Chapter 98 –Future Arc (1)

As Peter and Miguel stood side by side, battling the relentless swarm of spider robots, their teamwork and determination were evident. Despite their synchronized movements and coordinated attacks, the odds seemed increasingly stacked against them.

With each robotic spider foe they dispatched, Peter's concern for their safety became more evident. "Miguel, you have to get out of here," Peter urged urgently, his words punctuated by swift dodges and precise strikes. The urgency in his voice emphasized the seriousness of the situation.


As another spider robot lunged towards him, Peter swiftly dodged its attack, his reflexes sharp from years of experience. With a decisive blow, he crushed its core, but his attention remained fixed on Miguel. "If the two of us get caught here, then it's over," Peter emphasized, his words clear and direct.


Miguel, unwilling to abandon his ally, hesitated for a moment before responding. "But I can't leave you," his determination matching Peter's own.


As Miguel punched another spider robot, Peter interrupted him, his voice urgent amidst the chaos of battle. "You have to," Peter insisted, landing blows on the robotic foes. "Listen, if we both stay, we're toast. That's why one of us has to split and figure out a plan. And that's you, Miguel."

"Now Go!" Peter urged, his voice resolute as he continued to fend off the relentless assault of spider robots.


Miguel hesitated for a moment, torn between his desire to stay and help and the logic in Peter's words. Yet, he knew Peter was right.

With a quick nod, Miguel showed he understood. "I promise I'll return," he assured, his eyes filled with determination. He was ready to leave, ready to make sure there was a chance for both of them to survive.

Peter offered Miguel a quick, grateful smile before refocusing on the relentless fight. Meanwhile, Miguel use his suit's jets, launching himself into the air. Then soared towards the nearest exit, determined to fulfill his promise and return for Peter.


Then Peter continued to fend off the spider robots, creating an opening for Miguel to escape. As Miguel leaped away, he couldn't shake the feeling of leaving Peter behind.


As Miguel flew through the air using his suit's jets, he looked back and saw a spider robot chasing him.


Miguel was really frustrated. The attackers kept tailing him, and he couldn't decide whether to fight them or focus on escaping. "They just won't give up," he muttered to himself. He felt a sharp pain when a spider robot attacked him, but it just made him more determined to get away. He quickly used his watch to locate another portal dimension to escape to.


As Miguel struggled with his own battles, he noticed in the portal where he used to travel to other universes, another Spider-Man, Michael Wilson, fighting against the powerful Monkey King. Seeing Michael's impressive skills in action, Miguel felt even more determined. "That's Michael Wilson, the legendary Spider-Man," he exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration as he watched Michael Wilson take on his own enemies.


Once he saw a chance to escape, Miguel activated his watch portal device and vanished into the swirling vortex, leaving behind his friend and ally, Peter Parker, to face the remaining threats alone.


Exhausted from the relentless battle of the past 24 hours, Miguel paused, panting heavily. "Peter, you've gotta be okay, man," he muttered, his voice filled with concern. He hoped that Peter Parker had somehow managed to survive the onslaught.


Then Confused by his surroundings, Miguel O'Hara speculated, "Where am I? This must be the 1947 universe where Michael Wilson resided. I need to activate another portal and find him."


Meanwhile Peter Parker


(Panting heavily from the intense battle, Peter stood in front of a stranger wearing a mask in the middle of all the spider robots.)


"Why are you doing this?" Peter managed to gasp out between breaths, his voice strained with exhaustion. "Threatening my universe?"


"Your universe?" he masked figure's voice echoed, then he quickly pulled off the mask, revealing a face shockingly similar to Peter's. "Or our universe?"


Peter's eyes widened in disbelief as he struggled to comprehend what he was seeing. "You—you are me?" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.


The figure nodded solemnly, the weight of their shared identity heavy in the air. "That's right, Peter," the future version of himself confirmed, his tone filled with a mix of determination and anger. "I'm you, and you are me."


The shocking truth struck Peter hard, his brain struggling to process the sight of his future self standing right in front of him. "But... why?" he gasped out, his breath heavy, eyes wide with disbelief and confusion.


Future Peter's expression softened, a mix of determination and regret evident in his eyes. "Because I've seen what's coming, Peter," he explained gravely. "I've seen the devastation, the chaos, the loss. And I've lived through it, suffered through it, for three decades as Spider-Man."


"That's why, Peter," the future peter parker said, "I did this to make sure nobody suffers anymore." His voice sounded like he was sure about what he was saying. "I'm here to stop all the bad ending from happening." It was like he thought he was doing the right thing, even though it seemed wrong to peter parker.


Peter stared at his future self, his eyes narrowing with disbelief and anger at the callousness of his words. "So, you're saying you'll make people suffer and destroy things just to stop suffering? that's not how I do things!" he snapped back, his voice filled with determination.


The future Peter's expression remained stoic, unaffected by Peter's protest. "You wouldn't understand," he said, brushing off Peter's concerns. "I'm doing what needs to be done to ensure a better future, even if it means sacrificing you and the others."


Peter shook his head in disbelief, refusing to accept the logic of his future self's twisted plan. "If you kill me, won't you cease to exist too?" he questioned, hoping to appeal to some shred of reason in his counterpart.


Future Peter's laughter filled the tense air, each chuckle carrying the weight of his twisted intentions. "Do you think I will die?" he taunted, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "No, no, no. I'm the original timeline, while you're from an alternate one. Peter I came here for the sake of my plan."


His smile twisted into an evil grin as he relished in his superiority. "You see, every universe, you can't alter the original timeline. It will lead to the creation of another timeline, you could say a time paradox."



Peter's demeanor grew stern as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. The words of his future self struck him like a heavy blow in his mind. "So you're willing to manipulate time itself just to achieve your goals?" he demanded, his voice tinged with a mix of anger and disbelief.


The future Peter's smirk grew into a sinister grin as he enjoyed Peter's increasing uneasiness. "Time is a tool, Peter," he said, his tone dripping with arrogance. "And I'm simply using it to correct the mistakes of our past."


Peter shook his head, unwilling to accept his future self's twisted logic. "But at what cost?" he challenged, his voice steady despite the fear creeping in. "Are you really willing to sacrifice everything, even innocent lives, just to fulfill your own agenda?"


The future Peter's grin faltered for a moment, replaced by a thoughtful expression. But it swiftly returned to a cold, calculating look. "Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good," he replied, his voice carrying a touch of defiance.



Peter's determination grew stronger as he faced his future self, his resolve unyielding. "Not like this," he said with unwavering conviction. "I won't let you destroy everything I've fought so hard to protect."


"Is that what you think?" Future Peter Parker sneered, his eyes filled with malice as he leaned in closer. His voice dripped with contempt as he spoke. "Then die, Peter," he declared, His words carried a cold finality, as if he relished the thought of his counterpart's demise.


[Meanwhile Mc pov]

As Miguel and I kept going to the other dimension, he explained why we were going there and how serious it was. He said if we didn't fix things, it could cause big problems for lots of places, not just that one. It made me realize how important our mission was, even though it was kind of scary. But we knew we had to do it to save everyone.


"We're entering a world where another version of Peter Parker resides," Miguel explained, sounding serious.. "But something has gone terribly wrong in this reality. Time and space are all messed up, and if we don't fix it, it's going to be a disaster. It's not just about that world; it could affect a whole bunch of others too."


With determination driving us forward, we kept going, prepared to face whatever challenges awaited us on the other side.

"Let's go," I said, feeling just as determined as Miguel. As we stepped into the portal.

"We are almost there, Michael," Miguel's voice broke through the tense atmosphere, trying to keep me focused.


I nodded, feeling a bit nervous, and walked faster. When we finally reached where we were supposed to go, everything looked strange. The streets that used to be busy were now empty, and there was no one around. It felt really spooky.


"What happened here?" I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, as I surveyed the barren surroundings.


All of a sudden, someone exclaimed, "it's too late!" There was a mix of triumph and desperation in his voice as he gripped something tightly in his hand. When I saw him, I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked like Peter Parker, but not the Peter I was familiar with – it was like the Peter Parker from the future.


The future Peter Parker stood before us, a complex mix of determination and anguish evident in his eyes. He held in his hand an object that appeared to be a box, but its surface was covered in strange, otherworldly patterns, unlike anything I had ever seen before.


"You, where is Peter?" demanded Miguel, his voice laced with anger and concern.


The future Peter Parker met Miguel's gaze with an unsettling calmness. "Ah, you mean the young version of myself," he responded casually, showing no signs of regret. "I've already dealt with him."


Miguel's eyes widened in disbelief and fury. "You!!!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with rage. When he noticed the strange box in the future Peter Parker's hand, his expression darkened further. "You've already done it?"



The future Peter Parker's face twisted into a wicked smirk as he nodded. "Yes, I'm almost done," he bragged, his words filled with malice. "Soon, a brand new universe will come into being"


Miguel's anger flared, his words sharp and filled with urgency. "You've caused a time paradox that could destroy the balance of all the spider dimensions!" he accused, his voice echoing with a sense of urgency and fear.


As I heard Miguel and future Peter Parker talk, I felt really worried. It seemed like future Peter Parker was doing something really selfish that could mess up not just his own world, but all the different Spider-Man universes. It was like he didn't care about the consequences of what he was doing. It made me realize how serious things had gotten. If he kept going, everything could fall apart. 


"I don't care," the future Peter Parker reiterated, his voice cold and unyielding. "As long as there is another timeline where I don't experience suffering and pain, where I can be with my loved ones again."


As the future Peter Parker spoke, his words conveyed a strong feeling of sadness and desire. But I couldn't ignore how dangerous his plan was.


Future Peter Parker's idea is really dangerous. If he makes a new universe without Spider-Man or villains, it could mess up everything. All the universes are connected, so messing with one can mess up all the others too. Taking out Spider-Man and villains from his new universe would mess up the balance across all universes.


You see this mess could cause a big problem. If Future Peter Parker makes a new universe without Spider-Man or villains, it could mess up everything. All the universes are linked together, so if one goes wrong, it can mess up the others too. It's like pulling one thread from a sweater—it might not seem like a big deal, but it can ruin the whole thing. That's why me and miguel have to stop this Future Peter Parker and fix this before it gets worse.

But how could we stop someone so determined to reshape the very fabric of existence?"

To be continue