Chapter 103 –Future Arc (6)

 As Miguel faced off against Future Peter Parker, the room felt tense. Despite his exhaustion and the pain throbbing through his body, Miguel refused to yield. He knew that if he didn't stop Future Peter Parker, something really bad could happen to the Spider-Verse. Thats why Miguel had to keep fighting and prevent him from activating the time cube to save everyone.


Future Peter Parker spoke, his voice cutting through the tension of the room. "Are you still going to fight me? I can still give you a chance, Miguel," he said, his tone carrying a mix of arrogance and malice.


Miguel, breathing hard and holding onto his injured body, replied through clenched teeth, "So, you know who I am, huh?" His words were strained, but you could feel his determination not to give in, despite the odds stacked against him.


Future Peter Parker chuckled darkly, looking at Miguel with cold eyes. "Oh, I know all about you, Miguel," he replied, his voice dripping with malice. "I know about your little mission to stop me and prevent the activation of the time cube."


Miguel's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to process Future Peter Parker's chilling revelation. "Ho-ho-how?" he stammered, his voice trembling with shock and disbelief. He couldn't fathom whats happening in these situations he was in.The only ones he had shared this information with were Peter Parker and the future him also shared it with Michael Wilson.



Future Peter Parker's laughter echoed coldly in the tense silence of the room, sending shivers down Miguel's spine. "Ahahhahah," he chuckled darkly, the sound filled with bitterness and despair. He looked at Miguel with cold eyes. "Lets just say," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "In the past, you also told me about the time cube. We stopped it, prevented it from happening. But then, after many years, I lost everything."


Miguel felt a little bit confusion as he looked at Peter Parker's eyes. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, Filled with a sense of uneaseness and fear.


"Are you...?" he began to ask, he said it a quietly, trembling with uncertainty. In his mind, Miguel grappled with the unsettling realization that this Future Peter Parker might be the same person he had told? The one he had shared secrets with about the time cube and their mission to stop disaster? But now, confronted with the chilling truth that this Peter Parker had become the very thing they had fought against, Miguel found himself unable to fully comprehend the gravity of the situation.


Future Peter Parker's gaze softened momentarily, revealing a glimpse of the person he once was. "Yes, Miguel," he said coldly, but the weight of his burden evident in his weary expression. "That's why I recreated what the future me had done. And after many years, I became just like him."


Miguel's voice quivered as he spoke softly, "I never imagined..." He struggled to find the right words, feeling the weight of responsibility cause his thinking that maybe he is the one who did this.


Future Peter Parker's eyes hardened, his expression devoid of any hint of compassion. "It doesn't matter anyway," he said, his voice cold and unyielding. "The past is done, and the future is inevitable. You can't change what has already been set in motion."


"Thats why die," Future Peter Parker declared ominously, his voice dripping with malice as he moved towards Miguel. With the time cube in his hands, he was determined to kill Miguel.


As Future Peter Parker lunged towards Miguel, his intentions were clear, Miguel knew he had to act fast. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Miguel seized the opportunity and quickly threw his watch towards Future Peter Parker.


The watch collided with Future Peter Parker, causing a sudden explosion that sent him hurtling backward. The force of the blast knocked him off balance, giving Miguel the precious seconds he needed to make his move.


With determination burning bright in his eyes, Miguel wasted no time. He dashed forward, his fingers moving with fast speed as he zapped the time cube with his organic web to take it.


Now with the time cube in Miguel's hand, it crackled with energy. His mission was to stop Future Peter Parker from using it to cause more damage to the Spider-Verse. With one last glance at the chaos unfolding around him, he turned and ran, his heart pounding in his chest as he made his escape.


Behind him, the sound of chaos erupted as Future Peter Parker regained his footing, his expression twisted with rage and frustration. "You won't get away with this, Miguel!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the room.

But Miguel didn't look back. He pushed himself to run faster, his muscles burning with exertion as he raced through the corridors of the base. He knew that he had to find a way to stop Future Peter Parker and prevent him from activating the time cube at all costs.


(Meanwhile Future Peter Parker sides)

As Future Peter Parker slowly regained his senses, his head still ringing from the explosion, he couldn't shake off the disbelief that Miguel had managed to bypass his spider sense. It was a blow to his pride, a reminder that all abilities have weakness.


"Can't believe he got past my spider sense," muttered Future Peter Parker as he glanced at the empty hands, where the time cube was held.


A surge of panic shot through him as he realized Miguel had taken it. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched Miguel's figure in the distance, fleeing with the time cube clutched tightly in his arms.


Future Peter Parker felt determined as he got up, even though his muscles hurt. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Miguel running away. He was determined to catch him.


Then Future Peter Parker's voice filled with rage, He vowed, "You won't get away with this, Miguel!" Each word carried a weight of determination and a threat of consequences. Future Peter Parker refused to allow Miguel to escape with the time cube.


[Meanwhile Miguel Side]


Miguel's heart raced as he swung through the base, the time cube clutched tightly in his hand. But his relief was short-lived as he heard a familiar sound behind him. He turned his head and saw Future Peter Parker swinging toward him with a determined expression, his eyes fixed on the time cube like he really wanted the time cube.


But no matter how fast Miguel swung, Future Peter Parker was relentless in his pursuit. With every twist and turn, He closed the gap between them with every move, showing no signs of giving up.


As Miguel soared through the base, he desperately searched for a plan. He realized he couldn't keep running from Future Peter Parker, especially with the time cube. He needed to find a way to shake him off and buy himself some time to come up with a strategy.


"Miguel!!!" Future Peter Parker shouted behind him, his voice filled with rage and frustration.

He ignored Future Peter Parker's shout as an idea flashed through Miguel's mind. He spotted a narrow opening up ahead, a tight squeeze that only someone as agile as him could go through. Without hesitation, Miguel made a quick decision and swiftly headed toward that direction.


As Miguel headed towards his destination, his plan suddenly ruined. He felt a sharp tug on his back, and he stumbled mid-air. Panic surged through him as he realized what had happened. Future Peter Parker had managed to get close enough to him to shoot a web at his back.


Miguel gritted his teeth, feeling the webbing constricting around him, threatening to immobilize him. He struggled to break free, but the sticky strands held him fast, slowing his progress.


Behind him, Future Peter Parker's dark laughter echoed through the base as he closed in on Miguel. "Not so fast, Miguel," he taunted, his voice filled with triumph. "You thought you could escape from me?, No you were wrong."


After that Future Peter Parker lunged forward towards Miguel, who was struggling against the webbing constricting around him.


Then, without warning, Future Peter Parker's fist struck Miguel squarely in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. Miguel doubled over in pain, struggling to catch his breath.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Future Peter Parker taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "No one can escape from me."


Despite the pain coursing through his body, Miguel refused to give up. With gritted teeth, he forced himself to stand tall, his muscles trembling with effort as he met Future Peter Parker's cold gaze.


"Lesson learned," Miguel replied through clenched teeth, his voice strained but defiant. "I learned nothing."

Peter Parker got really mad at what Miguel said. "Is that so?"he growled angrily. His voice filled with fury. "Then reflect on it in the afterlife!" With a primal roar, He jumped at Miguel, ready to punch him hard and killed him for good.


Right before Peter Parker's fist could hit Miguel, something fast happened. Thick webs shot out and wrapped around Peter's arms, yanking him away from Miguel. He was suddenly caught, unable to continue his attack. It happened so quickly that Peter was left startled and restrained, his plan foiled by the intervention.


Miguel couldn't believe his eyes when he saw who had come to his rescue. "Took you long enough" he said softly, relief flooding his voice as he recognized his unexpected saviors. It was none other than Michael Wilson, known as Legendary Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, The Iconic Spider-Man.


To be continued