Chapter 129– The Alliance of the Beasts (4)

As the fight unfolded, I couldn't help but let out a frustrated shout amidst the chaos.


"You Mobsters are doing this out of spite!" I yelled, dodging Monkey King's incoming punch.


Monkey king scoffed, his mechanical voice filled with disdain. "Nah, it's all about revenge, not just being spiteful," he shot back as his massive fist swung towards me.


I quickly sidestepped his attack, a smirk playing on my lips. "It's pretty much the same thing!" I countered, my voice a mix of annoyance and humor.


Meanwhile, Hammerhead charged at me from behind, but I saw it coming. I leaped out of the way before using my web to send him crashing to the ground.


Hammerhead let out a frustrated grunt as he struggled to get up. "Aurgg!" he groaned, clearly not happy with his situation.


But Hammerhead wasn't about to back down, launching himself at me once more. Then this massive robotic figure known as Monkey king attempted to strike me from behind, I sensed his movement and swiftly evaded his punch. With a smirk playing on my lips, I couldn't resist a taunt.


"Trying to be sneaky, aren't you?" I quipped, dodging to the side as his massive fist swung past me.


His mechanical voice filled the air with anger. "Fuck you, Spider-Man!" he spat, his frustration evident in every word.


I couldn't resist the opportunity to fire back. "Fuck you too!" I retorted, raising my middle finger in defiance.



Then With one quick, strong punch, I sent Monkey King tumbling to the ground with a loud crash. His mechanical body groaned in pain as he hit the floor.


"Aurgh!" Monkey king grunted, clearly feeling the impact.


And before I could catch my breath, Hammerhead came charging at me from the side.


But This time, I met his charge head-on, delivering a powerful punch to his gut that left him kneeling in pain.


"Aurg!" he cried out, his voice strained with agony as he fought to catch his breath.


"Come on, guys, let's stop this," I urged, taking a moment to catch my breath and address my opponents. "You may beat Red, but I'm different. I've fought villains like you back in my day."


Hammerhead sneered in response, his eyes flashing with defiance. "You old geezer!" he spat, clearly unimpressed by my words.


Suddenly, my spider-sense tingled, warning me of an incoming attack from behind. I swiftly evaded, narrowly dodging a blow from the robotic Monkey king.


"Seriously, how are you so fast?" I exclaimed, surprised by the mechanical beast's agility. "You're a big guy, but you move like a smaller guy!"


The robot Monkey king paused, caught off guard by my question. "Well, due to my mechanism designed I did in these body... wait, why do I need to explain? You're the enemy!" he grumbled before launching another attack.


I swung away to evade his attack, shaking my head in bemusement. "Chill, man. You're the one saying all this stuff, not me," I quipped, ready to continue the fight with renewed determination.


[Meanwhile Peter]

As Peter faced off against Vulture, the tension crackled in the air, each movement charged with anticipation.


"Hey, can you come down here?" Peter called out, his voice a mix of determination and exasperation.


Vulture scoffed in response. "What, am I stupid?" he retorted, his wings beating furiously as he hovered just out of reach.


"Can't argue with that," Peter quipped, a smirk dancing across his lips as he launched a web towards his airborne adversary.


With lightning-fast reflexes, Vulture dodged the web, swooping down towards Peter with menacing intent. His sharp claws gleamed in the dim light, aimed directly at Peter's vulnerable form.


But Peter's Spider-Sense was already tingling, alerting him to the imminent danger. With a graceful twist of his body, he evaded Vulture's attack with ease, narrowly avoiding the deadly claws.


Vulture let out a frustrated screech, his wings propelling him back into the air as he prepared to strike again.


"Seriously, you're annoying!" Peter muttered under his breath, his frustration mounting as he once again launched his web towards the airborne villain.


But Vulture was too quick, slicing through the webbing with ease before swooping down towards Peter once more, his speed was so fast.


Peter quickly dodged Vulture's incoming attack, moving his body skillfully to avoid getting hit. As he swung away from the danger, his thoughts raced, trying to figure out what to do next in the middle of all the chaos.


In a blink of an eye, Peter made a decision. He shot a strand of webbing towards Vulture, catching the villain off guard. The sticky strands wrapped around Vulture's wings, momentarily immobilizing him and disrupting his flight path.



With Vulture momentarily trapped, Peter seized the opportunity. He didn't waste any time, using his strength to yank on the webbing and send Vulture hurtling towards the ground below. It was a split-second maneuver, but it paid off as Vulture crashed to the ground with a resounding thud, subdued for the moment.



"Gotcha at last," Peter declared triumphantly, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he stood victorious over his downed foe.

But Vulture only smirked in the face of Peter's triumph, the atmosphere crackled with tension. With a sly grin, he taunted, "Is that so?"


Suddenly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small object, quickly setting it off with practiced ease.


A cloud of thick smoke from the device, covering the area in a confusing haze. Peter's senses were overwhelmed as the smoke surrounded him, making it hard to see and filling the air with an acrid scent.


"What the? Smoke bomb?" Peter exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief as he struggled to make sense of the chaotic situation.


Vulture's laughter echoed through the smoke, loud and wild. "HAHAHAHA, Spider-Man, you can't beat me now," he taunted, sounding very confident.



But Peter, always quick to think on his feet, wasn't worried. "You idiot," he shot back, trying to sound calm. "You also can't see me in this smoky place."



Vulture's laughter stopped for a moment before starting up again even louder. "You're the idiot. My mask can see through smoke," he bragged, his confidence unwavering in the face of Peter's defiance.



Peter's heart sank as he realized the situation. "SHIT!" he cursed, understanding he was at a disadvantage in the smoke. But even in the midst of trouble, Peter stayed determined. His mind was already racing to come up with a plan to turn things around.




[Meanwhile Mark and Emily fighting Chameleon]

Mark, also known as Nightwing, and Emily, known as Lady Vamp, had finally cornered the sneaky Chameleon in a dimly lit alleyway. Their breathing was heavy, a mix of exertion and frustration.


"You really are a pain in the ass," Mark growled, his eyes locked onto Chameleon.


Emily, standing beside him, turned her gaze to the villain. "Why are you causing havoc in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters?" she demanded, her voice firm and unwavering.


Chameleon just smiled, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "It's for distraction," he replied cryptically.


"Distraction?" Mark echoed, confusion etched across his face.


Chameleon let out an evil laugh, his eyes glinting with malice. "Instead of chasing me, you probably need to go back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters," he taunted.


Emily's eyes narrowed. "Why is that?"


Chameleon's eyes gleamed with malice as he smirked and said, "My guys are already inside S.H.I.E.L.D."


Mark felt a chill run down his spine. "What?" he exclaimed, his mind racing with the implications. His thoughts immediately went to Loe. "No, Loe is in there. Shit, shit, I need to get back there," he thought, his worry deepening with each passing second.


Emily noticed the distress etched on Mark's face and quickly took his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Darling, Loe is strong. He won't go down easily," she said, her voice calm and steady, trying to instill some confidence in him.



Mark felt a wave of calm wash over him at her words. He nodded. "You're right. Loe is indeed strong, after all he was stronger than me back in his prime." He took a deep breath, trying to refocus his mind. Then he turned back to Chameleon. "Let's focus on this guy."


Emily nodded in agreement. "Yes, darling."


Chameleon's laughter filled the alley, echoing off the walls. "I'm not going down that easily," he sneered, his hand slipping into his pocket.



"Shit, smoke bomb again?" Mark muttered as another plume of smoke erupted around them, engulfing the area in a thick, blinding fog.



Mark and Emily instinctively pressed closer to each other; their senses heightened. Mark's eyes scanned the smoke, looking for any sign of movement. "Stay close," he whispered to Emily.


Emily nodded, her eyes narrowing in concentration. She strained her senses, trying to pick up any hint of Chameleon's scent through the smoky haze. "He's trying to escape," she said softly, her voice filled with determination.


Mark tightened his baton in his hand. "Not this time," he vowed, his voice low and resolute.


[Meanwhile Michael Wilson]


Amidst the fierce fight with these tough enemies, I faced off against the robotic monkey king or kingkong and the unstoppable force of nature, Hammerhead. They kept coming at me, throwing punches and strikes with all their might, driven by their deep-seated hatred and resolve.



As I dodged their attacks, I couldn't shake a burning question: How did Vond escaped from prison? It nagged at me, demanding an answer even in the midst of this chaos.


Mid-battle, I couldn't help but wonder, "How'd you break out?" My question held a mix of annoyance and real curiosity.



To my surprise, Monkey king's robotic voice burst into laughter, the sound echoing loudly in the air with metallic tones. "I had help Someone I know," he replied cryptically, his tone filled with sinister amusement.


Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn't believe the nerve of Monkey king's response. "This guy," I muttered quietly to myself, feeling a surge of exasperation rising within me. "If he doesn't want to spill the beans, that's fine."


Turning my attention back to the adversaries before me, I fixed them with a determined gaze. "Let's settle this," I declared, my tone firm and resolute, ready to put an end to this battle once and for all.


Monkey king's reply came quickly, without a moment's hesitation. "Bring it on," he declared, his mechanical voice filled with confidence and malice, echoing through the chaos of the battle.


Meanwhile, Hammerhead continued his relentless assault, his fury driving every blow he aimed at me. With each attack, he seemed to channel all his anger into his strikes, making them all the more potent. As he lunged at me once more, his words cut through the air with disdain. "Die, you stupid old man," he snarled, his tone dripping with venom.


I couldn't help but wince at his insult, feeling a twinge of annoyance despite my efforts to stay focused. "Hey, watch your language," I shot back, my irritation seeping into my voice. "Well, you are right about the old man thing, but still, it hurts for me to hear that!"


As we traded insults and blows, the intensity of the battle only seemed to escalate, fueling my determination to emerge victorious against these formidable foes.


To be continued