Chapter 79- New York War (2)

Ken Bridget, a 19-year-old and the son of Kevin Bridget, alongside a now Corporal Police Officer Eric Morion, fighting against a group of lickers.

Ken quickly stabbed one of the lickers in the head with his knife, taking it down in one swift move. At the same time, Eric kicked another licker, making it stumble, then finished it off with a shot to the head.

Eric was impressed by Ken's agility and fighting abilities. "You're pretty good, kid," he said, showing his respect. "I get why your dad wants you to assist us. You're young, but you've got some serious skills."


Then Ken's face showed determination, his resolve deepened by the need to grow stronger and overcome past struggles. "Thanks," he said firmly. "I just want to get stronger after that fight with the Russian guy. I almost died back then if Spider-Man hadn't swooped in to save me."

As they caught their breath after the first round of fighting, a group of ten more lickers appeared, their growls filling the newyork. Ken and Eric prepared themselves for another round, their nerves on edge as they faced the new threat head-on.

With a quick stab, Ken's knife pierced the licker's flesh, making it howl in pain. He didn't waste a moment, swiftly stabbing again, finishing it off. As it collapsed, Ken's expression hardened in disgust

"Fucking monster," he growled, his voice thick with disgust as he surveyed the carnage around him. But dwelling on his emotions wasn't an option. With more lickers closing in, Ken sprang into action, striking out with rapid, relentless blows.

Ken's fast kick made one licker stumble backward, its growls muffled by the thud of impact. With a quick slice, he disabled another by cutting its tendons. Then, he poked a vulnerable spot on a third licker, making it cry out in pain and fall.


[On the other Side]

As Eric surveyed the battlefield, he took in the scene with a calm and focused gaze. Taking a moment to steady himself, he raised his gun, ready to shoot. His finger hovered over the trigger, ready to fire as he prepared to confront the enemy.

Eric swiftly moved into action, delivering a series of kicks and punches with skill and precision, pushing back the approaching group of creatures. With a perfectly timed kick, he sent one of the lickers flying, and before it could land, he shoot it in the head.

As another of those licker creatures came charging at Eric, he smoothly sidestepped its claw attack. With a swift kick to its side, he knocked it off balance. Before it could regain its footing, he pulled out his gun and shot it right in the head.


"These disgusting things," Eric spat out, his annoyance growing as he battled to fend off the lickers. "How are there so many of them?" Despite the overwhelming numbers, Eric stayed focused, refusing to give up as he fought alongside Ken, committed to finishing the fight no matter what.




As Edward Wilson, the Executive Captain of the police force, led his team of twenty officers towards the scene of chaos in New York, he knew the gravity of the situation they were about to face. With determination etched on his face, he rallied his men with a firm command.

"Men, let's go," Edward called out, his voice steady and commanding as they pressed forward into the chaos. But deep within his mind, he silently pleaded, "Be safe out there, Michael, my son."

As they arrived in New York where the incident were, Edward and his team were confronted with a horrifying sight. Lickers, monstrous creatures unlike anything they had ever seen before, were terrorizing civilians, tearing into them with savage ferocity. Edward's anger surged at the sight of innocent lives being torn apart before his eyes. In a moment of fierce determination, he ordered his men, "Take them down!"


With his arnis and kickboxing skills, Chris guided Mary and Emily to safety, his mind buzzing with plans to keep them protected. He felt a strong sense of duty to shield them from the chaos around them.

Suddenly Chris and the girls spotted the terrifying lickers, fear gripped them. The creatures looked so strange and scary, like something out of a nightmare.


Emily gasped, her voice barely a whisper, "What... what are those things?" Fear trembled in her words as she clung tightly to Mary's arm.

Mary's eyes widened in terror as she clung to Emily, seeking comfort in their shared fear. "I-I don't know, but they look dangerous," she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest.


As they caught sight of the lickers, Chris instinctively reached for the silver knife tucked in his pocket. Emily, noticing his action, couldn't help but inquire about it.


"You always have a silver knife in your pocket?" Emily asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.


Chris nodded, his grip tightening on the knife. "Yeah, it's a precaution. Loe and Mark carry dangerous weapons too. It's just what we do to stay prepared," he explained, his voice calm but resolute. "So, yeah, better safe than sorry."


Then Chris gripped his silver knife tighter, positioning himself between Mary and Emily and the oncoming lickers. "Stay back," he whispered urgently, his voice firm but reassuring. "I'll keep you both safe. Afterall That's what I promised to Michael and Mark."

As the lickers approached, Chris acted quickly. He stabbed at one's eyes with his knife and then kicked it hard, making it stumble. At the same time, he pull the blade into its eye, causing the creature to howl in pain. With a determined effort, Chris swiftly finished it off, ensuring it posed no further threat.

But their victory was short-lived as more lickers appeared, their numbers multiplying rapidly.Chris felt a surge of panic as he realized they were vastly outnumbered. His grip on the knife tightened as he frantically searched for a way to defend against the growing horde.

Mary and Emily clung to Chris, fear evident in their wide eyes as they watched the creatures approach.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire rang out, cutting through the chaos. Chris turned to see Staff Sergeant Mart Ramirez, a veteran police officer, firing precise shots at the approaching lickers. With each shot, a licker fell, its head pierced by a well-aimed bullet.

"Kids, why are you here? You should be evacuated," Mart exclaimed, his tone firm but caring as he quickly dealt with the remaining lickers.

Chris breathed a sigh of relief at Mart's timely intervention, grateful for the assistance. "We got separated from the evacuation," Chris explained quickly, his words rushed as he glanced at Mary and Emily, ensuring they were unharmed. "But we're okay now, thanks to you."

Mart nodded, his expression serious. "Alright, let's get you to safety," he said, motioning for them to follow him as he led the way.



Mark Fletcher and Kevin Bridget stood in the aftermath of their fight against the lickers, taking a moment to catch their breath and exchange friendly jokes. Kevin's laughter filled the calm street, a sharp contrast to the recent chaos.


"I'm getting too old for this," Kevin chuckled, wiping sweat from his forehead as he grinned at Mark.


Mark chuckled back, enjoying the light moment. "You're still young to me, sir," he teased

Rolling his eyes with a smile, Kevin nudged Mark. "Alright, Nightwing, enough jokes," he said with aa little bit chuckle.

Their laughter was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a stranger. The man had a tattoo on his forehead that read "69."

"Who are you?!" Mark demanded, his muscles tensing as he prepared for a potential threat.

The man smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement as he introduced himself. "I am Adam Steel, but you can call me Metal, or Morphin Metal, anything you want," he replied casually, his tone dripping with confidence.

Mark's eyes widened in shock. "Shit, mutant! This is what Spider-Man talking about!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with urgency as he prepared to defend against the unexpected threat.

Kevin's grip on his weapon tightened, his expression hardening with determination. "What fucking mutant?" he demanded, his senses on high alert as he prepared to fight.

Mark and Kevin stood side by side, confronting the metal mutant with unwavering determination. They knew the battle ahead wouldn't be easy, but they were prepared to do whatever it took to protect their city.

To be continued

Name: Adam Steel

Alias: Morphin Metal

Nationality: Canadian

Age: 36




Strength: 150

Agility: 60

Endurance: 180

Stamina: 160

Intelligence: 100

Reflexes: 60

Charisma: 30

Luck: 80

Mutant Power:


Metallic Transformation: Adam Steel possesses the mutant ability to transform his entire body into a dense, durable metal substance at will. In this metal form, he gains superhuman strength, durability, and resistance to physical harm. He can manipulate the density and composition of his metallic form, allowing him to adapt to various situations and combat scenarios.



Combat Expertise: Adam is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, utilizing his superhuman strength and durability to overpower opponents in close-quarters combat. He has received training in various martial arts styles, complementing his innate physical abilities.

Engineering Knowledge: Adam has a keen understanding of metallurgy and engineering principles, allowing him to exploit his metal-based powers to their fullest potential. He can analyze and manipulate metallic structures with precision, enhancing his combat effectiveness and problem-solving abilities.

Survival Instincts: Adam possesses a strong survival instinct honed from years of adapting to his metal form and navigating the challenges of mutant life. He is resourceful and resilient, capable of enduring extreme conditions and overcoming adversity through sheer determination.



Electromagnetic Vulnerability: While Adam's metal form grants him unique abilities, it also renders him vulnerable to electromagnetic interference. Powerful electromagnetic fields or attacks can disrupt his metallic physiology and temporarily impair his powers, leaving him vulnerable to attacks.


Heat Vulnerability: Every time Adam is exposed to heat, it causes damage to his metal form. High temperatures cause his metal to soften, deform, or even melt in severe cases, weakening his structural integrity and impairing his abilities. Prolonged exposure to intense heat sources can incapacitate him or render him immobile until he can cool down and repair the damage.


Corrosion Risk: Adam's metal form is susceptible to corrosion and oxidation over time, especially in harsh environments or when exposed to corrosive substances. While he possesses some degree of resistance to corrosion, prolonged exposure may weaken his metallic structure and impair his abilities.