Chapter 37: 2 weeks later

Location: New York

Timeline: September 9, 1947

Time: 6:00 pm in the night


As time went by, things started getting back to normal at Midtown High School. Construction workers were busy rebuilding the school, and they were doing it really fast. They said they'd finish everything in just two months, which was pretty amazing considering how damaged the school was.

Despite the progress, the sadness of the tragedy still lingered. The students and teachers who died left their families grieving, and we all felt the weight of their absence. Now, two weeks later, the pain and sorrow remained, reminding us how fragile life can be.

Sitting in my room with my friends, surrounded by textbooks and papers, I told them about something which they knew.

"Hey guys, can you believe they want to rebuild the school in just two months?" I said, surprised, to my friends as we studied together at home. "I thought it would take like a whole year, but I guess they're really going all out.

"Well, considering that our school is one of the most prestigious in the world," Chris Hilton remarked "it's to be expected that my father would help in rebuilding. If he's involved, you can bet other influential people are too. My father wouldn't lend a hand unless there was something in it for him, so it's no surprise."

Chris sounded kind of a little bit annoyed and angry, like he knew this was coming. He was frustrated because he felt like his dad always gets involved in these big projects for benefits just because he's rich and influential. It's like he's tired of seeing his dad use his money to get what he wants."

"With money, you can do anything," Chris added with a hint of annoyance in his voice, acknowledging the power of wealth to make things happen. "And when you have people like my father behind a project, you can expect results, whether you like it or not. That's why they're aiming to rebuild the school in just two months."

"You seem really upset with your dad, Chris. What's the deal?" I asked, noticing his frustration.

"Well, it's kinda complicated. I don't want to talk about it, okay?" Chris Hilton replied, his tone indicating a desire to avoid the topic.

"Well, if you insist, then okay," I said, respecting his decision not to delve into it.

"Alright, let's just wrap up this homework, huh?" Mark chimed in, trying to shift our focus away from the heavy topic. "Sound good?" He added with a chuckle, aiming to lighten the mood.

Emily nodded in agreement, signaling her support for changing the topic.

As we moved from my room to the living area, where my friends were about to leave, my mom, Emberly Wilson, warmly asked them if they'd like to join us for dinner.

"Hey guys, wanna have some dinner before you all go?" my mom, Emberly Wilson, asked with a warm smile as my friends were getting ready to leave.

"Thanks, Mrs. Wilson, but I should probably head home," Emily declined politely, checking the time on her watch. "My dad's been a bit worried about me ever since that incident," she added with a slight smile.

Thanks for the offer," added Emily.

"Yeah, I've got some things to take care of at home as well," Chris chimed in politely. "Besides, my father has asked me to head home early today. He mentioned he has something important to discuss with me. I'm sorry, Mrs. Wilson."

Emberly Wilson replied with a warm smile, "That's too bad. Perhaps another time then. You're always welcome here."

Mark, however, hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Actually, Aunt Ember, I think I'll take you up on that offer. My sister's working evening, so I'll be alone at home for dinner."

Emberly smiled warmly at Mark. "Of course, dear! You're always welcome here. Let me set an extra place for you."

As my friends bid their farewells and left, Mark stayed behind, taking a seat at the dining table while my mom bustled around the kitchen, preparing dinner for us. Just before Emily left, she gave Mark a quick peck on the cheek, a gesture that surprised him.

"Take care, Mark," Emily said with a smile, her eyes twinkling with affection.

Mark blushed, returning her smile. "Thanks, Emily. See you later."

With Emily's departure, it was just Mark, my mom, and me in the kitchen, the atmosphere now filled with the comforting aroma of home-cooked food.

As we got comfortable at the dinner table, my mind drifted to my dad, Edward Wilson, who was still at his office. Being a cop was really hard, and I hoped he wasn't dealing with too much stress or danger right now.

(After that i asked Mark while Mom cooked as foods)

"So, how's your sister doing?" I asked Mark, trying to make conversation as my mom cooked.

"She's doing okay, I think," Mark replied, his tone tinged with concern. "She's been working evening shifts at the restaurant almost every night, but her shift ends at 6:50 pm. She mentioned her manager, Lory, is really supportive, so that's a relief

"So yeah, my sister's out at 6:50, so I still have time to eat dinner with you all before I go home," Mark added, his voice carrying a mix of reassurance and gratitude.

"That's good to hear," I replied, relieved that Mark had some time to relax and enjoy a meal with us before attending to his family responsibilities.

Mark smiled appreciatively, his shoulders visibly relaxing. "Yeah, it's a relief knowing she's not alone out there, especially with supportive people like her manager, Lory."

"Yeah," I nodded, understanding his concern for his sister. "Well, since you're staying for dinner, let's make sure it's something you'll enjoy."

With everyone settled, my mom began bustling around the kitchen, preparing a hearty meal for us. The aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, creating a cozy atmosphere as we chatted about lighter topics, steering away from the worries of the day.

As dinner came to an end, Mark glanced at the time, realizing he needed to leave soon to pick up his sister.

"I should probably head out to meet Mary Rose," Mark said, rising from the table. "Thanks for dinner, Aunt Ember. It was delicious."

"My pleasure, dear. Anytime you need a meal, you know where to find us," my mom replied warmly, already starting to clear the table.

"I better get going now. I need to pick up my sister from work," Mark explained, grabbing his backpack and heading towards the door.

"I can walk with you," I offered, standing up to join him. "After all, Mary Rose is also my friend, and I'd like to say hi to her."

Mark's expression softened with gratitude. "Thanks, man. I know she'd appreciate that."

Meanwhile (Chris Perspective)

Chris, lost in his thoughts about his dad's role in rebuilding the school, was suddenly called to his dad's office. Their home, which matched their wealthy status, had an office room where they often had important discussions, and it was also where his father worked if he wasn't in his office at their company. Mr. Conrad Hilton, Chris's father, was a prominent figure in the city's business circles, known for his involvement in major development projects.

I brought you here for a reason," Conrad Hilton stated to his son, his tone laced with professionalism and a hint of emotion. "It's because here," he paused, showing a picture of a teenage girl similar in age to his son, "her parents are our business partners and I want to make a connection with them to gain more influence. So, I need you to seduce her, okay?, no matter the cost. Do you grasp the importance of this opportunity?"

"So you're telling me you're using me to seduce an innocent girl just for the company's sake?" Chris questioned, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and a hint of betrayal. "Is that really what this is about?"

"Yes, that's correct," Conrad Hilton replied calmly, his expression unchanged. "Sometimes in business, one must make strategic moves to secure advantages. Your role in this is crucial for the company's growth and influence. It's about leveraging opportunities to further our business interests.

Chris Hilton asked his father, "How much?"

"What?" Conrad Hilton responded, his brow furrowing slightly in confusion.

Chris's face flushed with anger as he shouted, " Just how much more influence do you need?! When you already have enough fucking wealth and power!" His voice trembled with emotion, reflecting his disgust towards his father's cold-hearted business tactics.

Conrad Hilton's expression turned cold as he looked at his son. "It's not about need," he said sharply as his fist hit the desk."It's about opportunity. We're in business to expand our reach and secure our position. This is simply another step towards that goal."

"Our Business?" Chris scoffed with a sarcastic laugh. "Or your own ambition, Father?"

"You!" Conrad retorted sharply.

And I am not your clone, Father, nor will I ever be!" Chris said firmly, showing he strongly disagreed.

He turned sharply towards the door, his movements reflecting his frustration. As he made his way out, Conrad's voice cut through the tension, "Chris! Chris!"

But Chris didn't pause or look back, his mind set on leaving the conversation behind as he walked away, his father's calls fading into the distance.

After Chris stormed out, Conrad remained in his office, deep in thought. "Chris doesn't understand," he muttered softly, more to himself than anyone else. "We all learn from those around us, and I've taught him the ways of success, just as I know them."


As Mary Rose worked hard, going around the tables to pour more drinks and take orders, the busy atmosphere of the 1947 restaurant suddenly changed. A loud, drunken voice cut through the usual background chatter, making her look over to see what was happening a few tables away.

The drunk man, his words slurring and his movements clumsy, was leaning too close to a young woman, his intentions clearly unwelcome. Mary Rose became worried as she observed the awkward interaction.

"Hey, buddy, I think you've had enough of drink," the bartender intervened, placing a firm hand on the man's shoulder.

The drunk man wobbled; his gaze unfocused as he glanced around the room. "I ain't done yet," he slurred, his voice aggressive.

Mary walked over to the table where the drunk man was causing trouble, her manner calms yet firm. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to lower your voice and refrain from bothering other customers?" she said firmly, trying to calm the situation before it got worse.

The drunk man turned his blurry eyes toward Mary Rose, his expression shifting between confusion and defiance. "Who do you think you are to boss me around?" he slurred, speaking loudly enough to catch the notice of other people nearby.

Mary Rose maintained her composure, not letting the man's aggressive behavior scare her. "I work here as a server, and it's my responsibility to ensure that all our guests feel safe and comfortable," she said calmly, her voice steady.

Just then, the manager, Lory, arrived at Mary Rose's side, her presence lending additional authority to the situation. "Is there a problem here?" Lory asked, her voice firm as she addressed the drunk man.

The drunk man, upon realizing that the manager and other people have noticed his drunken state and with that he knows he needs to retreat to avoid further embarrassment or confrontation.

"You just wait, young lady," the drunk man slurred, his voice filled with angry as he stumbled away from the table. With one last unsteady glare at Mary Rose, he turned and clumsily headed for the exit.

With the trouble over, Mary Rose got back to work, moving quickly between tables to ensure that all the restaurant's guests were well taken care of.

After finishing her shift at 6:50 pm, Mary Rose stepped out of the restaurant, ready to wait for her brother Mark. But when she walked out, her heart skipped a beat when she saw a familiar figure waiting for her. It was the drunk man from earlier, accompanied by six intimidating-looking individuals

Mary Rose felt her heart beat faster as she realized things could get really dangerous. She took a big breath, trying hard to stay calm even though she was getting more and more scared. Looking around, she hoped to see anyone who could assist, but the street was empty.

Mary urgently thought, "Brother, please hurry up and get here." She hoped her brother would arrive soon to help her out of this dangerous situation.

"Hey, you!" the drunk man slurred, staggering forward with his buddies following behind him. "You think you can just boss me around like that in front of everyone?

"You're gonna pay for that, sweetheart," the drunk man slurred menacingly, his breath heavy with alcohol. "And I mean, you'll pay with your body." With a perverted smirk, his eyes flickering with malice.

"I don't want any trouble," Mary Rose said, her voice strong even though she felt scared inside. "Please, just leave me alone."

The drunk man sneered sarcastically, his words dripping with disdain. "Do you think we're just saying 'okay, have a nice day'? Are you an idiot?"

The drunk man and his buddies laughed loudly, their laughter sounding eerie and ominous in the quiet street.

All of a sudden, Mark Fletcher shouted, "What are you doing with my sister?" exclaimed, his tone filled with concern and anger. Standing right next to him was Michael Wilson, Aka Spider-Man.

To be continued