Chapter 126– The Alliance of the Beasts (1)

Timeline: November 8, 1995




Today marked the day I'd assess my progress over the past year. With a mix of excitement and apprehension, I navigated through the menus to review my status.


Name: Michael Wilson (formerly Jonathan Anderson)

Nationality: American

Occupation: Teacher (active) & Hero

Energy: 1000

Age:62 years old (physically 24 years old)




Strength: 350

Agility: 340

Endurance: 345

Stamina: 335

Intelligence: 200


Charisma: 60 (hide)

Luck: 70





Soul Freeze

Berserker Mode

Chi Sense

Enhanced Spider-Sense

Enhanced Wall-Crawling

Enhanced Organic Web

Enhanced Detective Skills.

Leadership Skills.


Available Points:


Experience Points: 200

Shop Points:20 million shop points


Technique Skills:


Boxing: Beyond Master

Taekwondo: Master level

Kungfu: Beyond Master level

Systema: Master level

Street Fight: Beyond Master

Aikido: Master level

Muay Thai: Beyond Master

Eskrima: Master level

Judo: Master level

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Master level

Wing Chun: Master level

Capoeira: Master level




Frozen Resilience: After spending 38 years stuck in ice, you've become incredibly tough against harsh conditions. Whether it's freezing cold, scorching heat, or other tough environments, you can handle them better than most. This toughness helps you keep going even when things get really tough, making you both physically and mentally strong.


"Holy cow," I muttered to myself as I scanned the screen. My attributes had skyrocketed, far beyond what I had anticipated. It was both exhilarating and daunting to see how far I'd come. And those shop points—20 million! It felt like hitting the jackpot. I decided to hold onto them for now, knowing they could come in handy later.

With that I closed the status window, eager to get ready for the day. After a refreshing shower, I dressed quickly, my mind buzzing with thoughts of the day ahead. Teaching awaited, and I wanted to be fully prepared.

Heading downstairs, the aroma of breakfast greeted me, along with the sight of Mary, the love of my life, busy in the kitchen. My heart swelled with affection as I approached her.

"Morning, babe," I said with a smile, feeling grateful for her presence as I joined her.

Mary smiled warmly as she turned to face me, her eyes bright with affection. "Good morning, Babe." she replied, setting down a plate of pancakes on the table. "How did you sleep?"

I grinned, feeling content in her presence. "Like a log." I said, pulling out a chair and taking a seat at the table. "And those pancakes smell amazing."

Mary chuckled, her laughter like music to my ears. "I'm glad you think so." she said, pouring me a cup of coffee.

I reached out to take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I always Love you Everyday." I said sincerely, feeling grateful for her love and support.

Mary's eyes softened, and she leaned in to place a tender kiss on my cheek. "You always know how to make me smile." she said, her voice filled with warmth.

As we sat down to enjoy our breakfast together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple moments of happiness that Mary brought into my life.


Seeing that Mark and Emily isn't here I can't help but ask.

"Where's Mark and Emily?" I ask, glancing around the kitchen.


"Oh, my brother and Emily already ate and they said they have something to do." Mary responded, her voice tinged with concern.

I felt a little worried. "Sounds like something's up at S.H.I.E.L.D." I commented, trying to keep my tone light despite the nagging feeling in the back of my mind.

Mary nodded in agreement, a concerned expression crossing her face. "It wouldn't surprise me," she replied, her voice tinged with worry. "They're always caught up in some sort of mission or crisis."


I reached out to gently touch her hand, offering her reassurance. "Don't worry, they are strong, I'm sure they can handle themselves." I said, trying to sound confident even though I shared her concern.

Mary smiled gratefully, her worries easing slightly at my words. "You're right." she said, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of love and gratitude.


[Chris Side]

Meanwhile, in the basement of the Hilton Company, a team of scientists diligently worked on a project. Chris Hilton, overseeing the operation, inquired, "How's the ElectroGenesis project going?"


Maxwell Dillon, one of the scientists, responded promptly, his voice carrying a hint of confidence and determination. "Sir, this project will be finished in 3 days, I assure you, sir."

Chris nodded in approval, a subtle sense of satisfaction evident in his expression. "Good. I always count on you for that, Max." he remarked, his tone infused with appreciation and trust.

Maxwell expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Sir!"


[Loe halloway side]


In the S.H.I.E.L.D office of Director Loe Halloway, things got tense as he shared big news with Mark Taylor, AKA Nightwing, and Emily Hawkins, known as Lady Vamp.

"We've located the fucker who pretended to be me and helped the criminals escape!" Loe sounded serious, his eyes showing he meant business.

Mark and Emily looked at each other, their faces showing how serious the situation was.


"My son Thomas is already there," Loe said firmly. "And I need you two to help him."

Mark nodded, his eye set with resolve. "So, where is the location?" he asked, his voice is calm despite the urgency of the mission.


 [Adrian side]


In there hideout, it was dark except for the glow of computer screens showing designs. Adrian Toomes stood with his new suit nearby.

Von's voice cut through the silence, dripping with malice as he questioned Adrian about the completion of his suit. "Is it over now? Is your suit complete?"

Adrian, with a hint of pride in his voice, nodded confidently. "It's complete now, Von."

Von's eyes narrowed with anticipation as a sinister grin spread across his face. "Is that so? Then today's the day we get payback on Norman Osborn and his Company!"

Adrian's mind raced with thoughts of vengeance, but he couldn't shake the nagging concern about potential obstacles. "But what about S.H.I.E.L.D.? And what about those two Spider-Men?"

Von dismissed Adrian's concerns with a wave of his hand, exuding unwavering confidence. "Don't worry about S.H.I.E.L.D. Chameleon has already taken care of them. And as for the Spider-Men, we have allies who will aid us."

Just then, someone stepped out behind Von, surprising Adrian. It was Hammerhead, his strong presence making the room feel tense and dangerous.

Von introduced their new ally with a wicked grin. "I introduce to you our new ally, Hammerhead."


Adrian's gaze shifted to Hammerhead, his eyes widening in surprise. "Hammerhead?"

Von's command echoed through the dimly lit room, his tone demanding obedience. "Hammer, show him what you're made of." 

Hammerhead straightened his posture, his expression stern as he addressed Von. "I'm not a slave, Von, but for the sake of the alliance, I'll show you what I'm made of."


With a mighty roar, he delivered a powerful blow, smashing through the wall with his reinforced skull.


The sound of crumbling concrete filled the air as Adrian watched in awe at Hammerhead's display of brute force. Von's grin widened, his confidence unshaken as he addressed Adrian once more.


Von shifted his gaze to Adrian, his eyes gleaming with determination. "You see, Adrian, with Hammerhead's and my strength combined, we've got what it takes to take down the Legendary Spider-Man. And as for you, well, you'll be dealing with the new hero on the block, Spider-Man Red. He's only been swinging around for three months, so he's still wet behind the ears."


Adrian's smirk widened, a flicker of anticipation igniting within him. "You have a point there. Then it's time to have our revenge." His gaze lingered on his suit, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. "Let's give them a taste of what we're truly capable of."



[Michael Wilson Side]


Location: Midtown High

As I stood in front of my students at Midtown High, I began our lesson on adverbs with enthusiasm, eager to engage them in the intricacies of language.

"Alright, class, today we're going to explore adverbs!" I announced, a smile playing on my lips as I surveyed the room.

Several students shifted in their seats, their curiosity piqued by the prospect of exploring a new aspect of grammar.

"Now, who can tell me what an adverb is?" I prompted, scanning the eager faces before me.

A few hands shot up into the air, and I nodded towards a student at the front of the class.

"An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb," the student replied confidently.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed, giving them a thumbs-up. "And can anyone give me an example"

Then Mary Jane raised her hand eagerly. "Um, like, 'She ran quickly'?"

"Brilliant!" I praised. "In that sentence, 'quickly' tells us how she ran. It adds detail and helps us picture the action."

[By the way Peter wasn't in class today because he was getting ready for a science contest, so he is at Osborn Corp. And Harry, who's usually here with us, went along to help Peter out. So, it's just MJ and me holding down the fort at Midtown High today, without our usual duo.]

Then A chorus of voices chimed in, each offering their own examples as I nodded along, encouraging their participation.

As I was getting ready to continue teaching about adverbs, a loud, urgent sound suddenly interrupted my mind. It was the Spider-Man System alerting me to an urgent mission.


Mission: Crisis in the City: The Rise of Three Villains!


Quest Description:


The city's a mess! Three notorious villains - Hammerhead, Vulture, and King Kong - are teaming up to cause trouble. You're the Legendary hero, and it's up to you to stop them and restore peace. Get ready for tough fights and sneaky plans as you move through the mess. Can you be brave and smart enough to beat these formidable foes and save the day?




face off against Hammerhead, Vulture, and King Kong to stop their plans and save the city. Help your disciple, Peter Parker, in his fight against these villains as the second canon event begins.


Location: Osborn HQ




15 million shop points: Use these points to buy cool stuff from special shops.

300 experience points: Get stronger and better at being a hero!

[Ready to save the city? Let's do this!]


As the Spider-Man System alerted me to the mission, a surge of urgency coursed through me. Three villains, two of them canon event villains from Spider-Man's world? Shitt What's going on?... Nononon I don't have time for this.

Also as I cursed under my breath, realizing the gravity of the situation. Time was of the essence, and I needed to act fast. With Peter potentially in danger, I couldn't afford to waste a moment.

To be continued