Chapter 148: The Dawn of Sun (16)

In the heat of their battle, Mark Taylor, known as Nightwing, faced off against his enemy, Chameleon. They stood in the middle of chaos, glaring at each other with intense determination. Both knew that only one would win this fight.



"Let's end this," Mark declared, his voice echoing with unwavering resolve



Chameleon grinned evilly. "Sure, let's finish this," he said confidently, already starting to change shape.



In an instant, Chameleon morphed into the towering figure of King Kong, his massive frame exuding raw power and menace. With quick speed, Mark launched himself towards his opponent, his every movement calculated and precise.



The air crackled with anticipation as the two adversaries closed in on each other. Chameleon's colossal fist surged forward, aimed directly at Mark's chest, but Mark's agility proved unmatched. With a graceful twist of his body, he evaded the thunderous blow, narrowly escaping Chameleon's grasp. 



As Mark saw his chance, he didn't hesitate. With quick speed, he swung his baton, aiming straight for Chameleon's jaw. The impact echoed through the air with a loud crack. he force of Mark's strike was so powerful that it sent Chameleon staggering in a dramatic, slow-motion, his body flying backward from the impact.



Chameleon's cry of pain pierced the air, a stark reminder of the brutal impact Mark's blow had inflicted. The sound echoed loudly, cutting through the intensity of their battle, underscoring the sheer agony Chameleon was experiencing.



Then Chameleon fell down hard, kicking up dust as he hit the ground. Mark stayed strong, not taking his eyes off his enemy. It felt like time stopped, and the air got heavy with the tension between them. 



After that as Mark walked towards the defeated Chameleon, the villain fought to stand, his breaths coming in ragged gasps of pain. Yet, even in his weakened state, Chameleon's spirit burned with defiance. his voice laced with bitterness as he addressed his victorious foe. 



"You bastard, I would have won if I hadn't underestimated you. To think you'd use a grenade in the fight, tsk," Chameleon spat out, his words tinged with frustration.



Mark's expression remained stoic as he stood over his defeated opponent. "Well, just accept it that you've lost. Don't be a sore loser," he replied coolly, his tone unwavering.



With a resigned sigh, Chameleon begrudgingly relented. "Tsk, fine," he muttered, his lips curling into a wry grin. "I had fun."



Mark's eyes narrowed at Chameleon's cavalier attitude. "Fun? Is mercilessly killing people and causing havoc in New York City your idea of fun?" he demanded, his voice tinged with anger and disbelief.



Chameleon's grin widened, a manic gleam in his eyes. "Yeah, it's fun to me. Hearing them fear me, remember me, revere me," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with ecstasy at the thought.



Mark shook his head in disgust. "Well, in the end, you're just a sad villain who craves attention from everyone," he retorted, his words cutting deep.



Chameleon's expression darkened, his anger bubbling to the surface. "What did you say?!" he growled, his voice thick with rage.


Mark met his gaze evenly, unwavering in his conviction. "See, you got angry because what I said is right," he repeated, his tone firm and resolute.


Chameleon's denial was swift and vehement. "Enough! It's not true at all! I just want them to fear me, to revere me, to remember the name Chameleon—the villain that will mark history," he declared, his words laced with defiance.


Shaking his head, Mark remained steadfast in his assessment. "No need to deny it. Deep down, you're just a lonely man who craves attention from everyone, afraid to disappear in this world without someone remembering you," he stated matter-of-factly, his words hitting their mark.



Mark's words hit Chameleon hard, and he couldn't deny the truth they held. He clenched his teeth, feeling a mix of anger and defeat as he realized that maybe, just maybe, he had been seeking attention because he felt alone.



As Chameleon grappled with Mark's words, a flood of memories surged within him, memories of a time when he wasn't the villain known as Chameleon but just a man named Dmitri Smerdyakov. His mind drifted back to his best friend, Joe Cord, whose untimely death had left a void in his heart.



"Joe Cord, tell me why?" Chameleon's thoughts echoed in the recesses of his mind. "Why do I feel so pathetic now, hearing Nightwing's words? Am I truly lonely, and is that why I resorted to all this...?"


As he pondered, the memories of his friendship with Joe Cord became vivid. He remembered the laughter, the camaraderie, and the sense of belonging he had felt in Joe's presence. But now, Joe was gone, leaving behind a shattered soul consumed by grief and bitterness.



"Yeah, perhaps I was lonely because you died," Chameleon admitted to himself, the realization hitting him with the force of a revelation. "Why did you have to die? Why did you have to leave me in this world full of pain and suffering? I wish I died with you back then..."



In that moment, Chameleon faced the painful truth that had driven him to become a villain. He realized that beneath his tough exterior, he was deeply hurt by the loss of his best friend, Joe Cord. As he reflected on his actions and motivations, he understood that his desire for power and recognition stemmed from a profound sense of loneliness and sorrow. This realization shattered the facade of strength and invulnerability he had maintained, exposing the vulnerable and wounded person he truly was. Chameleon acknowledged that his transformation into a villain was a misguided attempt to fill the void left by Joe's death and to gain the attention he craved.


Space Song Song by Beach House


Fall back into place

Fall back into place


Tender is the night

For a broken heart


Who will dry your eyes

When it falls apart?


What makes this fragile world go 'round?

Were you ever lost?




[Peter side]


As we prepared to confront Doom, the tension in the air was palpable. Every member of the Fantastic Four, along with me , braced themselves for the battle ahead. Despite the overwhelming odds and the formidable power of Doom, our determination remained unyielding.



Reed, ever the strategist, began to lay out the details of his plan. "Alright, everyone, here's what we're going to do," he said, his voice steady and commanding. "Johnny, I need you to create a diversion. Keep Doom occupied while Susan and Ben, provide backup. Spider-Man Red, you'll assist me in the final phase."


I nodded in understanding, ready to play my part.



Johnny nodded, ready to spring into action. "You got it, Stretch," he replied, his flames flickering with determination.



Susan and Ben exchanged a knowing glance before nodding in agreement. "We've got your back, Reed," Susan said, her voice filled with unwavering resolve.



The Thing cracked his knuckles, a fierce grin spreading across his face. "Let's show Doom what we're made of," he declared, his determination clear.



With our roles defined and our plan in motion, there was no turning back. We charged forward, each of us focused on our respective tasks, determined to bring an end to Doom's reign of terror.



As Johnny unleashed a barrage of flames, drawing Doom's attention, Susan created protective barriers to shield us from the onslaught of energy blasts. Meanwhile, Ben charged headfirst into battle, trading blows with Doom in a display of raw strength and determination.



Meanwhile as we coordinated our plan, I turned to Reed with a question. "Um... Reed, what exactly are we going to do?" I asked, feeling a bit uncertain.



Reed nodded, understanding my confusion. "Here's the plan, Spider-Man Red," he began, his tone decisive. "I need you to use your webs to trap Doom."



I nodded, ready to put my abilities to use. "Got it," I confirmed.



Reed continued, outlining his strategy. "While the rest of the team keeps Doom occupied, I'll seize the opportunity to grapple with him, using my own elasticity to hold him in place. That's when you swoop in with your webs to immobilize him further," he explained, his gaze unwavering as he outlined our plan of attack.



"But won't you be caught in the webs too?" I voiced my concern, wary of putting Reed in harm's way.



Reed offered a reassuring smile, his confidence radiating. "That's precisely the plan. My temporarily ensnared hands will give me the leverage I need to deliver a decisive blow, restricting Doom's movement," he reassured, his conviction unwavering as he detailed our strategy.


Reed's explanation made sense, though I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about the potential risks involved. Still, there was no time to dwell on doubts. We needed to act quickly if we were going to have any chance of stopping Doom.


"Alright, let's do this," I said, steeling myself for the coming confrontation.


Meanwhile, as the trio of Susan, Johnny, and Ben battled Dr. Doom, the intensity of the fight escalated. Susan used her force fields to shield Johnny and Ben from Doom's relentless attacks.



"You pesky little bitch, I should have killed you first!" Doom shouted at Susan, his voice dripping with venom.



"Sorry, but I'm a tough cookie," Susan retorted with a defiant smile.



"Is that so? Then die!" Doom roared, unleashing a powerful blast of energy at the trio.



Susan grunted in pain as she reinforced her shield against the onslaught. "Aargh!"



"Sis! Sis!" Johnny called out in alarm, seeing his sister struggle.



"I can't hold this much longer," Susan admitted, her voice strained.



Doom sneered, "Die, Fantastic Three!"



Just then, Reed appeared, using his elastic limbs to grapple with Doom and hold him in place. Despite Doom's immense strength, Reed's flexibility proved to be a formidable asset, allowing him to restrain the villain long enough for me to make my move.



Doom's attack faltered, giving the team a moment of respite. "You!!!" Doom exclaimed, enraged.



"Now, Spider-Man!" Reed shouted, his voice filled with urgency.



I nodded and, with a flick of my wrist, unleashed a barrage of webs, encasing Doom in a sticky cocoon that immobilized him completely. Doom struggled against his bonds, but Reed's trapped hands prevented him from breaking free.



With Doom momentarily subdued, the Fantastic Four and I prepared for the next phase of our plan, determined to put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.


[Meanwhile Michael Wilson]



As Doctor Octopus lay knocked out on the ground, I turned my attention to Taskmaster and Kraven. This time, I would truly end this fight. I couldn't afford to waste any more time. Dr. Doom was up to something sinister, and I had to be there to stop him.



"Let's do this, fucker," I said, my eyes narrowing on Taskmaster.



"Go, Kraven!" Taskmaster commanded, drawing another arrow.



Kraven scoffed, "Don't order me around!" He lunged at me, his knife glinting menacingly. Taskmaster released an arrow aimed right at my head, but I dodged it with ease.



Kraven's overconfidence left him vulnerable. Seeing my chance, I delivered a powerful punch to his jawline, using about sixty percent of my strength. The force sent him flying, and he landed on the ground, knocked out cold.



"Argh!!" Kraven groaned before succumbing to unconsciousness.



"Holy shit, did he just hit him?" Taskmaster muttered. "Tsk, this motherfucking Kraven let his guard down."



With Kraven out of commission, I turned my focus entirely to Taskmaster. "Here I go!" I shouted, launching myself at him.



Taskmaster raised his hands in surrender. "I give up, Spider-Man," he said, his voice surprisingly calm.



I slowed my approach but didn't let my guard down. "Is that so?" I replied, suspicious of his sudden change in demeanor. Despite his words, I knew I couldn't trust him. As I got closer, I ignored his plea and landed a solid punch on his face, making him grimace in pain and drop to his knees.



"I said I give up," Taskmaster gritted out, holding his face.



"Yep, but you're too dangerous. That's why you need to sleep along with your comrades," I responded coldly.



"Crazy bastard," Taskmaster muttered, his strength waning.



"Sorry, pal," I said, delivering another punch to his face. This time, he went down for good, unconscious.




With all three villains incapacitated, I took a moment to catch my breath. The fight had been intense, but there was no time to rest. Dr. Doom was still out there, and I had to stop him before he could execute his plans. My system indicated Doom's location, his voice echoing from that direction that's what the system said. So I turned towards it, and web-slinging my way with determination. It was time to put an end to his scheme once and for all.



As I arrived at the scene, the sight before me made no sense. Peter lay knocked out on the ground, and all the Fantastic Four were there too, each of them seemingly defeated. What in the world was going on?



Dr. Doom stood nearby, looking injured himself. He saw me and sneered. "You are also here? The Legendary Spider-Man."



I looked at him with a serious expression, my fists clenching at my sides. "Bastard, what did you do?!"


Little Dark Age

Song by MGMT:

Oh-oh, forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain

Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away

When you get out of bed, don't end up stranded

Horrified with each stone on the stage, my little dark age

To be continued