Chapter 3: Trials of the mortal realm

Kelvin's thirst for adventure burned bright as he embarked on his journey through the treacherous trials of the mortal realm. Each challenge he faced was a test not only of his physical prowess but also of his courage, cunning, and indomitable spirit.

On a new day, Master Liang called kelvin; kelvin I will take you to the forest to honed your martial skills because even though you have a high cultivation base, without an actual combat experience, you'll easily be defeated by someone with a lower cultivation base than yourself. Kelvin answered; Master I want to go to the outside world to hone my skills and I promise not to let you down Master.

A youngman handsome tall and well built who exuded the an aura of an emperor makes everyone who sees him feel to bow. Was seen walking casually into a restaurant the young man name is kelvin. I looked around the restaurant the restaurant was filled with different strong cultivators most of them were couples eating and drinking. I found a chair to sit, if I wanted to hone my skill I need to engage in a real battle but I have been cultivating in seclusion and I have no idea how the things of this world works, looks like I have to ask around I moved closer to two cultivators onwards robust and the other a middle aged man they both look like rogue cultivators fellow daoist I called I have been cultivating in seclusion with my master I was just released and I need to hone my skills can you recommend me to the nearest mountain range where I can hone my skill? They looked at me as if I'm a fool the robust one whispered to the middle-aged man they both winked and laughed. Fellow daoist the thunder peak mountain range is the nearest mountain range and contains demon beast with slightly higher cultivation base. However there's the king of demon beast in the mountain range called the thunder serpent it's said to be the strongest demon beast in the whole of the thunder peak mountain range. I thanked them and quickly asked the waiter at the restaurant If I could get the a detailed map of the thunder peak mountain range however I was ignored I had to stuff some crystal coin into the waiters hand before he took out a torn map from his spatial ring. I took the map and quickly left the city. I walked towards the forest for a day before I got to the forest entrance. I had to venture deep because I don't know the limit to my strength.Kelvin ventured deep into the heart of the Thunder Peaks, where jagged cliffs loomed overhead and the air crackled with energy. Amidst the howling winds and swirling mists, he encountered ferocious creatures that prowled the rocky terrain. With lightning-quick reflexes and precision strikes, Kelvin dispatched his adversaries one by one, his movements a blur of motion and grace. As he reached the summit, he faced off against the Thunder Serpent, a colossal beast wreathed in lightning. With a mighty roar, Kelvin unleashed his full power, he swung his saber as he unleashed the mountain splitting strike which he had learnt from his master. The saber struck the thunder serpent, it flew back and crashed into a tree kelvin felt his hand slightly numb wow I never expected to fight to my satisfaction today I thought I could just clear through the thunder peak. Human u trespass my thunder peak the thunder serpent growled with hatred and fear in it eyes. Hahaha I just wanted to hone my skills nothing more okay let make a deal, I will fight with you to my satisfaction until I achieve great perfection in my mountain splitting strike. Martial skills can be cultivated from the entry level, essence level, great accomplishment, perfection, and great perfection. Most cultivators might not be able to cultivate to essence level all their life but kelvin after cultivating for a month he is already in the perfection level. The thunder serpent demon beast growled with unwillingness and said human you are tramping on my dignity I am the king of thunder peak mountain range. Kelvin laughed and said king? My fool I cal easily kill you and wipe you off the face of the earth I did not want to kill you because I'm not a blood thirsty cultivator that was why I proposed that you should accompany me till I break though to great perfection level otherwise I would have killed you you d*mn demonic beast. I fought with the demonic beast hundred times repeating the same skill over and over again . Channeling the energy of his strength on the saber, he performed the martial skill mountain splitting strike again.

After a week of continuous battle with the thunder serpent, I finally broke through to the great accomplishmentlevel. I need to return to master's mountain to convey the good news to master. I channed my essence energy into my leg and ran five times the speed of sound , two hours later, I got to my master's mountain peak. Master!! Master!! I have broken through I shouted on the top of my voice however I got no reply. I went inside to check up on my master and I saw a note on the bed.