Chapter 109 –The Mutant (2)

Timeline: August 17 1994


As I settled into my room, I took a moment to gather my thoughts before checking my status window. With a deep breath, I focused my attention inward, summoning the familiar interface that displayed my current stats and abilities.


As the status window materialized before me, I scanned the information displayed, taking note of any changes or updates.


Name: Michael Wilson (formerly Jonathan Anderson)

Nationality: American

Occupation: Teacher (pending) & Hero

Energy: 500

Age:61 years old (physically 23 years old)




Strength: 320

Agility: 300

Endurance: 310

Stamina: 300

Intelligence: 200


Charisma: 60 (hide)

Luck: 70



Soul Freeze

Berserker Mode

Chi Sense

Enhanced Spider-Sense

Enhanced Wall-Crawling

Enhanced Organic Web

Enhanced Detective Skills.

Leadership Skills.


Available Points:


Experience Points: 200

Shop Points:5 million shop points


Technique Skills:


Boxing: Beyond Master

Taekwondo: Master level

Kungfu: Beyond Master level

Systema: Master level

Street Fight: Beyond Master

Aikido: Master level

Muay Thai: Beyond Master

Eskrima: Master level

Judo: Master level

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Master level

Wing Chun: Master level

Capoeira: Master level



Frozen Resilience: After spending 38 years stuck in ice, you've become incredibly tough against harsh conditions. Whether it's freezing cold, scorching heat, or other tough environments, you can handle them better than most. This toughness helps you keep going even when things get really tough, making you both physically and mentally strong.

Deciding to pursue teaching alongside being Spider-Man might seem like an odd choice to some, but for me, Michael Wilson, it feels like the right path to take. You see, being Spider-Man isn't just about swinging between skyscrapers and fighting bad guys. It's about making a difference in people's lives, in whatever way I can. And for me, teaching is another way to do just that.

Besides Teaching allows me to connect with people on a different level, to inspire and guide them in ways that fighting crime alone can't. Sure, it's challenging juggling my responsibilities as Spider-Man with my duties as a teacher, but with the Echoclone, I can manage both.

[Echoclone: A, piece of technology that grants its user the ability to create a perfect duplicate of themselves once per day they are Known as Echo. This clone possesses an astonishing level of mimicry, replicating not only the physical appearance but also the actions and personality of the original user with uncanny accuracy. However, due to the limitations of the device, the clone can only imitate up to 50 percent of the user's abilities and powers.]

The Echo Clone is a game-changer. With it, I can create a duplicate of myself once a day. This clone might not have all my powers and abilities, but it can still handle emergencies in my absence. It's like having a backup plan, ensuring that I can be there for my students and still protect the city when duty calls.

My Uncle Chris used to be a teacher for young kids. When I asked him why he chose to be a teacher, he shared something simple but profound with me. He said, "I want to help kids grow up and have a better life. If I see them grow up into good and fine people, I can't help but feel proud of my achievement. I feel proud of them, too, seeing them change from little kids to grown-ups."

His words stuck with me. They made me realize that being a teacher isn't just about teaching subjects; it's about shaping lives and futures. That's another reason why I chose to become a teacher—to follow in Uncle Chris's footsteps and make a difference in the lives of my students.

With that, I focus on my system and allocate 100 points to my strength and 100 points to my agility. As the numbers surge, my strength rises from 320 to 330, and my agility follows suit, climbing from 300 to 310.

Feeling the rush of increased strength and agility, I can't help but grin. With these enhancements, I'm more than ready to face whatever challenges the day throws at me. As I'm about to head out, I hear the familiar voice of Mary, my love, calling out to me. Her voice is like music to my ears, instantly calming and reassuring.


"Dinner's ready," she says, her words carrying a warmth that fills my heart.

Mary Rose Taylor, the love of my life. Her support and understanding mean everything to me, especially with the double life I lead as both Michael Wilson, the Ordinary guy, and Spider-Man, the hero.



[Mary Rose Side]

As Mary busily prepares the meal, her focus interrupted by the gentle sounds of the floor, she notices a figure approaching in a wheelchair. It's Edward Wilson, 94 years old, the father of Michael Wilson.

"Morning, Father," Mary greets him warmly, pausing in her tasks to acknowledge his presence.

Returning her greeting, Edward's expression turns solemn as he addresses her with a sense of urgency. "Mary, there's something I need to tell you."

Concern etches across Mary's features as she meets his gaze. "What is it, sir?" she asks, her voice filled with empathy.

Edward's voice trembles with emotion as he reveals, "I'm dying." Mary's heart sinks, seeing the pain in his eyes as he looks down briefly before meeting her gaze again. "I need you to be his source of strength," he pleads. "Since you'll soon be his wife, I want you to understand him.... I want him to feel he's not alone. (Sigh) He carries many burdens, and I'm not sure if he can handle them alone. That's why I hope you'll be there for him, despite the risks he faces"

Edward looked towards the staircase, his mind filled with thoughts about his son's life as Spider-Man. "After all, being Spider-Man is hard," he concludes softly, his words carrying the weight of their shared understanding of Michael's secret.

With a gentle touch, Mary reaches out and places her hand over Edward's. "He won't be alone, Father," she reassures him, her voice filled with determination. "Even if you didnt Ask me I still be there for him, no matter what."


Edward's eyes soften with thanks as he looks at her, a quiet understanding passing between them. At that instant, Mary grasps the strength of their connection, built on love, trust, and a shared dedication to the man they both care for deeply.

As Michael entered the room, he found his father and Mary engaged in conversation. With a playful smile, he asked, "Hey guys, what are you doing?"

Edward, change the subject and the sadness turn into a mischievous father, replied with a grin, "Nothing, son. We're just reminiscing about how funny you were as a kid."

Michael rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. "Dad! I told you not to tell her about my embarrassing moments from the past."

Edward chuckled, holding up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I won't say another word. Come on, son, dinner's ready."

With a laugh, Michael joined them at the table, grateful for these moments of lightness and warmth amidst the challenges of his double life. And as they sat down to eat, he couldnt help but ask about Mark taylor.

As Michael inquired about Mark, Mary filled him in on his brother's whereabouts.

Mary said "Brother said he's together with Emily; they have some things to do at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters."

Michael nodded thoughtfully. "It seems like there are some problems, huh?"

Mary nodded in agreement. "Yes, it does. I hope everything is okay."

Though they couldn't help but feel concerned about Mark and Emily's mission, they knew they had their own responsibilities to attend to. With a shared glance, they silently reassured each other that they would be there for their family.


[Meanwhile Loe side]

S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters

As the discussion unfolded in the Director's office at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Loe Halloway, known as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, leaned forward, keenly listening to Nightwing and Lady Vamp's report.

Nightwing, also known as Mark Taylor, briefed, "It seems like the Kingpin is starting to gain more influence in Manhattan, New York City."

Lady Vamp, also known as Emily Hawkins, added, "It looks like he's hired some powerful vampires to increase his forces."

Loe's brow furrowed with concern as he processed the information.

"Luckily, we have Daredevil on our side," Mark reassured.

"Daredevil? You mean the blind vigilante?" Loe sought clarification.

Mark confirmed, "Yes, Director."

Loe nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with strategies to counter the Kingpin's moves. "Keep me updated on any developments," he instructed, his tone firm yet composed.

Before Mark and Emily left, Mark turned to Director Loe and suggested, "Director, why don't you join us for a little bonding time once in a while? Just you, Michael, Chris, and us." He paused, his expression earnest. "I understand you have countless responsibilities, but could you, just for one day, be Loe Halloway, our old friend?"

Loe regarded Mark with a mixture of surprise and contemplation. For a moment, the weight of his duties seemed to lift, replaced by a flicker of nostalgia and longing for simpler times. "Perhaps," he said slowly, a hint of a smile touching his lips. "Perhaps I should rest once in a while."

Mark and Emily nodded in acknowledgment before taking their leave from the Director's office, their minds focused on the tasks ahead.

As Mark and Emily departed, they turned back with smiles, echoing, "We'll be waiting." Loe nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, acknowledging their words. He watched them leave, feeling a flicker of nostalgia.

With newfound resolve, Loe turned his attention back to his duties as director, knowing that when the time came, he would embrace the chance to reconnect with his old friends and forge new memories together. Until then, there were battles to fight, alliances to strengthen, and a city to protect. But in the back of his mind, he held onto the hope of a day when he could set aside the weight of responsibility and simply be Loe Halloway, friend and comrade once more.


[Meanwhile Peter Parker side]

In the museum's dimly lit halls, The excited chatter of students echoed off the walls. Voices overlapped as they discussed the various artifacts and historical figures on display.

Did you see that sword over there? It looks ancient!"


"Wow, check out these hieroglyphics! I wonder what they mean."


"I heard this statue belonged to a famous warrior. Imagine fighting battles with that gear!"

"Alright, everyone, settle down," the history teacher announced, commanding the attention of the students gathered in the museum. Their chatter gradually quieted as they turned their focus to the front of the room.

"So today, class, we are here in the museum," the teacher continued, gesturing towards the various exhibits surrounding them. "I will show you the history of our ancestors, the brave individuals who paved the way for the world we live in today."

As the students listened attentively, the teacher's words sparked a sense of curiosity and anticipation among them. Eager to learn more about the past, they followed along as the teacher began to guide them through the museum's halls, where the stories of heroes and legends awaited.

In the middle of all the excitement, Peter and his friends wandered over to a display about the Howling Commandos, those old-time heroes. Peter couldn't contain his excitement as he checked out the statues, thinking about how brave those guys must've been back in the day.

"Hey, Pete, check this out," Harry called, drawing Peter's attention to something else nearby.

Intrigued, Peter joined Harry to see what had caught his friend's interest. As they examined the items together, Peter's curiosity quickly turned to shock when he realized what they were looking at.

"W-what? Is th-this?" Peter stammered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Harry grinned, excitement dancing in his eyes. "I know, right? This is adamantium," he exclaimed, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "Pretty cool, huh, Pete?"

Despite his surprise, Peter nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's pretty cool," he replied, his mind racing with thoughts of the metal's incredible properties.

Before their conversation could continue, Mary Jane Watson approached them

"Hello, guys, what are you doing?" Mary Jane asked, her voice cutting through the chatter of the crowded museum.

"Hi, MJ. We are just, um, looking at this adamantium," Peter explained, gesturing towards the display as he tried to compose himself in her presence.

But their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a sudden tremor that shook the museum, sending people and students into a panic.

"What's happening?"


"Whats going on!"

"Spider-Man Help us"

"Everyone help us"

Peter Parker's heart pounded in his chest as he surveyed the chaotic scene unfolding around him. Fear gripped him as he struggled to make sense of the sudden turmoil.

"What's going on?" he muttered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.


To be continued