Chapter 118 – Nickname?

After 5 days of training Peter Parker


"Hey, Mike," Peter greeted me with a wide grin as he bounded onto the rooftop.


We stood on the rooftop, looking out over the city below. I had called Peter up here to present him with something special. You see, he was wearing a regular mask, not his Spiderman suit yet. I'd been telling him to practice more before he jumps into being a superhero. Now, it's time to show him how much I appreciate his hard work.


As we stood on the building's rooftop, with the city spread out below us, I felt a strong connection with Peter. Despite the age difference, we were like brothers, brought together by our mentorship and the things we'd been through in those 5 days.


"Why'd you call me up here, Mike? More training, or are you going to tell me another one of your legendary story?" Peter's eyes sparkled with anticipation, always eager to hear about my adventures from decades past.


Peter was captivated by my stories of fighting villains in the 1940s. When he found out how old I was, even older than his Uncle Ben, he was amazed. Peter's reaction was priceless. He was moved to tears, laughing at the same time as he tried to believe my incredible past. You can probably imagine the rest - the shock, the disbelief, and the newfound admiration shining in his eyes.

I turned to Peter, a grin spreading across my face. "Well, Pete, I have something I want to give you."


As Peter opened the box, he was taken aback. "I-Is this for me?" he stuttered, his voice tinged with disbelief.


"Yeah, Pete, it's for you," I replied with a smile, meeting his astonished gaze. "What are you waiting for? Try it on."

[Well the suit that i give him well you could probably guess it was his iconic suit red and blue]

Peter's eyes widened with excitement as he reached into the box and pulled out the Spiderman spandex suit. It wasn't equipped with any high-tech gadgets or gizmos. Instead, it was a simple, classic suit – just like the one I used even today, you know the spandix. Anyway I wanted Peter to experience the raw thrill of fighting crime without relying on fancy technology, just as I did when I first started out. Well except for health potions and.... okay okay chilll guys.

Anyway you see I wanted Peter to follow the path of mine back in the old days, You know like Tobey Maguire's version,where the focus was on strength, agility, and resourcefulness rather than flashy technology. 

Also I wanted Peter to develop his strength, agility, and resourcefulness, and I believed that this simple suit would help him do just that. I was a firm believer that true growth comes from experience and learning, and by embracing the ways of the past, Peter would achieve new heights. These were the lessons I had learned in the good old days, and I was determined to pass them on to him.

In short I wanted Peter to learn the basics, Learn some experience. He needed to grasp what it truly means to be a hero. Before giving him similar of Tony Stark's Spider-man or The Insomniac's version Spider-Man suit.

And by the way even without all the high-tech stuff, I was confident in Peter's abilities. In fact, he was stronger than I was when I started out.

Then as he slipped into the suit, a grin spread across his face. Then, without hesitation, he enveloped me in a tight hug. "Man, thank you so much!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine gratitude and excitement.

I gave him a pat on the back, hugging him back. "Anytime, Pete." Then, my face form a mischievous grin, as I was thinking about the surprise I will give him next.

"Peter, say 'hero off'." I instructed him with a mischievous grin.

"Hero off?" Peter repeated, puzzled by my request.

Before he could comprehend what was happening, his suit began to disintegrate right before his eyes.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Peter exclaimed in astonishment as he watched his suit vanish into thin air.

But just as quickly as it disappeared, his suit transformed into a sleek watch.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Peter's stunned expression. "Surprised?" I asked, unable to contain my amusement. I added some extra functionality to peter suit. Thanks to my Spider-Man System, changing into his Spider suit will be a smooth as hell.

"You're welcome, host." the system chimed in, its voice echoing in my mind.

 Then I turned to Peter again with a glint of mischief in my eyes. "Say 'hero on, Peter." I prompted, unable to contain my excitement.

Peter looked at me confuse for a moment before a smile spread across his face. "Hero on." he repeated with a sense of anticipation, his voice echoing with determination.

In a flash, the simple watch on his wrist shimmered and changed, forming the well-known red and blue Spider-Man suit around him in quick of motion. It was an amazing sight, the perfect representation of quick transformation, all wrapped up in the classic Spidey outfit.

Peter's eyes lit up with excitement as he examined this predicament. "This is cool!" he exclaimed, marveling at the transformation.

With a grin spreading across my face, I nodded in agreement. "It's quite similar to my suit, isn't it?" I said, sharing in Peter's excitement. 

Peter's eyes sparkled with appreciation as he looked at me. "Yeah!! Thanks once again, Michael!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. 


"No probs pete, showtime?." I said to Peter with a grin, holding up my fist for a fist bump. 

"Showtime," Peter nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with determination as he lifted his fist to meet mine.

With those simple words, we knew it was time. Time for Peter to step into the spotlight, to embrace his destiny as Spiderman, and to show the world what he was made of.

"Hey Mike." Peter's voice broke through the rush of wind as we swung through the cityscape.

"If you are Spider-Man, what would I be called?" he asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

"That's interesting, Pete," I replied, glancing over at him as we soared through the air. As we swung, I pondered over what moniker would suit him best. Then it hit me.

"Your suit is red, so maybe I should call you Red Spider or Red. How's that sound?" I suggested with a grin, eager to hear his thoughts.

"Red Spider, huh?" Peter mused, considering my suggestion as we swung through the city. "I like it. It Has a nice ring to it."

"Red Spider it is." I confirmed with a nod, a sense of excitement coursing through me. "Get ready, Red. The city's counting on us."


"Roger Spider-Man." Peter nodded with newfound confidence, a hint of excitement in his voice.

As we swung through the city, a thought crossed my mind. One day, when Peter had grown into his role as a superhero, when he had proven himself capable of shouldering the responsibility that came with the Spider-Man title, I would pass it on to him.

But for now, he was Red Spider, my disciple, learning and growing with each swing through the city. When the time was right, when he was ready, I would entrust him with the mantle of Spider-Man. It would be a symbolic moment, marking the transition from mentor and apprentice to equals in the fight against injustice.

But until that day came, we had work to do. Together, as Red Spider and Spider-Man, we would continue to protect the city and when the time was right, I would proudly bestow upon Peter the title he had earned – Spider-Man.

The end of Book 2 Part 2