Chapter 72- The Romance Dawn Arc (1)

Mary Rose Fletcher's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of a room filled with roses, their sweet scent mingling with the air. Confusion clouded her mind as she struggled to comprehend her surroundings, but before she could make sense of it all, a chilling voice broke the silence.

"My name is Ted Burne, but everyone calls me Shadow," the man declared, his voice dripping with malice as he licked his lips. Mary's heart raced with fear as she realized the danger she was in.

"Let me out of here!" she demanded, struggling against the binding shadows that held her in place. But Shadow only grinned wickedly in response, his dark presence looming over her.


"You can't escape, my dear," he taunted, his voice sending shivers down Mary's spine. "That shadow is too strong for you to break free from. But don't worry, soon you'll be by my side, as my wife, and we'll enjoy each other's company."


As Ted spoke of his vile intentions, Mary's fear turned to disgust and revulsion. "You're sick!" she spat, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and fear. "I'll never be your wife, you monster!" as she stared down the Man before her, refusing to succumb to his twisted desires.

Before Mary could protest further, Ted's attention was drawn elsewhere, sensing the arrival of an expected visitor. "So, Spider-Man, you are here," he sneered, his gaze flickering to Mary before returning to the darkness where his nemesis lurked. "Once I've taken care of Spider-Man, then we'll have all the time in the world to get to know each other, my dear. But for now, let's enjoy the beginning of our little romance fighting the villain's name Spider-Man."

With a final chilling grin, Ted disappeared into the shadows, leaving Mary alone with her fear and uncertainty. As she waited for Spider-Man to arrive, she could only hope and pray that he would come to her rescue before it was too late.


[Mc Pov]


As Ted's voice sent chills down my spine, I steeled myself for whatever sinister plans he had in mind. Every nerve in my body was on edge, urging me to proceed with caution. But above all else, I knew that Mary's safety was my top priority, and I couldn't afford to falter.

With a deep breath, I stepped forward, my eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of movement. "Enough games, Shadow," I called out, my voice steady despite the nerves gnawing at my insides. "Let her go. This ends now."


As the words left my lips, I braced myself for whatever response Ted would do next. The atmosphere was tense, with only the sound of moving shadows breaking the silence. 

"You're quite bold, aren't you?" Ted's mocking tone was unmistakable. Even though he was hidden in the shadows, I could feel his presence through my chi sense and spider sense. Yep he is pretty stupid isn't he, but I couldn't afford to underestimate him.


Suddenly, the shadows around me seemed to come alive, twisting and shifting as if they had a mind of their own. I tensed, ready for whatever Ted had planned, but nothing could prepare me for what happened next. They moved gracefully, surrounding me and blocking any way out. Their eyes glowed dimly, making them even scarier.


"Meet my shadow minions, Spider-Man," Ted's voice echoed in the darkness, filled with triumph. "They may not be as strong as me, but they're more than capable of keeping you occupied while I deal with you at the sametime." He added with a sinister chuckle, "By the way, I call them Erebus."


As I prepared to face the shadow minions, my chi sense detected Mary's presence nearby. It fueled my determination to end this quickly.

Then when I tried to shine my flashlight at the Erebus creatures, Ted's minions, it didn't work. The darkness just swallowed up the light, like it wasn't even there.

"Do you think that light will work against them?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.

"I know your power affects them, but there's a time limit, right?" I said, keeping my voice firm. "Once it's up, you'll all be vulnerable to light."

Ted's grin faltered for just a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face before he regained his composure. With a sinister chuckle, he replied, "Do you think you'll still be alive by the time it runs out?"

As the Erebus creatures closed in, their dark forms surrounding me, I acted swiftly. I shot my webshooters at the nearest Erebus, aiming to immobilize it. But just as I thought I had gained an advantage, Ted attacked from behind with surprising speed.

Ted's surprise attack caught me off guard, but my spider sense kicked in, letting me dodge just in time. "Sneaky Bastard," I muttered, feeling determined to beat him.

As Ted was momentarily distracted by my dodge, I seized the opportunity to strike back, shooting webs in his direction in an attempt to trap him once again. But as before, he vanished into the darkness, leaving me to face his Erebus minions alone. 


My spider sense blared warnings as I looked around, detecting danger from both above and below. Two Erebus creatures pounced from the darkness above, claws ready to strike, while the other two closed in from below, their glowing eyes locked on me.


"You gotta be kidding me," I muttered as I found myself sandwiched between the two groups of Erebus creatures, one above and one below. With my senses on high alert, I swiftly swung my arms, shooting webs at the Erebus creatures above and below me, aiming to immobilize them temporarily.

My webs snagged the creatures, slowing them down. I spun around to deal with the threat. But before I could react, Ted's punch that filled with darkness struck me square in the back, making me cry out.


"Argh!" I staggered forward, caught off guard by the blow. The Erebus creatures wasted no time, their claws slashing at me relentlessly from every direction, leaving me scrambling to defend myself.

Despite the overwhelming assault, I refused to let myself be overwhelmed. Drawing upon my 1 year and a half of training and experience, I focused on maintaining my composure, weaving and dodging with agility as I countered each attack with calculated precision.

"Enough!" I roared, channeling every ounce of my inner strength into a single devastating blow. With a primal roar, I tapped into my berserker power, unleashing a torrent of raw energy that surged through my veins like wildfire.

With lightning speed, I rushed toward the Erebus creatures, delivering powerful punches that sent them flying. They staggered backward, howling in pain as they tried to recover. 

"Impossible? How could you punch them when they're made of shadow?" Ted (Shadow) questioned incredulously.

"You see, I'm one of a kind, irregular," I replied confidently, locking eyes with Ted (Shadow).


Name: Michael Wilson (formerly Jonathan Anderson)

Nationality: American

Energy: 100


Physically: 15 years old

Mentally: 27 years old



Strength: 170 + 50% = 266

Agility: 150 + 50% = 236

Endurance: 172 + 50% = 266

Stamina: 132 + 50% = 209

Intelligence: 130 + 50% = 206

Reflexes: 150 + 50% = 236

Charisma: 50

Luck: 41



- Berserker

- Chi Sense

- Enhanced Spider-Sense

- Enhanced Wall-Crawling

- Enhanced Organic Web

- Enhanced Detective Skills

- Leadership Skills


Available Points:

Experience Points: 100

Shop Points: 2 million


Technique Skills:


Boxing: Master level

Taekwondo: Master level

Kungfu: Master level

Systema: Master level

Street Fight: Master level

Akido:Master level

Muay Thai: Master level

Eskrima: Master level


Special Ability:


Berserker Mode: This special ability taps into your primal instincts, boosting your strength and aggression in battle. However, activating it consumes 100 energy. After one hour of activation, you'll be left in a near-death state, exhausted and vulnerable. But be cautious, there's a cooldown of 20 minutes after each use.


Enhancements in Berserker Mode:

Strength: Increased to 50%

Agility: Increased to 50%

Endurance: Increased to 50%

Stamina: Increased to 50%

Reflexes: Increased to 50%

Brink of Death Boost: When you are in a brink of death, your strength is boosted to 10, granting you a last burst of power to potentially turn the tide of battle.


With a determined grin, I prepared to face Ted (Shadow) and his Erebus creatures once more.

To be continued