The Good, And Good, Right?


As she looked around, doctor Kiyomi Kimura knew she had a choice to make... To live or die. She had always thought that life in the human lands was simple as she could have whatever she needed without breaking bones and making people suffer. 

However, that never meant that she was a defenseless woman. She had her routine, one in which she found herself at the hospital gym, training like the Lycans trained, keeping herself sane and ready for when she ran into the damned Bogdan Lycans.

Those Lycans were the greatest horror in the good doctor's life and she had tried her best to hide. Funny how that had gotten her in the hands of the psycho queen herself. Perhaps this was fate, but what kind of fate bound her to the devil herself?

"Just one time, Kiyomi," the Lycan said to herself as the footsteps got closer and closer to her. They were humans so they would be easy to deal with, seeing as she had trained herself to challenge the Bogdan Lycans.

Perhaps today she would have to break her pact to never hurt any humans, right? Well, she could argue that it was in self-defense because the selfish psycho had left her for the dead among creatures that needed her head on a spike.

"Someday, I'll wring that pretty neck," Kiyomi grumbled when she thought back to Sakura and the smirk on her face when she apparently set Kiyomi free. Then again it wasn't like the psycho had left her to be ruined by the humans.

But was that really it?

What if Sakura trusted her to get out of this?

"There she is!!" the humans shouted as they rushed through the door. At first, they were surprised that their friends had broken bones, until they saw how stiff and bored Kiyomi was, like this was just a waste of her time.

"Listen here, you little humans. I am having a pretty rough day, and I need to clear my name and get back to the only job I had before you fucktards took it from me. So how about we get out of each other's way?

"I don't know what you're getting paid, but it's seriously not enough for you to die for, right?" Kiyomi asked with a bored tone as she looked at the humans. She was a surgeon, one who knew what hurt the fastest when hit.

Today she had only wanted to be free and yet here she was. Maybe she could finally put all the training she had been doing in the hospital to use and see for herself if she was a match for the Bogan Lycans, no?

"Kill her!" one of them shouted and they rushed at Kiyomi.

"Well, let it be known that I chose peace and you fucktards drove me to this. Bring it on!" Kiyomi said as they ran towards her, their grim faces making her sigh at how pathetic they looked.

For a moment she wondered if this was how the Bogdan Lycans would deal with her when they finally found her. Kiyomi knew it was just a matter of time and no matter how hard she tried to hide; they would find her.

She just had to make sure that she could fight back, but what if there were a lot of them, would she be able to hold out on her own? Oh, Kiyomi was furious with the way things had gotten. So, she channeled all her rage and put it in the fight with the humans.

She wasn't as fast as Sakura had been, but the damage she did was extensive. By the time the good doctor was done with the humans, she couldn't believe the sight before her. It was like she had been possessed by a 'Sakura' spirit.

"No… Not like this," Kiyomi whimpered when she saw the limbless bodies in the room. 

She was a doctor, someone who saved people and it haunted her that she had to be the one to do such. They had been humans and weaklings against her, but then her Lycan had sensed danger and had come out.

This was the result of it all, something that Kiyomi wasn't sure of how to explain.

"I'm sorry, I really am," Kiyomi muttered as she stared at the mess before her. She had never been one to run people like this. She should have been better than Sakura, but how the hell was she even supposed to be better when she had felt trapped?

She could have broken their bones and left them easily, but she had ripped through them like they were the enemies she had been running from her entire life. She had turned them into pudding and that choked her.

"I can't be like the psycho," Kiyomi muttered as she tried to find her way around the mess. However, as she fumbled and struggled to not trip on the body parts in the bloodied room, she thought back to Elif.

She wondered how her friend was doing and whether there was anything she could do for Elif. Kiyomi wanted to know if what Sakura had told her was true and if the culprit of the murder had truly been found by Otaru.

So defeatedly, she grabbed a phone from one of the dead men. It had a fingerprint sensor, and Kiyomi let out a groan. There was no way for her to know who was who and which finger belonged to the owner of the phone, so she threw it back on the ground.

"I am a better person than her," Kiyomi rambled on as she walked out of the room she had been in. She couldn't hear any sounds from anywhere, so she assumed that the people who had been in this building were all dead. 

That was a truth that should have made her feel safer. Instead, it reminded her of how cruel she had been. It made her feel like she was no different from Sakura, but what else could she do? Her hands had been forced.

Stumbling through the hallways, Kiyomi looked for the washroom to see what she looked like and if she was fit to go to Odanera City Hospital and find her best friend she couldn't go into the hospital looking like the murderer that Sakura had made her into.

She had to show up as a better person and a remorseful one. Maybe Sakura had set up a trap for her, but a part of Kiyomi knew that Sakura wasn't the kind to lie to her. The woman may have been all levels of sick and psychotic, but she wasn't a liar.

Or so Kiyomi hoped.

"I'm a doctor, not a murderer," Kiyomi mumbled to herself as she looked for the washroom. She knew that it wasn't going to be easy for her, but she had defended herself. That had to count for something. She truly was a good person, right?

"I'm a doctor," Kiomi continued as she pushed every door, before she settled on one at the end of the hallway that looked like a washroom. It had been a little hard to figure out, since all the people here had been men, but perhaps that was not an issue for her, right?

"I'm not a killer," Kiyomi mumbled when she held the door knob to the washroom, the blood on her hands creeping her out. 

She needed to believe that she was a good person, so she turned the knob and walked in… Only to see a replica of Sakura in the washroom.