Chapter 45: Gangster in a Neighborhood (5)

As we pressed forward towards our destination, I couldn't help but express my admiration to Chris. "You know," I began, "thinking back to those dark days when our school was under attack... I now understand why. Despite the chaos and danger, you kept your composure and led those other students. It's because you've been through a lot in your whole life.


Chris looked down, his expression troubled. "Wait, did Mark tell you that I led everyone to safety during the attack?" he asked, a hint of embarrassment coloring his tone.


I nodded in response. "Yeah, he did," I confirmed, remembering Mark's admiration for Chris's leadership during that chaotic time. "After Teacher Thomas saved you all, you led them towards safety."


Chris shifted uncomfortably, his gaze fixed on the ground. "But, I couldn't even move back then when Teacher Dan got beaten to death," he admitted, his voice filled with regret. "That guy who beat him had these strong right arm, and I knew that if I moved and fought him, I would die." He sighed heavily, a sense of shame evident in his words. "I'm a coward, Michael, especially if someone's stronger than me. I'll avoid them to protect myself." He paused, his tone laced with self-criticism. "That's how selfish I am."

I placed a reassuring hand on Chris's shoulder, meeting his gaze with sincerity. "But here you are," I said softly, "instead of letting fear dictate your actions, you're choosing to stand up and face the danger alongside me, Chris."


Chris looked up, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and determination. "I guess... I couldn't let fear hold me back this time," he admitted, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Especially not when it means protecting you and the others."

Standing outside the big gates of the Capone mansion, Chris and I looked at each other, getting ready for what was next. The mansion looked huge and scary, like a castle from a storybook. We couldn't see inside because the windows were dark.

"Here we are," Chris said, his voice showing he was both nervous and determined. 

With a shared nod, we quietly made our way toward the gates, staying hidden and avoiding detection as we entered the Capone estate grounds.



As Thomas Halloway listened in on the conversation from the individuals he was tailing in the secret room. the mention of "vibranium" caught his attention. It reminded him of past encounters with a terrorist who used vibranium, which were incredibly strong and tough. Even Spiderman had trouble dealing with that guy. Thomas didn't know much about Vibranium, but he knew it was powerful and dangerous. This made him even more determined to find out what was going on and stop any plans involving Vibranium.

The henchman with the pompadour hairstyle nodded eagerly. "Yeah, that's what I heard. The boss needs the vibranium ASAP. He said someone higher up is requesting it."

His companion, the henchman with the side-parted black hair and beard, furrowed his brow in understanding. "So, our boss has a boss too, huh? Looks like we're just following orders, towards another boss. Am I right?"

Thomas listened intently, piecing together the puzzle of the gang's hierarchy and their involvement with vibranium. It was clear that their boss, Albert Capone, was just a pawn in a larger scheme orchestrated by someone even more powerful.


While the henchmen chatted, Thomas stayed hidden, watching and planning. He knew the city's future was at stake, and he felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

As the henchmen reached their destination, Thomas found himself in a large room filled with shiny metal objects. Seeing them reminded him of past fights against that monster with similar materials, the Vibranium that bad guy mentioned. Thomas put two and two together and realized that the metal here was indeed Vibranium, the dangerous stuff from before. Feeling a rush of urgency, he knew he had to move fast to stop anyone from using it to cause harm to the city.

Thomas quickly knocked out the two henchmen, making them unconscious. Then, he looked around at the vibranium objects in the room. He realized how dangerous they could be if misused. Thomas knew he had to stop whoever was behind this and protect the city. He made a plan to deal with the situation and prepared to take action.

But before he could fully assess the situation, another henchman burst into the room, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of Thomas. "Intruder!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing off the secret door walls. Thomas prepared himself for a confrontation.

"Can't believe this," Thomas muttered to himself as he saw the henchmen gathering around him. Realizing he was outnumbered, he knew he had to escape and come up with a new plan. Acting quickly, he grabbed his smoke bombs and tossed them, creating a thick cover of smoke. Taking advantage of the chaos, Thomas slipped away, disappearing into the shadows before the henchmen could catch him.

As the thick smoke clouded the room, Thomas saw shadowy figures closing in on him from all sides. He wasted no time and pulled out his handguns, their familiar weight reassuring in his grip.

As Thomas fired his guns, he aimed carefully and quickly, hitting each of the henchmen with his bullets. The loud noise of the gunfire filled the room, and the henchmen cried out in pain as they were hit and fell down.

In the midst of all the confusion, Thomas stayed cool and concentrated, moving smoothly as he took out one enemy after another. He shot quickly and accurately, not making any mistakes as he dealt with each opponent as they came.


With the last henchman defeated, Thomas paused to catch his breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline slowly ebb away. He reloaded his guns with practiced ease, keeping a watchful eye on the dissipating smoke, ready for any unexpected developments.

After the intense battle, Thomas stood amidst the fallen enemies, the only one left standing in the room.



"Boss, it seems like there is an intruder," the man in his 40s informed Albert Capone, his voice tinged with urgency.


"What did you say?" Capone's expression darkened as he processed the news.


Before he could react further, the sound of gunshots echoed through the room, causing everyone to tense up.


"Go catch that intruder! Order everyone to catch him!" Capone barked, his tone commanding as he rallied his men into action.


As the chaos unfolded, Capone muttered to himself, "No one should interfere with our transaction, or else I'm gonna get killed by Sephiro." The name alone sent shivers down his spine, reminding him of the consequences of failure.




Chris and I quietly moved forward, staying hidden in the shadows. We saw a group of thugs running around, looking for something or someone. I glanced at Chris, telling him to stay hidden.

Holding our breath, we listened intently as the goons conversed among themselves.


"Did you find the intruders?" one henchman asked anxiously.

Listening in on the talk, we figured out that Teacher Thomas was the one they were after. We felt worried, knowing he could be in big trouble. But we couldn't waste any time worrying. We had to stay focused on finding and helping him. With fresh determination, Chris and I kept moving silently, committed to our mission to save Teacher Thomas.

With the gangsters busy searching for Teacher Thomas, Chris and I quietly approached the mansion. They were too focused on their task to notice us sneaking past, giving us a chance to move forward without being detected. We kept a lookout for any signs of danger as we crept closer, determined to find Teacher Thomas and help him however we could.

As we advanced, aiming to find Teacher Thomas, a gangster suddenly noticed us and yelled, "Intruders!" In an instant, he aimed his weapon at us. But before he could fire, Teacher Thomas acted fast, save us from danger. With a swift move, he threw a smoke bomb towards us, creating a dense cloud that hid our escape. Thankful for his quick action, we took the chance to slip away, vanishing into the thick smoke as we made our getaway.

As we followed Teacher Thomas through the huge mansion, we were amazed by how big and fancy it was. Each room we passed was even more impressive than the last, with fancy decorations and furniture everywhere. But even though it looked nice, we knew there was danger all around us.


Now that we were in the room, Teacher Thomas paused for a moment, his breath heavy as he looked around at us. "I'm getting too old for this," he muttered, a hint of weariness in his voice. Then, turning his gaze to each of us, he asked, "Why are you all here?"

Chris stepped forward, his expression earnest as he responded, "Because we want to save you."

Teacher Thomas regarded us with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "You came to save me?" he asked, a hint of disbelief coloring his tone.

"Yes, we came to save you, and there's no time to waste," I replied urgently.

Before we could react, the door burst open, and a group of armed henchmen flooded into the room, their presence sending a wave of tension rippling through the air.

Chris tensed beside me, his hand instinctively reaching for his pocket knife as he prepared to defend himself against the approaching threat.


Teacher Thomas wasted no time, swiftly tossing another smoke bomb into the fray before unleashing a barrage of gunfire, his movements fluid and precise as he took aim at the advancing enemies.


"Stay close, Chris!"Teacher Thomas yelled above the noise, his voice strong and steady despite the chaos. He skillfully used his grappling hook to disarm one of the henchmen, moving with quick, accurate movements.

Chris nodded, his eyes wide with adrenaline as he followed Teacher Thomas's lead

I took the chance to split from Chris and Teacher Thomas, trusting in my ability to sense the presence of the gangsters around us. Focusing my energy, I tapped into my chi sense, using it to sense the location of our enemies. With practiced skill, I projected my presence, ensuring that the gangsters would notice me, drawing their attention away from Chris and Teacher Thomas.

I shouted, "Hey, you motherfuckers! I'm right here!" before darting away, relying on my spider sense to evade their shots with quick agility.

Chris, seeing me sprinting away, couldn't contain his frustration. "You idiot!" he exclaimed before making to follow me. However, Teacher Thomas intervened, grabbing Chris's arm to stop him.


"Don't go. Pay attention to the enemies in front of you," he instructed, handing Chris a gun. "We have to assume that Michael is safe for now, but our focus needs to be on the present danger."


Chris nodded reluctantly, his worry for me evident in his voice as he murmured, "Michael, please be safe."

Thomas's gaze hardened as he addressed Chris, his voice serious. "Are you ready to kill, kid?" he asked, the weight of the question hanging heavy in the air.


Chris hesitated for a moment, grappling with the gravity of the situation. "I don't know," he admitted, his tone reflecting his uncertainty. "But if it comes to that, I don't have a choice but to make a decision."

"Don't worry, I'm just testing you. I'm not going to let you kill someone. After all, you're just a kid," Teacher Thomas reassured Chris as they pressed themselves against the wall, seeking cover from the gunfire.


As I found myself Feeling trapped by a swarm of tough-looking gangsters, I knew I had to act fast. With my heart racing and my senses on high alert, I jumped right into the fray without hesitating.

Leaping forward, I aimed a kick directly at the closest thug. My foot connected with his torso, and he stumbled backward, caught off guard by the sudden assault. Landing gracefully, I pivoted on my heel, delivering a swift back kick to the chest of another assailant who had rushed in from the side. The force of the blow sent him crashing into his comrades, creating a momentary gap in their ranks.

The air was filled with the sounds of combat—a sounds of grunts, shouts, and the clang of metal as the gangsters attempted to overwhelm me. Ignoring their taunts and threats, I focused solely on the task at hand, my heightened senses, sharpened by my spider sense, allowed me to anticipate their every move, giving me a crucial advantage in the frenzied melee.

As I continued to unleash my onslaught of punches and kicks, the gangsters' frustration grew evident with each missed strike. "You think you're strong, huh?" one of them snarled, his voice dripping with malice as he lunged at me with a knife in hand. "We'll see about that, brat!" Another one, emboldened by his comrade's aggression, joined the fray, swinging wildly in my direction as he shouted curses and threats.

Reacting with lightning speed, I dodged his swing, swiftly countering with a punishing elbow strike to his jaw. The impact sent him staggering backward, clutching his face in agony. "You'll pay for this!" he growled, his voice filled with venom as he struggled to regain his footing. Yet another person lunged forward, his eyes blazing with fury as he aimed a wild punch in my direction but i kick him in the face.

As the fight got tougher, I kept going, staying strong even though there were so many of them against just me. I dodged their punches and kicks, hitting back with my own moves, trying to knock them down one by one. They shouted insults and threats, but I didn't let it shake me. I knew I had to keep fighting, keep pushing forward no matter what. And with every enemy I took down, I felt more determined to win.

As the gangsters tried to shoot me with their guns, I relied on my spider sense to dodge their bullets effortlessly. Their faces twisted in shock and disbelief as their weapons proved useless against me. "Yo-you monster!" one of them stammered, his voice trembling with fear and frustration, then I punch him in the face.

After what felt like a very long time of fighting, I finally beat the last of the gangsters. I breathed heavily, looking around at the mess we'd made. There was a tense feeling in the air, and the sounds of our fight still echoed. Winning felt good, but I couldn't relax yet. I stayed alert, ready for anything.

 Of course, I didn't kill them. I just fought them and knocked them out. I'm a hero, not a murderer.

All of a sudden, weird smoke started swirling in front of me. I knew right away it was some kind of gas that made you fall asleep. But before I could do anything about it, it knocked me out.

As I started to lose consciousness, the last thing I saw was someone's footsteps coming closer through the smoke. Then everything went black, and I passed out from the strange gas.

One of the henchmen turned to another individual, adjusting his gas mask to protect himself from the sleeping gas. "Boss Jon, should we take out this kid? He's holding his own against all those gangsters, looks pretty tough."


Boss Jon, the mastermind behind the sleeping gas, nodded thoughtfully behind his own gas mask. "Impressive for a kid, isn't it?" He then shook his head. "No, we won't harm the kid. Let him be. He is not part of our plan, and besides, I don't harm innocent children."


As the story goes on, We find out that the person causing all the trouble in the mansion is Jon Jackson, who also goes by the name Jamal Tesfaye. But why is he doing this? What does he want in the Mansion?