Come Hell, Or High Water


Everything hurt.

Her voice hurt from the endless screaming she had been doing the entire night and even when the high guards had come for her. She was sure she had broken her voice box, given how much it hurt.

Her ears were ringing so loudly she couldn't remember if there was a reason for that. She had not tried shit with the warriors but hells be damned, here she was, in so much pain that she couldn't even comprehend.

Her eyes were swollen and she could feel the bags under them. It was expected though, given the amount of stress she had been under, not to mention the nightmares of her colleagues being killed before her.

Kiyomi Kimura was screwed in all the ways to hell and she knew it. It wasn't as comforting as it sounded but goddamn, she could only wish that everything was better. Then again, what was better when he had been bound to the realm's soulless psycho?

"Fucking hell, I'll ram that dumb face against the wall. Oh, I will break her face," Kiyomi grumbled as she tried to get in touch with her reality. Her neck hurt, but none more than the one place a portion had been forced into her with.

She could still remember the needle poking roughly into her skin, pouting whatever portion there was for her. She was aware that they wanted her unconscious because she was trouble, but they were in for a lot more than they had bargained for.

Kiyomi had trained herself to survive and one of those things that she had readied her body for, were the chances that he would be kidnapped and someone would force a potion into her.

"They never learn huh?" Kiyomi grumbled as she tried to make out where she was. One thing she was sure of was that this place was terrible and wrecked. This wasn't a place that normal people were brought to.

"Just great, Kiyomi. Just great," Kiyomi whined when she used her Lycan sight and saw herself in a place with endless bodies. The stench of the bodies that have been here long invaded her nose, along with the fresh bodies that had been brought in.

She was a doctor and she had seen her fair share of dead bodies, so she wasn't scared of being dumped into a pit of the dead and rotten. But then none of her training had ever prepared her for this.

She had never expected that her friends, people who were kind to her, people who had saved her more than once, would be dead because of her. That shit pissed her off and triggered her in ways that she hadn't imagined possible.

Kiyomi had promised herself she wouldn't ever be brought down, and yet the mad queen had dragged her to this shit hole. She had fought to live, and now her life was over, and she was bound to a devil without a soul.

"I won't be trapped again," Kiyomi said to herself as she used her Lycan sight to make a path on top of the bodies. She thought it was gross and she was aware that this wouldn't leave her mind easily. But then she hadn't survived that long just to be put down like a dog.

She hadn't fought tooth and nail just to be kept by a woman who knew nothing of life. She refused to be just another contract signed for Sakura Watanabe and if she had to fight, Kiyomi would fight.

"Open this fucking door!!" Kiyomi shouted, ignoring the stench she breathed in with every scream from her lungs. She hated it, but she would nurse her wounds once she was certain she was safe. 

"I'll break it down, I swear to goddess, if you don't fucking open this shithole," Kiyomi shouted as she tried the door. She could feel the silver laced on it, but she didn't care that she would be burnt by the silver or even poisoned.

Kiyomi didn't care that she would probably lose consciousness for real this time. All she wanted was to get out of here and go face the damned humans who had forced her into this shit hole. 

She had been living a healthy life – well, not too healthy, but she was content. She was happy even if she was trapped inside a hospital. She had made that place her sanctuary and now she didn't even have shit to go back to. 

That idea itself made Kiyomi furious over the fact that she was married to the bastard. She would deal with Sakura later, but first, she had to find answers and figure out who the fuck had messed up her life like that.

"I'll count to three!! If you don't open this door, don't blame me for what I will do! You know this place was built for the dead, and I am very much alive, you spineless psychos! Tell that white-haired bitch to get me out of here!!" Kiyomi shouted, again.

She didn't care that her throat was hurting or even that her entire body felt like it had been flooded with silver. She was going to get out of here come hell or high water, even if she had to fight the most feared woman in the entire realm.

"One!" Kiyomi began her countdown as she racked the door. She kept pushing and pulling but the little shit wasn't even budging. The doorknob was burning her hands but that was tomorrow's problem. She needed to be out of here.

"Two!" Kiyomi kept counting, as she tried to see through the pinhole. It was a little higher than she had imagined and she was not able to get to it. However, she had a better idea; perhaps it wasn't the best, but it would work, it had to. That was all that mattered to her.

'I'm so sorry about this,' Kiyomi said as she dragged the nearest bodies and oiled them up. Her Lycan strength had gone down, and her body was weakening, but she didn't care, as long as she was out of this darned hell hole. 

If Kiyomi was being honest, she didn't mind being stuck in here. She needed the rest and with her senses blocked she was bound to get a good nap. She still had a few days on her leave sheet and she could spend them sleeping, regardless of the where. 

After all, she was in love with sleep, or so Elif would always say.

The only thing that pissed her off more than her reality was the fact that someone had looked at the possible scapegoats and settled on her – the live-in neurosurgeon who had the highest success rates in the entire realm. It was crazy.

Frankly, this situation was something that Kiyomi considered disrespectful and annoying at the highest level and she wouldn't forgive, even if that meant that she would probably die at the hands of the psychotic queen that owned this damned penthouse.

She would get out, and get her hands on those bastards. She would make them feel what she was feeling at the moment because her rage was driving her nuts. The Bogdan Lycans would soon be after her and the Russians were hunting her, not that she cared about that. 

'The humans can fuck off or suck my dick,' Kiyomi said to herself as she angrily struggled to find her way. Everything was annoying the hell out of her, and she needed to get a release. She needed to punch things instead of being locked up in a room with dead bodies.

With the bodies piled, Kiyomi climbed over them apologetically. She could feel the bodies squish under her feet, a reminder that she may have picked the already rotting bodies. It was disgusting, to say the least, though that wasn't an image Kiyomi was bothered to pay heed to. 

'Dammit,' Kiyomi cursed when she peeked through the pinhole and couldn't see anyone. It was like everyone had suddenly disappeared and boy did that not look so good for her, not to mention the fact that the stench of these bodies had fucked with her sense of smell.

It would take a while before she regained them, but as long as she was in here, the only thing her sensory organs would know of was the stench of death and rotting bodies that smelled worse than the morgue at Odanera City Hospital.

"Aren't you going to make the third count?" Sakura's voice interrupted Kiyomi's thoughts, making the good doctor shriek and fall on her butt, back into the mess of bodies that she was trying to escape.

"Are you fucking crazy!?"