Chapter 87- Aftermath

[As I finished explaining the abilities I possessed to Emily and Chris except for the side effects]

Chris and Emily exchanged worried glances, processing the implications of my words. Emily's voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes brimming with tears. "So, they won't be in their bodies anymore? They'll remember us, but they'll be someone else?"


I nodded seriously, feeling the gravity of my choice. "Exactly. We won't know how many years it will take for them to be reincarnated, but I'm hoping it will be around ten years from now."

Chris voiced the concern that had been weighing on all our minds. "But what if we grow old by the time they come back? What if we never get to see them again?"

My heart ached at the thought, but I knew deep down that this was our only chance to save them. "I know it's a risk, Chris. But I can't bear to lose them. I want them to live, and this is the best shot we've got."


Chris nodded, his expression a mix of hope and anxiety. "Then we just have to hope for the best," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a heavy heart, I turned to Emily, knowing that what I was about to say would change her life forever. "Emily," I began, my voice faltering. "I know this might be hard for you to process, but you're half vampire and half human."

Emily's eyes widened in shock, disbelief written across her face. "What?" she stammered, her voice trembling. "But I thought the health potion worked."

"It did," I assured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But you're now a half-breed. Dont worry you won't be affected by the sunlight, and also you'll age slowly."


A mixture of sadness and relief washed over Emily's features as she processed the news. "So it means, I could meet Mark without worrying about growing old?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.


I nodded, a bittersweet smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Yes, Emily. By the time Mark is reincarnated, I'm sure you'll still be in your younger years."


Chris's voice broke through the moment, his voice heavy with sorrow. "So, Emily won't age, but I will?" He let out a deep sigh, the weight of his words palpable in the tense atmosphere.

Then Chris said again, with determination in his eyes. "Then I'll do whatever it takes to slow down my aging, just so I can see them again."


"Yeah, I know you can do it," I said softly, my voice carrying a tinge of sadness. "After all, you're one of the richest people in the world." My words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the sacrifices Chris would make for the chance to see his friends again.



Then suddenly Chris's expression turned serious, his gaze locking with mine. "Michael, are you sure there aren't any bad effects from using that power? It sounds risky, maybe even forbidden."

I hesitated for a moment, the truth weighing heavily on my mind. "Don't worry about me, Chris," I replied, forcing a smile. "I'm Spider-Man, remember? I'm not going anywhere."


But even as I spoke the words, doubts started creeping into my mind. The Soul Freeze ability came with a significant risk - being sealed in a frozen state, not knowing when or if I'd ever wake up again.

As I turned to survey the scene around us, my heart clenched with grief and regret. Ken, Bridget, and the two police officer lay scattered around us. Tragically, one officer had lost his life in the midst of the chaos.

With a heavy heart, I gave Chris and Emily four health potions and told them to use them on the injured people and for them too. They nodded quietly, showing they understood, and were determined to help, even though they didn't know what might happen next.


As I swung away with Mark and Mary, I couldn't shake the weight of the decision I had just made. The power I possessed was both a blessing and a curse, offering hope for the ones we lost but also trapping me in a frozen state with an uncertain duration. It was a gamble I had to take, but the thought of being separated from them, maybe forever, weighed heavily on my mind.


As we landed on the other side, I gently laid Mark and Mary down, their bodies still and lifeless. With trembling hands, I activated the Soul Freeze ability, focusing all my energy on the task at hand. A surge of power emanated from within me, enveloping Mark and Mary in a shimmering aura.


For a moment, everything stopped. Time paused as the spirits of Mark and Mary have guided by destiny to their next journey. I felt the heaviness of their memories, their joy, their hopes, all swirling around me like a storm of feelings.


Then the moment has passed, leaving behind a profound silence. Mark and Mary's bodies lay before me. Then  I closed my eyes and silently asked for help from whatever power was out there, hoping for their safe return and a chance for us to see each other again.

Then suddenly the system chimed in my mind, warning me of the impending side effects, panic surged through my veins. I watched in horror as my hands began to freeze before my very eyes, a chilling reminder of the consequences of my actions.


In all the noise and confusion, I heard someone calling my name. It was my dad, Captain Edward Wilson, "Michael!" He called out, rushing towards me with a look of concern etched on his face.


Seeing my dad rushing towards me made me feel terrible. I had never intended for him to witness the aftermath of my desperate attempt to save Mark and Mary.

Then Guilt take over me as I realized the magnitude of my mistake. I hadn't even had the chance to tell my parents about the risks I had taken.

With the countdown to my freezing rapidly ticking away, I knew I had little time left. Without a second thought, I faced my father and uttered a heartfelt apology. "Father, I'm sorry," I confessed, my voice trembling with regret. "I messed up."


Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to find the words to say goodbye."I leave the rest to you," I managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper.


Suddenly Everything disappeared. I couldn't hear or see anything. It was like being in a dark, quiet room all alone. I felt lost, with only my thoughts echoing in my head. No sounds, no light, just me and the emptiness around me.

As the freezing closed in on me, I braced myself. And I hoped Dad would figure things out. That was all I could do.


As everything went dark, I silently asked the universe to forgive me. I hoped for a chance to make things right someday.

With one last thought of my dad's voice in my head, I surrendered to the icy embrace of the Soul Freeze, knowing I couldn't do anything else. And knowing that my fate was now in the hands of destiny.


2 years later

[In a Secret basement]

"Hows Michael, Em?" Edward Wilson asked his wife Emberly Wilson as he gazed at the frozen figure held in the basement.


Emberly's voice trembled with fear as she replied, "The frozen figure hasn't melted yet, Ed. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that Michael won't come back to us anymore."


Edward wrapped his arm around Emberly, pulling her close in a comforting embrace. "We can't lose hope, Em," he said softly, his voice filled with determination. "Michael is strong. He'll find his way back to us."


Tears welled up in Emberly's eyes as she leaned into her husband's embrace. "But what if he doesn't, Ed?" she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Edward gently wiped away her tears, his own heart heavy with worry. "We'll cross that bridge if we come to it, Em," he said, his voice steady despite his own fears. "But for now, we have to believe that Michael will return to us."

Emberly's tears continued to fall as she buried her face in her husband's chest, her anguish pouring out in silent sobs. "I'm sorry, Ed," she whispered brokenly. "I failed him as a mother. I never even knew he was Spider-Man."


Edward comforted Emberly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Em, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Our son made his own choices. If anyone's to blame, it's me. I should have stopped him from going down this path." Tears welled up in Edward's eyes as he spoke, his voice trembling with emotion. He pulled her into a warm embrace, holding her close. "But I know Michael. He's strong, and he'll find his way back to us. I'm sure of it." Emberly leaned into the hug, feeling the warmth of Edward's love and the weight of their shared worry. Together, they clung to hope, believing in Michael's resilience and longing for his safe return.


As the couple stood in the basement, engulfed in their worries about Michael, the radio crackled, its voice echoing in the dimly lit base. "Many criminals running amok as Spider-Man has disappeared since 2 years ago. Does the city's superhero really leave us, or did he die that day?"

As Edward listened to the urgent report on the radio, his eyes filled with determination. He knew exactly what needed to be done.

"I finally know what to do, Em," he said, his voice tinged with newfound resolve. "Michael once told me about his dream of creating an organization to protect New York City. He called it S.H.I.E.L.D."


Emberly looked up at him, hope flickering in her eyes. "You're going to create an organization?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.


Edward nodded, his determination unwavering. "Yes," he replied firmly. "For Michael. Until he wakes up, I'll do everything in my power to fulfill his vision and protect this city."


To be continued