Chapter 96 –Monkey King (2)

As I swung through the city, my mind focused solely on the task at hand: rescuing Harry Osborn. And Peter's worry echoed in my ears through the mCall device, urging me to move faster and decisively.


As Peter called me using the mCall device, I could hear the worry in his voice. "Now, calm down, Pete," I reassured him as I swung through the city. "Don't worry, I will tell Spider-Man about this situation. I assure you that Spider-Man will help him."


Through the device, Peter's voice sounded relieved, but shaky. "Really!!!, Then I'm really glad that Spider-Man will come to save Harry," he said, his voice filled with emotion.


As I listened through the device, I could hear the relief in Peter's voice, mixed with a hint of anxiety. His trust in Spider-Man was too high, and I knew it was a responsibility I couldn't take lightly.


"Yep, so calm down and don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine. Spider-Man will be there to rescue Harry," I affirmed, hoping to ease his anxiety. "Just stay there and don't do anything dangerous, okay?"

"Okay, Michael, I will," Peter replied with determination in his voice. "I'll stay put and wait for Spider-Man to rescue Harry."

"Good," I said before hanging up the mcall device and focusing on reaching the location where Peter told me Harry was being held captive. With determination, I swung through the city, my mind racing with thoughts of how to approach the situation and ensure Harry's safety.

As I swung through the bustling city streets, my senses heightened to their fullest extent. I listened carefully to every noise and watched closely for any unusual activity, scanning for signs of trouble or someone in need of help.


Finally, I reached the location Peter had provided, my heart pounding with anticipation. With a smooth movement, I landed silently on the rooftop overlooking the scene below.


There, amidst the chaos, stood the menacing figure of the giant monkey robot, It looked scary with its shiny metal body against the light. And it was holding Harry really tight. Harry looked really scared and was trying hard to break free from the robot's grip.


"It's showtime," I declared with determination before swinging towards their location.


[Meanwhile Norman Osborn]


Norman Osborn's world seemed to come crashing down around him as the shocking news of his son's kidnapping reached his ears. His usually composed demeanor shattered, replaced by a mask of disbelief and fury.

"What?!" His voice thundered through the room, echoing with a mix of shock and anger. "My son, Harry, got kidnapped?"


His assistant, a woman whose expression mirrored his own distress, nodded solemnly. "Yes, sir," she replied, her voice tinged with regret. "I'm Sorry sir, but it's really true Sir, That Young Master was taken, When I arrived at the school, a boy wearing sunglasses handed me this." 


With trembling hands, she handed Norman the crumpled piece of paper, her eyes filled with sympathy for her boss's plight.

Norman's heart clenched as he read the ominous message scrawled on the paper. His eyes narrowed in disbelief and rage as he took in the words, each one feeling like a dagger to his heart.


"This?" Norman whispered, barely able to believe what he was reading. The letter spelled out the location where his son was being held captive, along with a chilling demand: if he involved the police, Harry's life would be in danger.


But it was the final sentence that sent a shiver down Norman's spine, filling him with a sense of fear and realization. "This is my revenge for you, Norman."


His mind raced with a flurry of emotions – fear for his son's safety, anger towards whoever dared to threaten his family.


Norman clenched the letter tightly in his fist, his eyes set in determination. He may have made enemies in his pursuit of power, but he would be damned if he let them harm his son.

Then Norman Osborn's voice filled with anger as he said "Vond." Knowing that guy was responsible for his son's kidnapping fueled his fury. He was determined to make Vond pay.

With a determined look, Norman spoke firmly. "Get the helicopter ready. We'll head to the location mentioned in the letter, but we'll control how we approach it. Inform the police, but quietly. We can't gamble with Harry's life, but also we won't let the kidnapper control our movements."


Norman's assistant agreed, realizing how serious the situation was. They quickly got to work, planning a way to save Harry while making sure he stayed safe.

"I'm going to kill you, Vond," Norman vowed, his determination clear in every word. He wasn't just making a threat – he made these promise to kill the son of a bitch who take his son.


[Meanwhile MC Pov]

Harry's cry for help making me to act faster, so I wasted no time in assessing the situation. With a fast and agile leap, I landed in front of the robot monkey king.

"Kid, don't worry, I've got you," I reassured him, my voice calm but determined as I reached out to him.


With a quick flick of my wrist, I shot a web at the robot's metallic arm, pulling Harry free from its grasp with ease. He stumbled into my arms, his relief evident as he clung to me tightly.


"Thank you, Spider-Man," Harry said, his voice filled with gratitude and fear as he looked up at me with wide eyes.


"No problem, Kid," I replied, my tone reassuring. "I'm here to help."


As I turned my attention back to the robot, its mechanical voice rang out once more. "You are Spider-Man," Its words sounded both like it recognized me and threatened me at the same time.


"That's right," I said confidently, meeting the robot's gaze head-on. "And I won't let you harm anyone else."


As the monkey king robot's threatening voice filled the air, I prepared myself for what was coming next. But what happened next caught me completely off guard. "Holy shit," I thought.


"How about my 100 mini monkey robots? Can you handle this?" the monkey king robot taunted, its mechanical voice dripping with malice.

As swarm of smaller monkey robots emerged from each sides. Surrounding us.


The monkey king robot's voice echoed, declaring, "This is my territory, Spider-Man." 


"Oh, crap,"I said, barely able to speak as I looked at the scene in front of me.


In the middle of the fight, I saw an opportunity to get Harry to safety. With a swift movement, I grabbed him, and swung away to safety.


"Spider-Man, please be careful," Harry pleaded, his voice filled with concern.


I smiled reassuringly at him, giving his head a gentle pat. "I will, kid," I promised, my determination unwavering. " just stay here Alright?."


With that after making sure Harry was safe, I swung back into the fight, ready to take on whatever came next.


[Meanwhile Peter ]

As Peter and Mary Jane sat together in the ambulance outside the school, their worry for their friend Harry Osborn weighed heavily on their young minds.


"It's gonna be alright, Pete," Mary Jane reassured him, her voice soft but filled with conviction. "I'm sure Spider-Man will save him."


Peter nodded, though his expression remained tense with concern. "Really, Mary Jane?" he asked, his voice filled with a little bit worried despite his trust in Spider-Man.


Mary Jane gave him a reassuring smile. "Yep, and also," she paused for a moment before continuing, "my friends call me MJ. You're my friend, so call me that."


Peter smiled at Mary Jane's friendly gesture. "Okay, MJ," he said, feeling happy about their growing friendship. He felt a warm feeling inside as they bonded during the troubling situation.


[Mc Side]


As I fought against the never-ending swarm of mini monkey robots, the big monkey king robot watched from a distance, its robotic voice mocking me.


"Are you done, Spider-Man?" it sneered, its words fueling my determination.


I gritted my teeth, refusing to back down. "No, I'm still getting started," I retorted, my voice filled with resolve.

Using my webs with precision, I snatched up one of the mini monkeys and hurled it towards its companions, creating a domino effect that sent several of them crashing to the ground.


As another group of mini monkeys closed in on me, I executed a swift axe kick, taking out several of them with one powerful blow. Then, with a series of acrobatic tumbling and swings, I dodged their attacks with agility and grace.


But even as I fought, I could see that the odds were still stacked against me. There were still too many of them.


With a fierce determination driving me forward, I kept pushing ahead. Using all my strength and skills, I fought tirelessly to defeat the remaining mini monkeys, one after another.


I am Spider-Man, and I would never give up, no matter how dire the situation seemed. With Harry's safety at stake, I would fight until my last breath, if that's what it took to defeat this mechanical thing and protect the city.


[Meanwhile Loe side]


Loe Halloway, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, listened intently as his assistant Maria Hill brought up the topic of rescuing Harry Osborn, the son of Norman Osborn.


"Director Halloway, do you think we should save Harry Osborn?" Maria inquired, her voice tinged with concern.


With a calm confidence, Loe responded, "No need. I'm sure Spider-Man is already there."


Maria looked puzzled. "Why did you say that, Director?" she asked.


Loe smiled knowingly. "Spider-Man will be there, Maria. I know he will. After all, that guy is always like that – always helping people in need. That's why I'm sure he can save Harry Osborn."



In Loe's eyes, Spider-Man, or Michael Wilson as he knew him, represented hope and reassurance in times of crisis. His unwavering commitment to helping others was a testament to his character, and Loe had full faith in the superhero's ability to come to Harry's aid. After all, Michael Wilson, Loe's friend, was always like that – always ready to lend a hand to those in need.



Reporters on TV were discussing the recent kidnapping of Harry Osborn by a Big robot monkey, as witnessed by students and their teacher. They were delving into the possible motives behind this unusual act.


"Indeed, this is a baffling situation," one reporter commented, her expression serious. "We've heard from witnesses that this robot monkey specifically targeted Harry Osborn. But what could be the motive behind such a targeted abduction?"


Another reporter chimed in, "Some speculate that this could be a calculated move, possibly involving ransom or some form of coercion. After all, Norman Osborn is a prominent figure in the city, and his son's safety could be used as leverage."


The discussion continued, with various theories being tossed around. Some suggested that it could be a personal vendetta against the Osborn family, while others pondered if there might be a larger, more sinister agenda at play.


As the reporters debated the motives behind the kidnapping, viewers across the city tuned in, eager for any updates on Harry Osborn's whereabouts and the unfolding investigation into this incident.


To be continued