Chapter 163: Spider-Verse (13)


Peter B's voice cut through the chaos of the battle, his words carrying a weight of determination and urgency. Despite the glitches threatening to hinder them, he remained steadfast in his resolve.



Peter B, said "Kid, let's—" Before he could finish his sentence, another glitch interrupted him, causing him to grimace in pain.



Miles, ever vigilant and concerned for his friend, reacted immediately. "Pete!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with worry.



Spider-Gwen winced, holding her head briefly as she fought against the disorienting effects of the glitches. "Augh!" she groaned, gritting her teeth.



"Gwen!" Miles also shouted, seeing -Gwen's distress,


"Its going to be okay, Let's finish this," Peter B reassured them, his tone unwavering despite the physical strain he was enduring.



Dr. Octopus smirked wickedly as she observed their struggles. "It looks like you're all dying," she taunted.



Peter B's smirk, his eyes locking onto Miles with unwavering confidence. "Not a chance, especially with this kid right here," he affirmed, gesturing towards Miles. "He's going to bring us home."



Dr. Octopus scoffed dismissively. "Is that so? Then I'll start with him!" In a swift and aggressive motion, she lunged her tentacles at the trio, aiming directly for Miles.



Reacting with precision and agility, Peter B, Miles, and Spider-Gwen evaded Dr. Octopus's attack, swinging skillfully out of her reach. As they regrouped amidst the swirling chaos of the collider room, Peter B turned to Miles and Spider-Gwen, his expression serious yet determined.



"I have a plan," Peter B declared firmly, his voice cutting through the din of battle and glitches alike.



Miles and Spider-Gwen nodded, ready to hear Peter B's strategy amidst the chaos of the battle. Each of them knew the stakes were high, and Peter B's leadership was crucial in that critical moment.



As the fight with Dr. Octopus neared its climax, Peter B took charge amidst the chaos. He worked closely with Miles and Spider-Gwen to devise a clear plan.



"We need to use her own momentum against her," Peter B strategized, scanning their sides for an opportunity amidst the swirling tentacles of their foe. "Miles, can you create a distraction?"



Miles nodded eagerly, ready to put his abilities to use. "Got it," he replied with determination, focusing on his role in the plan.


Spider-Gwen positioned herself strategically, her focus locked on Dr. Octopus. "I'll cover you," she assured them, poised for the critical moment.



Dr. Octopus, sensing their coordination, unleashed another flurry of attacks with her tentacles aimed squarely at Peter B. With Peter B fast reflexes, he dodged each strike, drawing her attention while Miles sprang into action.



Using his venom blast to the fullest, Miles generated flashes of blinding light and sudden bursts of disorienting sound, effectively diverting Dr. Octopus's focus away from Peter B.



Seizing the opening, Spider-Gwen leaped forward with precision, delivering a powerful strike to Dr. Octopus's tentacles. The impact destabilized their foe, causing her to stagger momentarily.



"Now, Miles! Do the electric thing!" Peter B's voice rang out, signaling Miles to unleash his powerful ability.



Miles responded immediately, channeling his Venom Blast. Electricity crackled around him as he discharged a burst of bio-electric energy towards Dr. Octopus. The blast hit its mark, surging through Dr. Octopus and disrupting her control over her tentacles.



Caught off guard by the sudden surge of electricity, Dr. Octopus staggered, momentarily stunned. The Venom Blast not only inflicted physical damage but also threw off her concentration, making it difficult for her to counterattack effectively.



Then Peter B used Dr. Octopus's own momentum to his advantage. He quickly pulled a web line tight, With a strong pull, he sent Dr. Octopus flying through the air, knocking her off balance and disrupting her attack.



Dr. Octopus, though resilient, regained her balance with an angry shout. "You spider monkey!" she cursed, her frustration palpable as she tried to break free.



Before she could fully recover, Peter B interjected with a quip, "Buckle up, guys. This is gonna take a while," maintaining his trademark humor even in the midst of battle.



As Miles and Spider-Gwen continued to fend off Dr. Octopus's retaliatory strikes, Unexpectedly, a new webbing suddenly ensnared her from an unexpected direction, causing her to crash forcefully to the ground with a loud thud, knocked out cold. With that Dr. Octopus lay unconsciousness amidst the debris, her threat finally neutralized.



"Oops, never mind," Peter B chuckled, his relief evident as he turned to see who had joined their fray.



It was Michael Wilson, another Spider-Man from a different universe.



"Michael, you're here!" Peter B exclaimed with a mix of surprise and relief. "That means..."



Michael smirked confidently, cutting him off. " Yep, I stopped his plan to combine both worlds," he declared, his voice steady with resolve.



Spider-Gwen's eyes widened with admiration. "That's great!"



Miles, still catching his breath from the intensity of the fight, was awestruck. "Whoa, you stopped Kingpin alone? That's crazy!"



Peter B nodded knowingly, "As expected of a 63-year-old man."



Michael sighed. "I'm not really 63, remember? I got stuck in the ice."


(Miles and Gwen chuckled)

Just then, Peni Parker, Peter Porker (Spider-Ham), and Spider-Man Noir approached Michael Wilson, Peter B, Miles Morales, and Spider-Gwen, ready to head home now.



Michael nodded firmly. "It's over."



Spider-Ham, eyeing Miles Morales' sleek black suit, couldn't resist commenting. "Cool suit, kid. Looks a bit like Michael's."



Spider-Gwen chimed in with a grin. "Yeah, it's pretty cool."



Miles shrugged modestly. "Thanks. I made it myself."



Spider-Man Noir interrupted with a dry humor, "Now let's get back home before anything else goes haywire," as he casually picked up his Rubik's cube in his pocket.



Everyone observed him with amusement.



"What?" Spider-Man Noir continued, feigning innocence. "Can a man not take this with him in his universe?"



This remark elicited chuckles from everyone around, lightening the mood as they prepared to return to their respective dimensions.



After a brief moment, Michael looked at Miles and said, "Send us home, kid," handing over the override key or goober to Miles.



Miles nodded confidently. "I will."



With that Miles gracefully swung through the air with acrobatic skill, executing twists and turns before landing at the panel where he needed to insert the goober to send them back to their own universe.



Peter B said softly. "We taught him that, right?" He glanced at Michael with a twinkle in his eye.



Michael grinned back. "Well, maybe. I guess."


Spider-Gwen couldn't resist teasing. "I don't know about Michael, but you definitely didn't," she said, playfully nudging Peter B.


Peter B chuckled, rubbing his belly knowingly. "Okay, fair point. Maybe not that move."



With a shared laugh, they waited as Miles skillfully operated the panel, ensuring their safe return to their respective dimensions.



Michael Pov


As Miles inserted the goober into the panel, I found myself standing next to Peter B, reflecting on his words.



"Man, when you told us your story, I was kinda shocked, you know..." Peter B's voice trailed off as he glanced at me, taking in my appearance: black suit with a blue spider emblem on the chest, blue-eyed mask, and a well-built physique unlike his own, which had grown messy and out of shape due to his struggles with depression and life's challenges.



I met Peter B's gaze with seriousness. "You know, Pete, I was like you too. I tried to leave behind the Spider-Man life, to be normal. But every day, everything I did as a normal person somehow reminded me of my time as Spider-Man. Instinctively..."



Peter B nodded understandingly, prompting me to continue.



"... So yeah I'm back being Spider-Man again... I couldn't give up because..." I paused, gathering my thoughts. "Because I couldn't let people down. Not when they believed in me, like this Peter Parker here in this universe. Despite his hardships, he's still fighting, because he has people counting on him, believing in him, and supporting him. It's what made him stronger and a better version of himself."



Peter B pondered my words. "A better version, not a better Spider-Man?"



I chuckled softly. "There's no such thing as a better Spider-Man, Pete. The only thing that can be better is you, yourself. Not as Spider-Man, but as Peter B. Parker."



Peter B looked at me, a mix of emotions crossing his face. Spider-Gwen and the others observed silently, understanding the weight of our conversation.



Meanwhile, Spider-Man Noir attempted to solve the Rubik's cube, with Peter Porker (Spider-Ham) offering him some tricks and tips. Peni Parker stood nearby, holding her robot spider, watching the scene unfold.



Suddenly, Miles called out to us from above. "Guys, I've got control of the beam! Get up here!"



We all nodded in unison and swung towards Miles, arriving quickly and sticking to the walls of the structure.



Miles removed his mask, revealing his face and tousled hair. Inspired, I followed suit and removed my mask as well.



Everyone turned to look at me, and there was a collective "Wow."



I shrugged, trying to downplay it. "What? You've all seen my face before, right?"



Gwen spoke up with a grin. "Well, not really, but you're quite handsome."



"Thanks," I replied with a smile.



Miles, a hint of jealousy in his voice, chimed in, "I'm handsome too, you know."



I chuckled warmly, feeling a sense of camaraderie and relief among us after the intense battle.



Then Peni Parker spoke up, breaking the silence. "Guess this is it," she said warmly, glancing at each of us. "Well, nice to know we're not alone."



Everyone nodded in agreement.



I looked at them, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "You all kinda remind me of my disciple, Peter Parker."



Peter B's curiosity was piqued. "Wait, you have another Peter Parker in your universe, and he's your disciple? What?"



I chuckled softly. "Ah, I guess none of you knew." Seeing their shaking heads, I continued, "My Peter Parker is also a Spider-Man like us. He became my disciple in 1995 and yeah after I disappeared to my universe and came here. So, I suppose he's still back there, fighting crime without me."



Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.



"Hey, it's not that big of a deal," I reassured them with a grin. "Miles here also had another Spider-Man in his universe."



Miles spoke up, his tone somber. "But he's dead."



I nodded understandingly. "Well, maybe in years to come, your universe could have another Spider-Man. Then all of you won't be alone anymore, right?"



Spider-Gwen shook her head, smiling softly. "I envy your Peter Parker. Having you to guide him and be with him through tough times, fighting crime... it's like a father-"



Before Gwen could finish, Peter B interrupted with a grin. "Father-son bonding?"



I laughed lightly. "Let's tweak it a bit. More like a brotherly bond, something like that."



Spider-Man Noir interjected, his interest piqued. "Tell us about this Peter Parker of yours."



I looked at Spider-Man Noir and nodded. "Well, he's 15 years old and got bitten by a radioactive spider, typical origin story."



Everyone nodded in understanding.



"After he got bitten," I continued, "he started experiencing weird changes, and he didn't know I was Spider-Man back then. It wasn't until I revealed my identity to him that he realized I'am Spider-Man and we were similar. From there, I taught him how to be Spider-Man, showing him the ropes."



Spider-Man Noir was impressed. "Damn."



Peter Porker chimed in playfully. "Oh, I wish I had a disciple like me."



Everyone nodded in agreement, and I chuckled awkwardly.



Peter B mused aloud, "Should I consider having kids now?"



Miles grinned mischievously. "Yep, you should, Pete."



I chuckled again. "Alright, alright, back to the main topic." I glanced at everyone. "Peni, why don't you go first?"



Peni nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Michael. From both of us," she gestured to her robot spider. "And also, I still envy your Peter Parker," she added with a smile.



I chuckled warmly as Peni dove gracefully towards the portal, bidding us farewell with a wave.



Next, it was Spider-Man Noir's turn. He stood tall but with a touch of vulnerability in his words. "I, uh, love you all." With a hint of his usual seriousness, he added, "I'm taking this cube thing with me. I don't understand it. But I will."



As the portal's shimmering energy pulsed, signaling it was ready for the next departure, I turned to the remaining members of our group.



Peter Porker, aka Spider-Ham, stepped forward unexpectedly, holding out a hammer to Miles. "I want you to have this," he said with a smile.



Miles looked at the hammer, momentarily confused. "O-okay," he replied, accepting it graciously.



Spider-Ham grinned and quipped, "That's all, folks!" before diving back into the portal with a playful wave.



Peter B Parker chuckled at Spider-Ham's remark. "Is he allowed to say that, legally?" he joked, shaking his head in amusement.



The mood lightened, and it was just the Four of us left now: Miles, Peter B, and myself, along with Spider-Gwen.



Miles turned towards Gwen with a curious expression. "Do I get to like the hairdo now?" he asked playfully.



Gwen chuckled softly, and I exchanged a knowing smile with Peter B at their friendly banter.



Gwen removed her mask and looked at Miles, her expression warm. "You know, I'm older than you," she said with a grin. "Fifteen months, but it's pretty significant if you ask me."



Miles pondered this for a moment before replying, "Well, Einstein said time was relative, right?" Both of them chuckled at the reference.



Gwen nodded in agreement. "Uh huh. Nice," she replied, appreciating the humor.



Miles extended his hand towards her. "Friends?" he asked sincerely.



Gwen smiled and shook his hand firmly. "Friends," she confirmed.



Miles grinned. "Cool."



Gwen nodded, quickly putting her mask back on. With a graceful leap, she dove towards the portal, calling out, "See you around, Spider-Man."



Peter B, Miles, and I stood there, watching as Gwen vanished into the portal. There was a moment of quiet reflection before I turned to Peter B with a smile.



"It's your turn, Pete," I said encouragingly.



Peter B took off his mask, looking slightly hesitant. "Yeah, yeah. Right."



He glanced between us and said, "I, uh... How do I know I'm not gonna mess it up again?"



Understanding his worries, I looked him in the eye and said, "You won't."



Peter B nodded, taking a deep breath. "Right."



Miles stepped forward, offering his support. "Like you said, Pete. It's a leap of faith."



Peter B smiled, a mix of gratitude and determination in his eyes said to Miles. "Not bad, kid."



Then Peter B looked at me, his expression sincere. He said "Thanks, man, for your words back then."



"You're welcome," I replied, giving him an encouraging nod.



With that, Peter B took one final look at us, then dove into the portal, leaving just Miles and me.



Miles turned to me, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "So, it's just us now," he said.



I looked at Miles, seeing the determination and uncertainty in his eyes. "Miles, you've become Spider-Man. The new Spider-Man."



Miles looked at me, a mixture of pride and humility in his voice. "Yeah, I guess I did."



I patted his shoulder, feeling the weight of the moment. "Listen, Miles. You are strong, and I know that in the future, no matter how many hard times you face, you'll get through it."



Miles looked up at me, his expression earnest. "How do you know?"



I smiled warmly at him. "Because you are Miles Morales, and also my guts."



Miles nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Thanks, Michael."



I patted his head gently. "Bye, kid."



Miles smiled back, a mix of gratitude and resolve in his eyes. "Bye, Michael."



Before I dove towards the portal, I turned back one last time. "You got this, Miles. You got this."



With that, I dove into the portal, leaving Miles in his universe, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as the new Spider-Man.



As Miles turned off the portal, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The relief was short-lived, however, as a voice rang out, filled with anger and desperation. Quickly, Miles put his mask back on.



"Stop it!!"



Then spun around, his eyes widening in shock. It was Kingpin, battered and bruised from his earlier encounter with Michael. Despite his injuries, the hulking villain's determination burned fiercely in his eyes.



"You should give up," Miles said, trying to reason with him. "You're not in good shape."



"Shut up, kid! I WON'T LET YOU DESTROY MY HAPPINESS!!" Kingpin roared, lunging towards Miles with the last of his strength.



Miles took a deep breath, steeling himself for the fight ahead. "Let's do this!" he declared, his voice resolute.



He quickly formulated a plan, his mind racing. "I'll defeat him with what I called hmm Venom Blast?," he thought.



Kingpin's punches were powerful, but Miles was faster. He dodged and weaved, looking for an opening. When Kingpin overextended on a particularly wild swing, Miles saw his chance.




With a deep breath, Miles concentrated, channeling his energy into his fists. and lunged forward, landing a series of quick, powerful punches. Kingpin staggered, but Miles wasn't done. He leaped into the air.



 "Venom Blast!" he shouted, driving his palms into Kingpin's chest. Delivering a final, electrifying Venom Blast that sent Kingpin crashing to the ground.



Kingpin lay there, defeated and exhausted. Miles stood over him, panting but victorious. "It's over, Kingpin."




He whispered to himself, "I did it. I really did it."







All right, let's do this one last time.


My name is Miles Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and now I've become the one and only Spider-Man. So no matter how many hits I take, I always find a way to come back. Because the only thing standing between this city and oblivion is me.

 And Just you know There's only one Spider-Man.



And you're lookin' at him.



The end of Spider Verse