What About… Not About Angels


"Aren't you going to make the third count?" Sakura's voice interrupted Kiyomi's thoughts, making the good doctor shriek and fall on her butt, back into the mess of bodies that she was trying to escape.

"Are you fucking crazy!?" Kiyomi asked, right as the Lycan queen peeked through the pinhole and saw the mess that was in there. For a moment there, Sakura's heart constricted for the woman in there, but then just like it had happened, it disappeared.

"I'd say I am but then where's the fun in that? How's your meeting with the dead? Are you ready to join them yet?" Sakura asked, the society in her voice for the woman so clearly that she hadn't forced Kiyomi to marry her.

"If I say yes, will you suddenly start thinking about how useful I am as one of the rare specialist surgeons in the nation, or will it just be fun for you? I hear you have a thing for broken hearts… 

"You sure you aren't mending yours in your twisted way? Have any issues you want to project but are not sure how, so you bind us with contracts?" Kiyomi asked, her tone matching that of the queen and Sakura faltered. 

Queen Sakura had never had anyone take to her like that. She wanted to call the bluff but she knew that Kiyomi was good at reading people. The woman had to have red through her, or maybe she just knew a lot more than she was letting on, right? 

Well, that didn't matter right now because no matter what happened, Kiyomi was never leaving, right?

"Actually, I might consider, seeing as I am going to meet the people whose leader you killed. I was going to tell them I don't have you, then save your pathetic life, but where is the fun in that?" Sakura asked as she opened the door to the dead.

The stench from the room itself almost knocked her out. She had never smelled things so pathetic like that and fuck she wondered how the hell her warriors hadn't complained about the intensity of the chaos down here.

"Scrunching your nose when you meet your family members is rude, Sakura," Kiyomi said and the queen looked at her like she had gone bonkers. Perhaps staying with the dead had forced her into that state, right?

"What?" Sakura asked, the confusion clear on her face.

"I see you're not just trash but dumb too. Then again, I wouldn't blame you. You look like something out of a horror movie. People talk of queens like angels then there is you looking worse than uncultured untrained beasts.

"I assume you've been with the humans long enough to know about the story of beauty and the beast? I bet that's why you keep forcing people to marry you, as part of your hopes that you will become pretty when you get a true love's kiss.

"I hate to break it to you, but the only place you're headed in the trash can if you're not careful," Kiyomi said, her words biting the Lycan queen. If she was hurt by them, there was no telling because she wasn't showing any emotions.

Sakura's face was blank and unreadable. As Kiyomi took in the sight before her, she knew that this was the part where the Lycan queen threatened her life and she was eagerly waiting for it.

However, she was surprised when the queen didn't do anything. If anything, she just left the door open and walked away from the room, like she had to come to make fun of Kiyomi. It was so sudden and unexpected that Kiyomi wondered if this was a trap.

Then again, this was Kiyomi's chance at freedom. If she was smart enough, she could take it and make a run from there. Perhaps, there was just never going to be a better chance like this, right?

"Well, I see trash running away," Kiyomi muttered and she could have sworn she heard the entire building shake. If it was in her mind, then maybe she needed a checkup, but when she walked out of the room and saw the cracks in the walls, she was certain.

"Anger issues, much?" Kiyomi retorted as she looked around for an escape. 

The hallway she had seen Sakura walk earlier, was empty and lonely. Kiyomi rushed to the nearest window to figure out where she was and what she found out was somewhat surprising.

She had been expecting that she was underground and shit, but then from the window, she could see that she was still on the same level as earlier. 

She was still on the penthouse floor, and that got her answering who in their right mind would keep dead bodies on the same level as them. Hell, even the morgues in the hospitals were located a little further from regular interactions. 

Perhaps Sakura was a little unhinged, right?

"Your Highness, her majesty is ready for you," a high guard interrupted Kiyomi's escape plans. She hadn't been sure what the hell was going on, but then the longer she stood there with the guard, the more she realized her head was spinning. 

It was almost like the penthouse was moving. Surely it couldn't be like that, right? There was just no way that was real, yeah? There was just no way her imagination was growing more vivid by the day, right?

"What the fuck does she want?" Kiyomi asked angrily.

"You are to accompany her to meet the Ivanovs," the high guard responded with so much respect that Kiyomi could have sworn he had grown bipolar. Now she was imagining things, just great. Well, she was screwed either way.

"Tell her I'm not coming," Kiyomi said passively as she rubbed her temple. The stench from earlier was still filling her nose despite the cat being a good distance from the house of terror.

Perhaps she had forgotten that he had fallen among the dead bodies, and even found herself subconscious in there. She needed to keep in touch with her reality, because if this went on, there was a chance that she would never be able to get out of here.

That was too much of a risk for her.

"She expected you would say so," the high guard said, before he grabbed a blade from its sheath on his waist and painted it at Kiyomi, making the woman step back instinctively. She had plans of dying today, so this was not going to happen.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Kiyomi asked when she realized what the high guard was about to do.

"As my queen commands," the high guard said, before he began slicing through his wrist like he intended to cut it off.

"What the fuck?" Kiyomi asked as she rushed to help the high guard, but then it was impossible even for her to stop the man. He had been ordered by the mad queen and there was no way he would defy the order.

"Fine, I'll go with you, just don't hurt him, please," Kiyomi shouted at no one in particular, as she held onto the knife. She knew it was a risky decision, but then it was way better than watching someone else die today.

She had lost more than enough people and there was just no way she was letting herself be the reason someone lost their lives. She couldn't live with herself if that happened again, not like this.

"The queen says she is waiting for you at the entrance of the building, and that you should hurry before someone else loses their life," the high guard said before he fell down, unconscious.

Kiyomi was pissed, but then she knew she had to listen to the woman and her damn commands. Just to be on the safer side, Kiyomi grabbed the blade off the unconscious high guard so he wouldn't hurt himself.

"You want me with you? Fine, you will have me," Kiyomi said angrily as she walked to the main elevator and headed down to where the Lycan queen was waiting. Sure enough, Queen Sakura was there.

"I see you're dressed for the occasion," Sakura pointed out when she saw Kiyomi in the same stinky regalia that he had been in earlier. Sakura had expected defiance, so she wasn't surprised.

"Lead the way you damned psycho," Kiyomi said as she headed into the waiting car, ignoring the queen.

"So much for leading the way," Sakura laughed before she got in the seat beside Kiyomi.

"Fuck off," a stinky Kiyomi growled as the car left the lot.