Blow Me Kisses Love


"Are you feeling okay?" Sakura asked and Kiyomi rolled her eyes at the woman. They were currently headed to a location that Kiyomi didn't know of, but then she had assumed it was important if the crazy queen had to leave her oh-so-great loft for it.

"Shut the fuck up, your words make my ears bleed," Kiyomi retorted and Sakura snickered before she turned to Kiyomi, looking the woman dead in the eyes as if she was looking for something before she spoke.

"You think the contract makes you special, petal… I was talking to Otaru. Someone's gotta check on him given your stench alone is a punishment to everyone around you. It makes me wonder what kind of surgeries you did with that stench.

"Or maybe you simply killed the mafia don and planned an escape. I always knew rogues were low pieces of shit, but damn, you gotta be the lowest of them all," Sakura said with the fakest smile she could muster and Kiyomi felt like she had been gut-punched.

This woman was insane in every way and yet Kiyomi had defiantly followed Queen Sakura to wherever. Perhaps she should have tried to hold on for a while before she followed the woman, but then was there time for that right now?

Kiyomi knew it was a stupid decision, seeing how expendable she was to the queen but then she couldn't take back her words and she wouldn't show her regrets.

Queen Sakura would ride on her wave of shame until she couldn't take it anymore and Kiyomi couldn't let that happen. Her life had changed a lot over the past few days and she refused to let herself be screwed over again.

Even if the woman beside her was the devil.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am feeling okay, thank you," Otaru responded, his words snapping Kiyomi out of her long line of thoughts. She wanted to know where they were headed at the moment, but then she couldn't ask, so she stayed silent in her seat pouting.

"We're here, my queen," Otaru spoke a few minutes later.

"Alright, let's get this over and done with. I have a few more people who need to sign my contracts," Queen Sakura said passively and Kiyomi felt her stomach sink into her stomach.

She had known that the queen always had contracts for anyone she wanted, and yet with that knowledge, a part of Kiyomi had hoped that she was special now that the queen had married her.

Granted it was technically a forced contract marriage, one whose terms Kiyomi didn't even know of because she hadn't been keen enough to read more than the title, but fuck, she should have read it.

Now here she was, following the mother of crazies into a possible set of madness while she wasn't even sure if there was hope for her and the future. There was always going to be someone to replace her in the queen's life.

But would there be anyone for Kiyomi to rely on eventually? This kind of shit made Kiyomi miss Elif. Her best friend would have known what to do or even what to say. She could have found a way to make things better for Kiyomi regardless.

All of this was not fair to Kiyomi, but life in itself wasn't exactly a fair play for anyone, right?

"Are you coming, petal, or did you finally get a sense of shame and realize you smell worse than the Odanera sewers?" Sakura asked when Otaru opened the door for her and turned to open for Kiyomi, who didn't even seem to be in the same space as them.

"Fuck you," Kiyomi cursed as she glared at the Lycan queen before she stepped out to follow the woman. She was determined to be defiant until the last moment if this was even some place she could consider a torture house.

"Pozhaluysta, sleduyte za mnoy, miss Sakura," One of the men at the lobby said to the Lycan queen and Kiyomi froze. She may not have been fluent in Russian, but now that she looked around, she could see Russian writings everywhere.

[GT= * Please come with me, miss Sakura]

"No…" Kiyomi whimpered as she took in the surroundings. She could see men in black with guns, while some were in combat wear, ready to blast her. She could also hear them talk and look at her, while they scrunch their noses.

Well, that was pretty easy to tell because Kiyomi smelled like the dead pit she had just risen from. It was like her stench was a universal thing that preceded all the damned language barriers.

"Hurry along, we don't have all day, petal," Queen Sakura said to Kiyomi, a permanent smirk on her face as she loved the horrors she had reintroduced Kiyomi to. This was not good, but then it wasn't like Sakura Watanabe gave two shits about that, right?

"You—" Kiyomi struggled to form a proper sentence. Now it all made sense why Sakura had mentioned more contracts. She was expendable and was being handed over to the Russians.

Kiyomi took another look around her and she knew that she had to try. Maybe she had lost some brain cells in the process, but she was done holding on. If she was going to die then she could at least die while getting her answers right?

She refused to go down like this and without knowing who had framed her for the medical malpractice. If she was going to die, then at least she would find her answers, right? 

So, without thinking too much, the stinky neurosurgeon rushed back into the SUV that had brought them to this damned place, taking the driver's seat and driving off. It was a stupid idea, she knew that, especially with how secure this place was.

But then she had to try. It didn't matter that the SUV doors were still open as she drove away. This was her final grasp at freedom and she would take it no matter what happened. It didn't matter that her life was already going down.

She had nothing left to live for anyway right?

"What in the damned hell is she doing?" Otaru asked as he stared at the shitshow going on at the moment. He knew he should have gone after the Lycan, but he wanted to see what she would do. 

They were deep in the Russian mob territory, something that the good doctor clearly hadn't paid attention to, because if she had, she would have realized they were an hour away from the city of Odanera.

However, they had gotten here in less than thirty minutes because Otaru had driven past all the red lights without a care in the world and also because he knew the humans wouldn't ever be able to do shit to him and the Lycan queen. 

Even then, he had to commend the madness that the woman was showing. Perhaps they should have admitted her into an asylum before they interacted with her? Damn, they were in for a rough ride with the woman.

"She left all her common sense in the operating room, what else can we expect of a defunct rogue?" the queen asked right as there was an explosion at the gate and the SUV went up in flames.

"Looks like she got herself some icing on the fiery cake, huh?" Otaru sighed defeated as he watched the Russians try to put out the fire. They had never met a woman as crazy as the one they had seen, but damn, they should have been given a head's up right?

"She'll be fine," Sakura said, though this time, Otaru could see the pure worry and genuine care on the queen's face. Maybe, just maybe there was hope for Sakura's humanity after all.

It was only bad that the source of her humanity was wrecking ball, but she could make it through, yeah?

"Doesn't look like it… fuck," Otaru said defeatedly.