Chapter 122 – Goblin Arc (3)

 As I stood face to face with the Green Goblin in the dimly lit warehouse, adrenaline surged through my veins, my senses heightened as I prepared for the inevitable clash. Harry, bound and gagged, watched helplessly as the confrontation unfolded before him.


The Green Goblin's mocking laughter reverberated off the walls, his twisted grin sending chills down my spine. "Well, well, well, Spider-Man. Red or not, you're still no match for me," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.


I squared my shoulders, refusing to let his words shake my resolve. "We'll see about that," I retorted, my voice steady and determined.


Without warning, the Green Goblin lunged at me on his glider, and I barely had time to react. I dodged his initial strike, feeling a surge of fear and determination coursing through me. I had to protect Harry, no matter what.


The Goblin's attacks came fast and relentless, forcing me to rely on my instincts and agility to evade them. Pumpkin bombs exploded around me, sending debris flying in every direction. I leaped and dodged, narrowly avoiding each blast.


But despite my efforts, the Green Goblin's strength and speed were overwhelming. He landed a solid blow with his glider, knocking me to the ground with a painful thud.


As I found myself sprawled on the ground, the Green Goblin's mocking words echoed in my ears, his taunts fueling my determination to prove him wrong.



"You shouldn't be here, you're not strong enough. If it were the original Spider-Man, I could have been defeated," he laughed.


Gasping for breath, I shot back, "Shut up. Also, seriously, who even comes up with a Halloween costume like that? You're like a discount villain from the clearance rack."


 As I struggled to my feet. I continued said "Besides, I'm more than enough to handle a wannabe Goblin like you. I bet your glider runs on pumpkin spice, doesn't it?"


But the Green Goblin's laughter only grew louder as he prepared to attack once more. But this time, I was ready.


As he lunged towards me with his glider, I sidestepped his attack with quick reflexes, delivering a powerful side kick that sent him staggering.


But before I could follow up with another strike, the Green Goblin countered with a quick kick to my gut, knocking the wind out of me and sending me reeling backward.


"Argh!" I grunted in pain as I stumbled, my determination faltering for a moment.


The Green Goblin's laughter grated on my nerves as I struggled to regain my footing, his words of mockery ringing in my ears.


"I told you, you can't beat me. You're just not experienced enough," he taunted, his laughter filling the warehouse.


But I refused to let his words get to me. With a determined glare, I pushed myself to my feet, ready to face him head-on.

As I squared off against the Green Goblin once more, his laughter turned into a sinister chuckle. "But to think the Original Spider-Man is not here, huh?" he mused, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "I'm sad that he's not here, I could have fight him instead of a newbie like you."


I clenched my fists, my resolve hardening. "I told you, I'm enough to beat you, Halloween guy!" I declared, my voice fiiled with determination.


The Green Goblin's mocking laughter filled the air as he lunged towards me with a ferocious speed. With my Spider-Sense tingling, I anticipated his move and evaded his jumping front kick with a swift sidestep, narrowly avoiding his attack.


As he landed, slightly off-balance from his missed strike, I saw my chance to strike back. I threw a strong punch right at his chest. The force of my blow connected solidly, sending shockwaves through his body and causing him to stumble backward, his breath escaping him in a grunt of pain.


The Green Goblin seemed shaken for a moment after my punch hit him hard. He looked like he was having trouble keeping his balance, but then he got himself together pretty fast. 


As he got himself up, the Green Goblin's confidence faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "You are strong, but not as strong as me, for I am the Green Goblin!" he boasted, his voice full of arrogance even after my powerful punch.


Then the Green Goblin swiftly maneuvered on his glider, he closed the distance between us with alarming speed. I braced myself for his next attack, my Spider-Sense alerting me to the imminent danger.


With quick reflexes, I dodged his incoming punch, narrowly avoiding the blow aimed at my chest. But even as I evaded his attack, my Spider-Sense continued to buzz with warning, alerting me to another threat.


Suddenly, I spotted it: a pumpkin-shaped bomb right in front of me. Before I could do anything, it exploded with a loud bang, sending powerful waves of force through the air.


"Argh!!!" I yelled in pain as the explosion knocked me back, slamming me hard against the ground.


Through the haze of pain, I heard the Green Goblin's laughter echoing around me, filled with mockery and triumph. "Caught me, Spider-Man!" he taunted, his voice filled with malice. "If you don't stop me, the people of New York will die!"


Groaning as I pushed myself up from the ground, I forced the pain aside, my thoughts consumed by the urgency of the situation. Harry was still in danger, and I couldn't afford to waste any time.


Groaning as I pushed myself up from the ground, I forced the pain aside, my thoughts consumed by the urgency of the situation. Harry was still in danger, and also I couldn't afford to waste any time people is waiting for me.


With determination burning in my veins, I sprinted towards where Harry was held captive, then As I reached him, I quickly freed him from his restraints, helping him to his feet.


"Are you okay, Young Osborn?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.


"I'm okay, Spider-Man," Harry replied, his voice tinged with relief.


I nodded, realizing how urgent it was. "Can I leave you here? I still have to go and stop the Green Goblin," I asked him, my gaze searching his for confirmation.


Harry nodded in agreement. "Okay, Spider-Man. Stop him and take care," he said earnestly, his gratitude evident in his expression.


With one last nod, I quickly swung off towards where the Green Goblin was, my focus locked onto the signal from the tracker on his glider.


"Please, please be safe, people," I murmured to myself, a silent prayer as I propelled myself through the city streets, determined to put an end to the Green Goblin's reign of terror once and for all.


As I arrived at the scene, the sight that greeted me was one of chaos and destruction. The city streets were in disarray, with panicked civilians running in every direction, their cries for help echoing through the chaos.




"Please, someone, help us!!!"


The people's cries stirred something deep within me, compelling me to act quickly to help them.


Then, amidst the chaos, the people caught sight of me.


"Spider-Man Red!!!"


"Where's Spider-Man? You're Spider-Man Red!"


Amidst the chaos, people were confused, unsure why I was here instead of Michael. but I didn't have time to explain. Suddenly A young child approached me, tears streaming down his face as he pleaded for assistance.


"Please help us!" he cried out, his voice trembling with fear.


But before I could respond, the Green Goblin's chilling laughter pierced through the chaos.


In a flash, he grabbed hold of me, and we were locked in a fierce battle atop his glider, the fate of the city hanging in the balance.


As the Green Goblin swung his fist at me, I dodged it quickly, using my agility to stay steady on his fast-moving glider. Then, I kicked backward, pushing myself away from him and regaining my balance. I swung back towards him, ready to continue the fight.


Launching into a rapid series of punches, I aimed for his chest, but to my surprise, he merely laughed in response.


"Spider-Man, is this all you've got?" he taunted, his laughter echoing through the air.


I clenched my teeth, I know I'd been holding back, But boy, facing him was like trying to wrestle a fucking cow in a cow farm.


Then, to my surprise, the Green Goblin suddenly staggered, clutching his head in agony. "Aurg, no, not yet," he grunted through gritted teeth.


In a desperate attempt to regain control of the situation, he threw three pumpkin bombs in my direction. My Spider-Sense scream for a warning, and I quickly darted away, narrowly avoiding the explosive projectiles.


As I glanced back, I watched as the Green Goblin made his escape, disappearing into the chaos of the city streets. Even though he got away this time, I knew our battle was far from over. With determination burning in my veins, I vowed to track him down and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.


Swinging through the city, I saw S.H.I.E.L.D agents helping people leave safely. Seeing them made me think of Michael. he could have prevented this disaster. I felt small compared to him. Was I truly worthy of being Spider-Man?


"I'm not Michael," I said only to myself. "I'm Peter, just a lame nerdy kid who got superpowers from a spider bite."


As I swung towards my home, I needed time to gather my thoughts before facing the Green Goblin again. Seeing him in pain earlier made me anticipate that he would likely retreat for a while, especially if he was clutching his head like that.

As, I hurried to my room window, making sure no one was around. With a quick scan, I whispered, "hero off," causing my suit to transform back into a watch.

 (Then I quickly go to living room)

And As I entered the living room, I found Uncle Ben sitting in his favorite chair. He noticed the troubled expression on my face.


"Pete, what's going on? Come here, son," he said, gesturing for me to join him.


I nodded, as i sit in the chair I was feeling hesitant about sharing my thoughts. But before I could speak, Uncle Ben urged me on. "Tell me, boy, what's going on?"


Hesitating at first, I finally confessed, "Uncle, is it okay to fail sometimes? To let everyone down?"


Uncle Ben paused, his warm gaze comforting. With a gentle smile, he began, "Hey, you won't learn anything if you don't fail." He glanced at a picture frame on the wall. "You know, when I was your age, I failed time and time again, letting everyone down. But..." He paused again, reflecting. "But I didn't give up because I knew those failures were just trials for me to succeed in life. You see, Pete," he looked directly at me, "life is full of ups and downs. When you hit a low point, you have to rise up with determination. Keep moving forward, don't fear failure, embraced and remember always pursue your convictions."


His words resonated deeply within me, reminding me of Spider-Man's creed: "With great power comes great responsibility."


Thanking Uncle Ben, I rose from my seat, newfound resolve coursing through my veins. "I think I know what to do now," I declared.


As I prepared to leave, Uncle Ben offered his support. "Go on, Pete. Go face what's troubling you, You've got this."


With a grateful smile, I turned back to Uncle Ben before dashing outside. "You're the best, Uncle Ben," I said, my heart swelling with appreciation for his wisdom and support. Then, with renewed resolve, I headed out to face the challenge ahead.


Then Finding a secluded spot away from people, I whispered, "Hero on." Instantly, my suit materialized around me.


Now I' am Ready to face the Green Goblin and protect the city, I knew that failure was not an option. With Uncle Ben's wisdom guiding me, I was prepared to confront Green Goblin once more.


To be continued