Chapter 165: Preparation

November 28, 1995


[Michael Wilson Pov]


The morning of the wedding was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement. As I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my tie, I could hardly believe the day had finally arrived. Today, I would marry Mary Rose Taylor, the love of my life, and share this special day with my best friend Mark Taylor and his bride, Emily Hawkins.



Mark and I stood shoulder to shoulder at the altar, anticipation written on both our faces as we awaited the arrival of our brides. Though we couldn't serve as each other's best men due to our simultaneous weddings, it was comforting to see Loe Halloway standing proudly beside Mark, and Chris Hilton beside me. Their presence symbolized our deep bonds of friendship and support, making this moment even more meaningful.



The ceremony was set to take place in a beautiful garden adorned with white roses and fairy lights. The weather was perfect—crisp and clear, with the sun shining brightly. Guests began to arrive, among them were Peter Parker, only fifteen years old, accompanied by his caring Aunt May and Uncle Ben and others. filling the seats with excited chatter and warm smiles.



Peter stood beside his friends Harry Osborn and Mary Jane, their beaming smiles lighting up the garden.



Peter and his family were like family to us, their presence blending seamlessly into the joyful atmosphere of the wedding day.



Mark approached me, looking equally nervous and excited. "Ready for this, Michael?" he asked with a grin.



I laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. "More than ready. Let's do this."



As the music began to play, signaling the start of the ceremony, we took our positions. Mark and I stood side by side at the altar, our hearts pounding in unison. The procession started with the bridesmaids and groomsmen making their way down the aisle. Emily appeared first, radiant in her white gown, escorted by her father. Mark's eyes lit up when he saw her, and I could see the love between them.



Then, the moment I had been waiting for arrived. Mary appeared at the end of the aisle, arm in arm with her father, Zoe Taylor. She looked stunning, her dress flowing around her like a cloud, her face glowing with happiness. My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met.



As she walked towards me, everything else faded away. It was just her and me, and the love that bound us together. Zoe handed Mary over to me with a smile and a nod, and I took her hand, feeling the warmth and softness of her touch.



The officiant began the ceremony, his voice calm and steady. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two couples in holy matrimony..."



The words seemed to blur as I gazed into Mary's eyes, losing myself in their depth. The vows we exchanged were heartfelt and sincere, each word a promise of love and commitment. When it was time to place the rings on each other's fingers, my hands trembled slightly, but Mary's touch steadied me.



"With this ring, I thee wed," I said, sliding the ring onto her finger. "With this ring, I thee wed," she echoed, placing the ring on mine.



"You may now kiss the bride," the officiant announced, and I leaned in, capturing Mary's lips in a tender, loving kiss. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, but all I could focus on was the overwhelming joy in my heart.



Mark and Emily followed suit, sealing their vows with a kiss, and we turned to face our family and friends as husband and wife. The sight of their beaming faces, the sound of their applause, and the sheer joy in the air made this moment unforgettable.



As we walked back down the aisle as husband and wife, Mark and Emily followed suit, and we all gathered in the garden for the reception. The air was filled with laughter, music, and the scent of freshly cut flowers.



During the reception, Shield agents like Maria Hill and Al Mackenzie mingled among the guests. They knew me as Michael Wilson, a close friend of Loe Halloway, unaware of my secret identity as Spider-Man.



Then during the speeches, Loe Halloway took the stage as Mark's best man. His heartfelt words resonated through the crowd, celebrating Mark and Emily's love and the bond we shared as friends. Loe raised his glass in a toast, and we all joined in, clinking our glasses in celebration.



Later, Chris Hilton stepped forward as my best man, despite the unconventional arrangement due to our dual weddings. He spoke with warmth and humor, reminiscing about our adventures together and offering words of support and congratulations. His toast brought laughter and cheers from the guests, and I couldn't have been more grateful for his friendship.



As the evening progressed, we danced under the twinkling lights, surrounded by the love and support of our friends and family. It was a day filled with joy, laughter, and the promise of a future filled with love and happiness.


Meanwhile, in Another Universe



The air crackled with energy as Agent Phil Coulson, Agent Jemma Simmons, and the eclectic team of Guardians of the Galaxy battled fiercely against the relentless onslaught of Sakaaran Mercenaries. Explosions echoed through the rocky terrain, mingling with the shouts and gunfire that filled the air.


Rocket, perched atop a crumbling boulder, his fur bristling with determination, voiced his frustration. "Damn it, they're swarming us! We need more firepower!"



Coulson, his tactical mind assessing the situation amidst the chaos, nodded grimly. "Agreed. We need reinforcements."



Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, stood firm, his element gun blazing as he took precise shots at the advancing mercenaries. "Backup? We're holding our own just fine, thank you very much!"



His shots found their marks, sending mercenaries scrambling for cover, but their numbers seemed endless.



The bald-headed leader of the Sakaaran Mercenaries barked orders, his voice cutting through the din of battle. "Push forward! Crush them!"



Thirty mercenaries responded with a unified battle cry, pressing the attack with renewed vigor.



Coulson, his brow furrowed in determination, turned to Jemma Simmons, his young biochemistry genius and trusted ally. "Simmons, we can't hold them off much longer. You need to go back to our dimension. Contact Director Loe Halloway. We need reinforcements."



Jemma nodded, her expression resolute despite the chaos around her. "Understood, Agent Coulson."



Peter Quill, protective of his precious portal device, raised a cautionary hand. "Hold on, Simmons. We can't risk losing that portal device—"



Before he could finish, Gamora stepped forward, her stance firm and unwavering as she reached out to take the device from Peter's grasp. Her eyes met his with a silent command, and reluctantly, Peter relinquished it.



Peter hesitated, then gulped nervously as Gamora's intense gaze locked onto his. Feeling the weight of her stare, he quickly relented.



"Okay, you can use that." His voice held a hint of reluctance, but he knew Gamora's decision was final.



Jemma offered a grateful smile to Gamora before activating the portal device. The air shimmered and crackled with energy as a swirling portal materialized before her.



Coulson fired another round, providing cover for his team as they held their ground. Groot and Drax fought side by side, their sheer strength and ferocity a formidable force against the mercenaries. Rocket, perched high above, unleashed a torrent of gunfire, his sharp eyes targeting the mercenaries with deadly accuracy.



With determination in her eyes, Jemma stepped into the swirling portal, disappearing into another dimension, her own dimension in search of reinforcements. The portal closed behind her with a faint hum, leaving the battlefield momentarily quieter as the team continued to fend off their adversaries.



The battle raged on, explosions and gunfire filling the air. Coulson and the Guardians fought with unwavering resolve, each member of the team playing their part in the desperate struggle. They awaited Jemma's return, hoping that her mission to bring reinforcements would tip the scales in their favor against the relentless Sakaaran Mercenaries.


As the dust settled momentarily, Coulson's voice rang out amidst the chaos. "Hold steady, team! Help is on the way."


[Jenna side]


December 5, 1995


As Jemma Simmons found herself in a quiet corner of her own dimension. She swiftly retrieved her communication device, the McCall device, and activated it with practiced ease. The device hummed softly as it connected her to Director Loe Halloway back at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.



"Director, we need backup!" Jemma's voice was urgent, carrying the weight of the battle she had left behind.



Director Loe Halloway's voice crackled through the device, tinged with relief. "Jemma, thank God you're alive. Where's Coulson?"



Confusion flickered across Jemma's face, hidden from the Director by the communication device. "What do you mean, sir?"



Loe Halloway's tone shifted slightly, concern creeping into his voice. "You and Coulson have been gone for three weeks now."



Jemma's eyes widened in realization. "Three weeks? But... I thought it had only been one week. Oh, no... I think I may have been displaced in time..."



Director Loe Halloway's voice was measured. "Explain, Simmons."



Jemma quickly composed herself, focusing on the immediate task at hand. "Never mind that now, sir. We encountered unexpected resistance in the other dimension. The enemies are overwhelming us. We need reinforcements."



There was a moment of silence from the other end of the line as Director Loe processed her request. "Backup? I thought you and Coulson could handle it."



Jemma's voice conveyed the urgency of their situation. "Initially, we thought so too, but their numbers are far greater than anticipated. We need additional firepower to turn the tide."



Director Loe sighed heavily. "Alright, calm down. Return to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters immediately. We'll strategize and determine who we can send to assist."



Jemma nodded, even though Loe couldn't see her. "Thank you, sir. I'll head there right away."



"Good. Hurry up" Loe emphasized, his voice firm with resolve. "We'll figure this out together."




Michael Wilson's Perspective

It had been a blissful week since Mary Rose Taylor became Mary Wilson, and we settled into our new life together in our cozy home. Moments of love and laughter filled our days, and I couldn't have been happier.



"Hey, babe" I teased playfully, drawing her close. "How many kids do you want?"



Mary's eyes sparkled with mischief as she kissed me softly. "Maybe ten," she replied, her tone daring me to react.



I chuckled at her response. "hehehe, despite looking innocent, you're quite feisty," I teased further, enjoying the playful banter with my new wife.



Mary blushed, her cheeks turning a rosy hue. I gazed at her affectionately, savoring every moment of our togetherness.



Then, just as we were caught up in our tender moment, the familiar buzz of my McCall device interrupted us. I gently kissed Mary once more before excusing myself to take the call. It was Mark Taylor, my best friend.



"Mark, why are you calling?" I asked, curiosity piqued.



"Man, I need your help," Mark's voice came through urgently.



I listened intently as Mark explained the situation. "Loe wants me to go to another dimension and assist Agent Phil and the Guardians of the Galaxy. I think I need you, buddy."



I raised an eyebrow, recalling Star-Lord's earlier dismissal of additional help. "Didn't Star-Lord say two agents were enough?"



Mark sighed. "Looks like he underestimated the situation. We need reinforcements."




Inwardly, I chuckled at the irony of Star-Lord's ego. "Three weeks ago, Star-Lord made it clear they didn't need us. Now, he needs our help after all."



As I reflected on the events of three weeks ago when I first met Star-Lord, his larger-than-life persona came vividly to mind. He embodied the swagger and confidence just like from the movies and comics version of him, a man who believed he could handle any situation on his own. I couldn't help but find his bravado amusing, though I also respected his abilities. 



Back then, during our initial encounter, Star-Lord had confidently assured us that Agent Phil Coulson and Jemma Simmons were more than capable of handling the mission on their own. He made it clear that additional help wasn't necessary, almost brushing off our offer to assist.



I had taken his words at face value, deciding not to join their mission at that time. It made sense—if they were confident, why interfere? But now, hearing from Mark that the situation had escalated and they needed reinforcements, I couldn't help but feel a bit satisfied. After I get there, I'll make sure to tease that guy



Then Mark interrupted my thoughts. "Michael, are you in?"



I grinned mischievously. "Of course. But you know who else we should bring?"



Mark sounded curious. "Who?"



"My disciple, Spider-Man Red," I replied confidently. Peter Parker, my protégé and now a skilled superhero in his own right, would be a valuable addition to the team.



And so, Michael Wilson, known as the Legendary Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man Red, joined forces once more. Together with Mark Taylor, we prepared to journey into another dimension to aid Agent Phil Coulson, Jemma Simmons, and the Guardians of the Galaxy in their battle against the Sakaaran Mercenaries. Little did we know, this mission would test our skills and bonds like never before, forging new alliances and strengthening old friendships in the face of interdimensional peril.



To be continue