Chapter 154: Spider Verse (4)

As we continued to observe from our vantage point in the vent, the woman with sunglasses addressed Kingpin, expressing her concerns about the potential consequences of their actions. She displayed a monitor showing the widespread effects of the collider on Brooklyn, including chaotic scenes and distortions in reality.



"If we fire again this week," she warned, gesturing towards the monitor, "there could be a black hole under Brooklyn." Her words painted a dire picture of multiple dimensions beginning to collide.



Peter B turned to Miles, his tone casual despite the gravity of the situation. "This is pretty standard Spider-Man stakes," he remarked, trying to downplay the severity of the situation. "You get used to it. Watch this."



Peter B couldn't resist a mocking tone as he anticipated Kingpin's response. "He's gonna say, 'You've got 24 hours,'" he predicted with a smirk.



Sure enough, Kingpin, or Fisk, confirmed Peter B's prediction without hesitation. "You've got 24 hours," he stated, fulfilling the expected outcome.



Peter B glanced back at us, a playful gleam in his eyes, as if to say, "See, I told you so."



Peter B grinned at us, pleased that his prediction had come true. Miles, clearly impressed, couldn't help but express his admiration.



I chuckled softly at the exchange, amused by Peter B's confidence and Miles' awe.



As the woman with sunglasses and Kingpin left the room, she left us with a chilling warning. "What this means is there could be a rupture in the space-time continuum."



Peter B, now more serious, acknowledged the gravity of the situation. "Ooh. That's bad. Actually, everything she said was bad. I was lying before."



With a nod of agreement, I affirmed, "Let's go," recognizing the urgency of our mission in light of the newfound danger.



As we emerged from the vent and descended, I turned to Peter B, urging him to take action. "Do your thing," I prompted, knowing he had a plan.



Peter B nodded, focusing on the task at hand. "Okay. Hold on. Let me get you some more data," he responded, typing away at the computer.



However, as Miles attempted to descend, he found himself stuck in the vent. I looked at him, puzzled. "What are you doing, bud?" I asked, concerned.



Miles struggled to free himself, admitting, "I can't get out. I can't move."



I remained calm, offering guidance. "Okay, relax your fingers," I advised.



But when Miles got stuck again, this time in the LED light, Peter B intervened, urging him to let go. "We don't have time. Just let go. Be in the moment," he instructed, his tone urgent.



Miles, feeling trapped, lamented, "I am in the moment. It's a terrible moment."



Acknowledging the urgency of the situation, I agreed with Peter B.

"They're right there. They're gonna see you. Miles, you gotta unstick," Peter B urged him



Taking a different approach, I asked Miles calmly, "Miles, in order for you to unstick it, what do you do to relax?"



As Miles struggled to free himself, he attempted to calm his nerves by singing softly. "Relax. Okay, okay, okay," he murmured, before singing the chorus of Sunflower



"Oh, for crying out loud," Peter B groaned, facepalming at Miles' antics.


Undeterred, Miles continued his impromptu performance, crooning, "Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck... You're a wreck, ooh..."



While Miles sang, I couldn't help but vibe with his song, though Peter B was less amused.

"Teenagers, just the worst," Peter B muttered, returning his focus to the task at hand.



As Miles continued to struggle, he suddenly dropped to the ground, seemingly vanished from sight. Peter B, alarmed, halted his work and scanned the area. "Miles, where did he go?" he asked, turning to me for answers.



Confused but determined, I used my chi sense to locate Miles. "You are here, Miles. In front of me," I informed them.



Peter B, surprised, questioned, "Where?"



Pointing in the direction of Miles, I clarified his position. "Here," I said, indicating where Miles was standing.



Curious, Miles questioned, "Can Spider-Man turn invisible?"



Peter B, taken aback, responded, "Not in my universe."



Approaching cautiously, Peter B edged closer to the spot where Miles had been standing, his eyes narrowing as he attempted to discern any sign of his presence. Then Peter B poked the spot where Miles was standing, confirming his presence.



As Miles reappeared, he yelped in pain, clutching his eye. "Aah! You just poked me in my eye!" he exclaimed, his invisibility suddenly dissipating.



Peter B, fascinated by Miles' newfound ability, mused, "This is incredible. Some kind of fight or flight thing."



Not fully grasping the term, Miles asked, "What's that?" just before he accidentally turned invisible again, disappearing from view once more.



Realizing the urgency of our situation, I glanced towards the approaching footsteps at the door. "We don't have much time," I warned, my voice tinged with urgency.



Peter B, impressed by Miles' invisible capabilities, seized the opportunity to impart crucial information. "This is great. Miles can turn invisible," he observed, his gaze shifting towards Miles as he continued, "Remember this password."



Peter B began reciting the password, his words rapid and urgent. "The password is D-G-F-A-M-P-E-S-A-N-D..." he started, his tone hurried.



Struggling to keep up, Miles interjected, "Slow down," his voice filled with frustration as he attempted to process the rapidly spoken letters and numbers.



Peter B hurriedly continued, his words tumbling out in a rush. "4, dollar sign, 3, 5, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 5," he rattled off, the urgency evident in his voice.


Realizing the need to record the password, Miles exclaimed, "I need to write it down!"



Sensing an opportunity to take action, I decided to take matters into my own hands. "Guys, I'm going to hide and try to catch her off guard," I announced, hoping to capitalize on the element of surprise.



Miles looked at me, puzzled by my sudden decision, while Peter B nodded in agreement. "Download the schematic," Peter B instructed Miles, his focus returning to the task at hand.



Perplexed by the task assigned to him, Miles asked, "How do I do that?"



Unfazed, Peter B flashed a confident grin. "While I turn on the charm," he quipped, his tone filled with determination as he prepared to take action.



Just as the tension in the room reached its peak, the door swung open with a creak, breaking the momentary silence that had enveloped us.



As I hid and watched Peter B interact with Dr. Olivia Octavius, also known as Dr. Octopus in her villainous guise, I felt a rush of nervousness. Dr. Octavius was a powerful enemy she is the female version of Dr. Octopus.



Dr. Octavius looked totally surprised when she saw Spider-Man. "Spider-Man?" she said, sounding like she couldn't believe her eyes. 



Trying to appear relaxed, Peter B greeted Dr. Octavius casually. "Oh, hey. Didn't see you there," he said, trying to act cool and composed despite nervous.



Dr. Octavius, clearly rattled by the unexpected turn of events, struggled to contain her astonishment. "Wow. Okay, I'm kinda freaking out right now," she admitted.



Ignoring Dr. Octavius' surprise, Peter B attempted to take charge of the situation despite her shock.



 "You're surprised to see me alive," Dr. Octavius noted, her voice betraying both curiosity and disbelief.



With a hint of mischief in his tone, Peter B quipped, "Surprise,"



Dr. Octavius, intrigued by the presence of Spider-Man, approached Peter B with a sense of fascination, reaching out to touch his face.



Peter B, clearly uncomfortable with the gesture, attempted to maintain boundaries. "O-Okay. That's-That's a no-no. We don't like that," he protested, his tone firm.



Undeterred, Dr. Octavius continued her examination, lifting the mask to reveal Peter B's face underneath. "An entirely different Peter Parker," she observed, sounding intrigued.


Continuing her examination, Dr. Olivia glanced at Peter B's stomach, lightly touching it. "A little bit of a gut, perhaps from dimensional warping," she speculated.


Peter B, noticing the invinsible Miles typing the computer while I remained hidden.



As Dr. Olivia was taken aback by the sudden appearance of another Spider-Man in a black suit and mask, I seized the moment.



"Hey, Dr. Octopus!" I called out, drawing her attention towards me.



Peter B, catching on to the situation, interjected, "Octopus?"



He then turned his focus to Dr. Olivia and inquired, "What did you say your name was?"



Dr. Olivia replied, "Dr. Olivia Octavius."



Peter B raised an eyebrow, asking, "Can I assume that your friends call you Doc Ock?"



Dr. Olivia clarified, "My friends actually call me Liv. My enemies call me Doc Ock."




Realizing the potential danger of the situation, Peter B looked at me and Miles, a sense of urgency in his expression. "Oh no, we are screwed," he declared.



Sensing the need for action, I shouted to Peter B and Miles, "Go, I'll handle this!"


Both Peter B and I nodded in agreement. Miles, still invisible, managed to grab the computer discreetly, his actions going unnoticed by Dr. Olivia Octavius, who remained fixated on me.



Peter B cautioned me as they fled, his voice filled with concern. "Okay, be careful,"



But Dr. Octavius wasn't about to let Them slip away so easily. "Not on my watch," she declared, her determination evident in her tone.



Summoning all my strength, I lunged forward, seizing Dr. Octavius' tentacles and pulling her away from Peter B and Miles, creating a brief distraction to facilitate their escape.



Turning to face them, I urged them to go. "What are you waiting for? Now, go!"



Both nodded and ran, Peter B looking back briefly to check on me. Miles, while still invisible, called out, "Take care, Mike."



I nodded, watching as they made their escape. Then, noticing Miles flicker back to visibility, I shouted, "You're not invisible anymore, Miles!"



Peter B, panicked, yelled, "Oh crap, turn invisible again!"



Miles, struggling, replied, "I can't! I don't know how!"



I shouted, "We don't have much time! Just go!"



Dr. Olivia, observing the scene with growing frustration, sneered, "You didn't tell me you had an invisible friend! And a trio of Spider-Men."



I retorted, "Well, you're not our friend, so we don't share our secrets with enemies. We save surprises for them."



Dr. Olivia, readying her tentacles, lunged at me with a menacing look. "Is that so? Then die!"



As she attacked, I knew I had to hold my ground to ensure Peter B and Miles had enough time to escape with the data.


[Meanwhile on the otherside]

Peter B and Miles, sprinting down the hallway, turned a corner.


Peter B quickly took the lead, urging Miles to stay close. "Come on, kid, we have to keep moving."


Miles, struggling to keep up, panted, "I'm trying!"


Then Peter glanced at what Miles was carrying.


"What's that?" Peter B asked, noticing the extra burden.


Miles, still trying to keep up the pace, replied, "Oh, I grabbed everything."


Peter B gave him a quick look of both amusement and exasperation. "Let me tell you the good news. We don't need the monitor."


With that, Peter B grabbed the monitor from Miles' hands and tossed it aside, lightening their load. The monitor crashed into the wall, sparking briefly before falling silent.


Miles, now able to run faster, asked, "So what do we need?"


Peter B replied, "Just the data, kid. It's all on the hard drive."



[Meanwhile, back in Michael Wilson]


 I was still engaged in a fierce battle with Dr. Olivia.


She struggled against the webbing binding her tentacles, fury etched across her face. "You won't get away with this!" she hissed.



I dodged another one of her attacks, maintaining my focus. "I think we already have," I shot back, keeping her occupied as long as I could.



[Back to Peter B]


Peter B and Miles finally burst through the door, only to find themselves in a room full of scientists who looked up from their work in surprise.


Peter B froze for a moment. "Oh," he muttered.


He glanced at Miles and whispered urgently, "This would be a good time to turn invisible."


Miles, still unable to control his new power, whispered back, "Yep," but remained fully visible.


Peter B sighed. "Okay, not gonna turn invisible. Selecting a bagel." He casually approached the bagel tray on a nearby table and grabbed one, trying to appear nonchalant.


"Act super normal," Peter B instructed as they started walking through the crowd of scientists, who were beginning to murmur among themselves.


"Spider-Man?" one of the scientists asked, eyes wide with recognition.


Peter B tried to play it off. "You know, that's funny, I get that a lot."


Miles, awkwardly, added, "Hey,What's Up" while attempting to mimic Peter B's nonchalance.


Suddenly, all the scientists revealed their weapons and aimed at them. The room filled with tension as Peter B and Miles realized the jig was up.


Peter B quickly formulated a plan. "Now we do a switchy-switchy," he said, grabbing the computer and handing Miles the bagel.


Miles looked confused. "What?"


The scientists, realizing what was happening, shouted, "Where do you think you're going?"


With their cover blown, Peter B and Miles sprinted toward the exit. One of the scientists yelled, "He took a bagel!"


Peter B, clutching the computer, looked at Miles as they ran. "Time to swing!" he shouted.


Miles, panicking a little, shouted back, "I'm not that good yet!!!"



With that, both of them launched their web-shooters, swinging out of the building just as a barrage of weapons fire erupted behind them.

To be continued