Chapter 52: The Slums (6)

[Before this happened Gallagher Side]

The Gallagher family, with their hands bound by handcuffs, watched in horror as the terrible scene unfolded before them. Amon Gallagher, with tears in his eyes, tried to reach out to his family despite being unable to move properly. "No... Rena," he managed to say, his voice filled with sadness as he saw what happened to his wife. "Please, no..."

Rena Gallagher's body lay still on the ground, her lively spirit silenced by the cruelty of their captors. Amon's heart broke as he gazed at her, his hands shaking with sadness as he struggled to hold back his own tears. "We'll be alright," he whispered, his voice heavy with sorrow as he tried to comfort his children, despite his own uncertainty.

Sarah and Jed Gallagher, their faces wet with tears, stood side by side, their hearts heavy with sorrow. Tears streamed down their cheeks as they watched the tragic scene unfold before them, unable to comfort each other due to the restraints binding their hands. "Mommy..." Sarah whimpered softly, her voice choked with emotion as she tried to reach out, but the cuffs stopped her. Jed's eyes were also full of tears as he tried to stayed close to his sister, sharing in their sorrow without saying a word.

When the smoke faded and Spider-Man appeared as their surprising hero, the Gallagher family felt a tiny bit of hope in the midst of their terrible situation. Even though they were sad and scared, they stayed strong, finding comfort in being a family. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they glanced at the masked hero, feeling thankful and hoping he could save them from the awful nightmare they were trapped in.

[On the other side] 

As Spider-Man appeared, a glimmer of hope spread through the room, making everyone feel a mix of emotions. Mark's hands shook uncontrollably as he struggled against the metal restraints, but he felt really relieved because he realized they might have a chance to escape the nightmare they were trapped in.

 "Thank God," Mark said with a hint of relief in his voice, his words slightly interrupted by a hiccup.

Emily felt deep sadness as she looked at Mark, her boyfriend, grappling with strong feelings. She couldn't touch him because of the cuffs, so she could only offer him a supportive gaze, sharing his hurt silently.

After she looked at Mark, she then turned to her parents, her eyes filled with tears as she shared the news with them.

Through tears streaming down her cheeks, Emily managed to convey to her parents, Gary and Sharon Hawkins, that they had survived the ordeal. "We're okay," she choked out between sobs, her voice trembling with emotion. "We made it through."

Gary and Sharon Hawkins, with their hands tied tightly by handcuffs, shared a look of relief and love for their daughter. "Thank goodness," Gary said in a rough voice, his emotions evident as he leaned toward Emily as much as he could with the restraints holding him back. Sharon nodded, tears streaming down her face as she silently thanked whatever higher power had kept them safe.


[Windsor Family side]

Amidst their sadness and feeling powerless, Elizabeth and Luke sat close, their hands stuck in cuffs. They couldn't hold each other, so they just stayed together for comfort.

Elizabeth's voice trembled as she spoke to her husband, her words choked with sorrow. "Lander, even though you're gone..." She paused, struggling to find the right words through her tears. "Even though you're gone, you were right. We're alive... We're alive," she repeated, her voice breaking with emotion as she held onto the little hope those words offered.

Luke, tears mixing with his mother's, looked down at his father's lifeless form, his heart heavy with sorrow. "Dad, please rest in peace," he murmured, his voice soft and shaky. "I promise, we'll be okay," he vowed, determination shining through his grief as he made a solemn promise to his father.


The rich families, tears running down their cheeks, felt relieved when Spider-Man showed up. Even though they couldn't move, they comforted each other with kind words, feeling better knowing the hero was there. With Spider-Man around, they felt a little bit hopeful in the middle of all the bad stuff, thinking maybe they'd be safe soon.



As I punched the African man to the ground, he fell unconscious. I was angry because of what happened, but I didn't kill him. He would pay for it under the law. Then, I turned towards the people who were captive. I saw that they were all wealthy people. I mean, look at their clothes. After all, in 1947, you could distinguish who was poor and who was not by their looks. And by their appearance, they were wealthy people, except for Mark. Why was Mark here?


As I approached them to remove the restraints, I saw relief and gratitude in their eyes. They looked hopeful as they understood they were finally getting out of here.

"Thank you, Spider-Man," exclaimed Amon Gallagher, his voice trembling with emotion as his restraints fell away. "We owe you our lives."


The others echoed his sentiment, their voices filled with gratitude and disbelief at their unexpected rescue. Tears welled up in their eyes as they realized they were finally free from the nightmare that had held them captive for so long.


"Guys, listen to me," I started, speaking firmly but kindly as I looked at each of them. Taking a brief pause, I felt the tension in the air, knowing they were waiting anxiously for what I had to say. Their hopes and worries seemed heavy, like burdens they carried on their faces.

"I have something to say," I continued, my voice steady and calm. "I need you all to stay here and wait for me to return." Their expressions showed confusion and concern, mixed with a bit of hope.


"Why?" one of them blurted out, echoing the thoughts of the group. "We thought you were coming to save us," another added, sounding disappointed and unsure.


I met their eyes, trying to convey reassurance. "I'm here to help," I assured them. "But things are complicated, and I need to make sure you're safe before we do anything else. Trust me, staying here is the best choice for now."


Just as they began to voice their complaints, suddenly my bestfriend, Mark, a skinny 15-year-old with glasses, spoke up. "Spiderman is right. What if there's still an enemy out there?" His voice was hesitant but determined as he continued, "If we leave now, who knows what might happen."

His words lingered in the air, sinking in among the group. There was a moment of silence as they considered Mark's perspective, realizing the potential dangers that awaited them outside. Some nodded in agreement, while others exchanged uncertain glances.

"Exactly, that's what I was trying to say," I confirmed, looking at Mark with a thankful nod. "Thanks, kid," I said, appreciating his understanding.


Turning back to the group, I repeated, "I need to make sure it's safe outside, so please wait here until then. Can you do that for me, everyone?" My voice was strong and clear, making sure they understood the importance of staying put for their safety.

With unanimous nods of agreement, they showed their understanding and ceased any further complaints. 

With one final glance at them, I reassured, "I'll be right back," before heading out.

Stepping outside after rescuing Mark and the others, now I'm trying to find Chris. the weight of the situation bore down on me. As I scanned the area using my chi sense. Suddenly, a voice broke the silence from behind me.


As Thomas Halloway and the buzz-cut young man, Loe, walked through the slums, a tense atmosphere surrounded them. Loe's keen eyes looked around carefully, his short haircut adding to his tough appearance, fitting in with the rough surroundings.

"Which direction?" Thomas whispered, as they wound through the maze-like streets.

Loe pointed to the left, his movements clear and confident. "We go that way," he said, his voice steady but quiet.

As Thomas followed Loe's lead, he sped up, his senses sharp as they delved further into the slums.

When they reached their destination, Thomas was taken aback by what he saw. The enemy's territory sprawled out before them like a massive military base, organized and imposing. The sheer scale of it all left him stunned, and he exchanged a wide-eyed look with Loe, silently recognizing the seriousness of their predicament.


"This is it, Old Man" Loe said, his voice filled with killing intent.


Thomas nodded. "We need to sneak out carefully, okay?" he replied, his tone serious as he emphasized the need for caution.

"Whatever, I just want to kill that African man," Loe said, his voice tinged with anger and vengeance.


"I told you not to kill," said Thomas, his voice firm with disapproval.


"Are you my parents, huh? And Are you my grandpa, huh?" Loe retorted angrily, his frustration evident in his tone. "Leave me alone," he added, his voice filled with resentment.


Thomas Halloway let out a sigh of frustration as they attempted to sneak in, but their efforts were in vain. Before they could make any significant progress, someone discovered them, their presence exposed to the enemy.

Enemies!" one of them yelled angrily, the word filled with hostility and urgency.


"Intruders, call anyone!!!" another voice commanded sharply, the order clear and forceful.


Thinking fast, Thomas grabbed some small smoke bombs he had hidden in his pocket. He swiftly threw them towards their enemies, covering the area in a dense, confusing fog.

As Thomas and Loe dashed through the smoke, their pursuers' voices rose in alarm, shouting warnings about the intruders. Meanwhile, Loe's impulsive nature surfaced once more as he muttered, "We could just kill them, old man."


"Are you an idiot?" Thomas retorted, his voice edged with frustration. "They're coming for us like hyenas. We need to keep moving."

As Thomas and Loe kept running through the enemy's territory, Thomas suddenly spotted someone he knew—a figure in a black suit with a spider symbol on the chest. His heart raced with excitement and relief as he realized who it was. "Spiderman?" Thomas exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise.


To be continued