Chapter 90 - Edward Wilson (3)

Another 10 years have passed by

Time line :July 2 1978


As Edward sat beside Emberly's hospital bed, his hands clasped tightly around hers, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment pressing down on him like a heavy burden. The years had taken their toll on Emberly, her once lively spirit now weakened by age and illness. Edward's heart ached as he watched her frail form lying before him, knowing that their time together was drawing to a close.


"Em," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion as tears welled up in his eyes. He gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from her forehead, his touch tender and filled with love. "I can't bear to see you like this."

Emberly managed a faint smile, her eyes shining with warmth despite the pain she was in. "Please don't cry, Ed," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've lived a full life, and now it's time for me to rest. I'll be looking after you and Michael from heaven."


Emberly's smile faded away briefly, replaced by a hint of sadness on her face. She looked like she was thinking about something she wished she could change. "I only wish I could see Michael one more time," she said sadly. Her voice sounded wistful, like she really missed him and wished things were different.


Edward gently wiped away a tear that rolled down Emberly's cheek, feeling his own eyes welling up with tears. "Don't worry, Em," he whispered, his voice filled with determination. "I promise I'll bring him back to us. Michael will break free from that icy prison, and we'll be together again as a family."


A sense of calm settled over Emberly, and her smile regained its warmth. "If you believe that, Ed," she whispered softly, her voice fading as she grew weaker. Her eyes started to close, and she seemed ready to rest. "Then I'll be at peace, knowing our family will come together again someday."


And so, as the sun set on July 2, 1978, Edward Wilson sat alone in the hospital room, his heart heavy with sorrow but filled with determination. For Emberly, for Michael, and for the love that had sustained them through the years, he would never give up hope.


[I Need You - America lyrics :]


We used to laugh, we used to cry

We used to bow our heads then, wonder why And now you're gone, I guess I'll carry on And make the best of what you've left to me Left to me, left to me

I need you like the flower needs the rain

You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again You know I need you like the winter needs the spring You know I need you, I need you


And every day, I'd laugh the hours away

Just knowing you were thinking of me

And then it came that I was put to blame

For every story told about me

About me, about me


I need you like the flower needs the rain

You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again

You know I need you, I need you

I need you like the winter needs the spring

You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again

You know I need you, I need you


I need you like the flower needs the rain

You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again

You know I need you, I need you

I need you like the winter needs the spring

You know I need you, guess I'll start it all again

You know I need you, I need you




As time passed, April 2, 1985 came around, making it 7 years since Edward Wilson's dear wife, Emberly Wilson, had passed away. Her absence still weighed heavily on Edward's heart, reminding him of their love and the memories they made together. Even though time had gone by, the sadness of her loss stayed with Edward, like a deep wound that never fully healed.


In the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. Chris, who looked young but was actually old, walked up to Edward. Edward was really old, like 85 years old. But despite being 85, Edward remained resolute in his choice not to partake in a serum that could reverse his age. He thought it was better to be old and live out his life with respect than to try to stay young artificially.


"Sir," Chris began, his voice filled with concern. "I know you've refused the serum, but consider Michael. If something were to happen to you now, who would be there for him when he wakes up from that ice?"


Edward shook his head resolutely, his determination unwavering. "Even if I were to pass away, Michael wouldn't be alone. You're all his friends and loved ones too," he insisted, his voice firm with conviction. "I have faith that he won't feel lonely with you all by his side."


Suddenly a young woman respectfully informed them, "Excuse me, sir, but Emily and her companions would like to speak with you."


When the young women spoke up, Edward looked at her and said, . "Let them in," He seemed curious.

Chris looked puzzled and asked, "Emily? Who's with her?" He was curious and confused because he didn't expect Emily and whoever she was with to show up. This made him feel interested and wondering what was going on.


When Emily and her friends walked in, Chris looked really surprised. His eyes got super big when he saw Mark and Mary. Tears started rolling down his cheeks because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was like all these feelings hit him at once, and he couldn't hold them back anymore. He was just so happy and shocked to see them there after all this time.


They looked different, younger than he remembered. They didn't look like the 19-year-olds they were when tragedy befell them in 1952. Instead they look like 14 years old


"Welcome back, you assholes," Chris choked out between sobs, his voice quivering with a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming joy. He couldn't believe that Mark and Mary, who had been lost to them for so long, stood before him once again, their memories remains despite their reincarnation.


Mark, his eyes filled with tears of his own, reached out to Chris, his voice trembling with emotion. "Chris, I-I-- I'm back," he whispered, his words carrying the weight of years spent apart.

Mary, too, joined in the tearful reunion, her heart overflowing with gratitude for the chance to be reunited with them ones once again.


Emily, witnessing the emotional scene unfolding before her, couldn't contain her own tears.



Edward watched as Mark and Mary hugged Chris, feeling a strong surge of emotion welling up inside him. Tears began to form in his eyes as he witnessed the touching scene unfold before him.


"Michael, you really did it," he murmured softly, speaking to himself but also to his absent son. His voice was filled with a mix of pride and sadness. "Your sacrifice wasn't for nothing."


He couldn't help but feel proud of Michael, knowing that his sacrifice had led to this moment of reunion. But at the same time, there was a deep sorrow in his heart, a longing for his son's presence.



In the dimly lit basement of the Hilton mansion, the air was thick with sadness and memories as Mark, Mary, Emily, and Chris stood around Michael Wilson, who was frozen in ice. The ice around Michael sparkled in the dim light, making him look like he was in a dream. It felt like time had stopped in that moment, as they all gazed at their friend trapped in ice.


"You know, Chris," Mark began, his voice choked with sorrow, "when my memories came flooding back five years ago, I was just a child. But despite my youth, the first thing I wanted to do was find Michael." His words showed how even as a child, he desperately wanted to see his friend again.

Tears shimmered in Mark's eyes as he remembered the mix of happiness and sadness when he learn his new family. "I ended up in a different country with different parents," he explained, his voice filled with longing. "But they were really nice to me, and I felt loved."


Mark's eyes got watery when he realized Mary was his sister from his past lives, he felt like it was a miracle.

As Mark shared his story, it felt like a heavy weight on his chest, and his voice shook as he remembered his teenage years. "And then, when I turned thirteen," he began, "I met Emily." his words heavy with disbelief. "I couldn't believe it. She was supposed to be older, but, weirdly, she was still young."

Mark paused, his breath catching in his throat as he tried to figure out how to explain what he was feeling. "Then Emily told me everything," he said softly, his voice barely audible. "She explained how Michael sacrificed himself for us. And now, seeing him frozen like this, it's just too much for me to handle." His words conveyed the weight of his emotions, showing how hard it was for him to process everything that had happened.


Tears streamed down Mark's face, and he couldn't stop them. He felt like he was shaking under the heaviness of his sadness. "(Hick) (Hick) I just... I can't understand any of this," he confessed, his voice cracking with emotion. It was hard for him to make sense of everything that was happening.


Then Mary's voice shook with deep feelings as she spoke, her words reflecting the pain in her heart. She gently reached out to touch the cold ice surrounding Michael, her sadness evident to everyone around her. Emily and Chris stood nearby, silently supporting Mary, their own sadness mixing with hers.


"I wish things had been different," Mary said, her voice filled with regret. She wished they hadn't been separated from Michael. Her hand trembled as she touched the icy surface, wanting more than anything for Michael to come back to her. tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggled to contain her emotions.


Emily stood silently beside Mary, feeling her pain and sharing in her grief. She understood how much Michael meant to her and how hard it was for her to see him trapped in ice.


While Mark stood beside Chris, his own tears mirroring Mary's. As he listened to her words, his heart ached with the same sorrow. He wanted desperately for Michael to be free from the icy prison that held him captive. Though his words were few, his presence spoke volumes, showing his deep empathy and solidarity with Mary and their shared longing for Michael return.


All of them wished they could change the things from the past, but sadly all they could do was be there for each other in this difficult moment.


To be continued