get up, but Dart was too strong. He held Ken down, and Ken couldn't break free. Ken realized he couldn't win against Dart.

As Dart pinned Ken to the ground, he leaned in close, a menacing grin spreading across his face. "I won't let you go, kid," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "You're going to suffer for as long as I want."

Dart cruelly tightened his grip on Ken's arm, causing bones to snap with a sickening sound. Ken screamed out in agony as pain shot through his body.

Dart's laughter only grew louder at Ken's suffering, reveling in the torment he inflicted. "That's it, scream for me," he taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic delight. "Let everyone hear how weak you are."

As Dart's assault on Ken continued, , the students and Mrs. Olivia Bridget watched in horror. Mrs. Bridget's eyes filled with tears as she heard her son screaming in pain. They couldn't see much because of the thick fog, but they could hear Ken's cries loud and clear.

The students were scared and huddled together, feeling powerless to do anything. Each time Ken screamed, it made them feel even more afraid. They wanted to help their friend, but they didn't know what to do.

"Ken, nooo!!!" Mrs. Bridget cried out, her voice filled with anguish as she tried to move towards her son. But she was quickly stopped by a student, who held her back with a firm grip.

"Mom, don't come!" Ken shouted through gritted teeth, his voice strained with pain. Despite the agony coursing through his body, he knew that his mother's safety was important. He couldn't bear the thought of her risking her life for him.

The students huddled together, their faces pale with shock and terror. Some covered their mouths to hide their cries, while others gripped each other's hands tightly, in silently praying for Ken's safety. The sound of bones snapping echoed through the hallways, sending shivers down their spines and that would haunt their dreams for years to come.

Mrs. Bridget's heart broke as she watched her son suffer at the hands of the merciless Dart. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she whispered prayers for Ken's safety, her voice choked with emotion. "I have to go to Ken," she pleaded, her desperation evident in her trembling voice.

But before she could move, a 14-year-old student with shaggy black hair stepped forward, blocking her path. "Ma'am, you can't go," he said firmly, his eyes filled with empathy. "If you go, it will only make things worse. I understand that you don't want to see your son in agony, but we don't have a choice. We have to watch and wait."

"Boss, did you hear that? It sounds like they might be hiding in that direction," said Henchman Number 1 to Dart.

"Go get them. I want to play with these kid for now. I want to break every bone in his body," Dart said, his voice dripping with malice as he chuckled evilly.

Dart paused for a moment, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "And don't touch a woman who is similar to my age. After all, that woman is this boy's mother. I want to play with his mother while he's watching," he added, his voice laced with a cruel and twisted sense of amusement.

"Understood, boss," replied Henchman Number 1, his tone obedient as he turned to follow Dart's orders.

Four henchmen swiftly moved in the direction of the noise, determined to flush out any hiding students.

Meanwhile, Ken, pinned down by Dart, cried out in pain, his voice strained. "No, don't!" he pleaded weakly, unable to move as Dart's grip held him in place.

As the henchmen moved forward through the fog, they spotted a student and moved to capture them.

Back with the students and Mrs. Bridget, panic intensified as The students saw their classmates being caught by Dart's henchmen. Whispers of fear filled the air as they realized the danger they were in.

No, please, don't hurt me!" one of the captured students pleaded, his voice trembling with fear as he tried to break free, his eyes filled with terror.

Before the situation could worsen the henchmen they suddenly found themselves under attack by someone they couldn't see. They were quickly beaten up, unable to fight back effectively in the thick mist. Confusion filled the air as they tried to figure out where their assailant was hiding. The Mysterious attacker moved fast and disappeared again into the fog, leaving the henchmen bewildered and bruised.

Suddenly, emerging from the thick fog, a figure appeared. At first, It was just a shadow, but as they moved closer, It features became clearer. It was a person, wearing a sleek black suit with touches of blue on his shoulders. his eyes were a striking bright blue, defeating the 4 henchman as if nothing.

As the person approached, you could see his outfit more clearly. He wore a black suit with a big spider symbol in dark blue on the chest.

The students and Mrs. Bridget couldn't believe what they were seeing as the mysterious new person came closer. His arrival grabbed everyone's attention, even amid all the confusion. People murmured in amazement at the sight, mixing with the feelings of hope.

"It's... it's Spider-Man," one of the students whispered in shock, their voice filled with Hope.

Tears streamed down their faces as they watched Spider-Man's familiar figure emerge from the mist. Mrs. Bridget and her students were crying with a mix of fear, relief, and gratitude. Finally, there was a glimmer of hope in this full of pain.

To be Continued