Chapter 4: A call to destiny

At the mountain peak, Kelvin ran inside to a cave he checked inside the cave where his master usually cultivated. there was a bed and a sea of flowers. It looked like a dwelling of immortals from legends. he looked to the bed. There was a folded note on the bed. He took the folded note with different emotions surging through his mind, scared he opened the letter with great difficulty. His master's beautiful handwriting looks more tranquil than calligraphy at this time, which was like a thorn stabbing through his heart his master's words were, " Dear Kelvin, I know it has never been easy for you since the death of your family and when I took you in as my second disciple, I never knew you where this talented. I left because my enemy is much stronger than us, I don't want to bring harm to you. The enemy is my first disciple, and he is a very strong cultivator. He betrayed me as his master he didn't give me face, and he wanted to kill me during my seclusion, causing me to qi deviation it almost made me die, that was why I escaped to this lower realm. However, I don't know how my disciple found me. He is now on the lower realm. kelvin, you are my favourite disciple and the most talented I have ever seen, even in the God realm. However, don't be proud and always keep a low profile so my disciple won't see you. there's an ancient relic in the blood forest. I want you to retrieve it because it will be a great help with your cultivation. "

I was short of words, so this was what my master was going through? what is the identity of master? Well, I don't think I'm qualified to know now; let's head to the blood forest to get the ancient relic.

Guided by ancient texts and whispered rumours, Kelvin embarked on a quest to recover a legendary artefact known as the Heart of the Ancients. His journey took him through dense jungles, treacherous swamps, and labyrinthine ruins, each step bringing him closer to his goal. Along the way, he faced off against rival treasure hunters, cunning traps, and ancient guardians determined to protect the relic. In a climactic showdown, Kelvin confronted the guardian of the Heart of the Ancients, a towering golem of stone and steel. With a display of martial prowess and tactical brilliance, Kelvin outmanoeuvred his opponent, shattering its defences and claiming the relic as his own

Kelvin devoted countless hours to honing his martial skills and mastering advanced combat techniques. Under the experience he gained from master liang, he sparred with seasoned warriors, practised weapon forms, and underwent gruelling physical conditioning exercises to strengthen his body and sharpen his reflex Each day brought new challenges and obstacles to overcome, but Kelvin faced them with unwavering determination and resolve.

Kelvin collaborated closely with his comrades and strategists to develop a battle plan that would maximize their chances of success against the enemy forces. Drawing upon his knowledge of military tactics and battlefield strategy, he analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of their adversaries, identifying key targets and potential vulnerabilities to exploit during the upcoming conflict. With meticulous attention to detail, Kelvin devised a multi-pronged approach that would allow his forces to strike swiftly and decisively, catching the enemy off guard and gaining the upper hand in the heat of battle.

In moments of quiet reflection, Kelvin delved deep within himself, seeking solace and guidance in the teachings of ancient sages and mystics. Through meditation and spiritual exercises, he sought to cultivate inner peace and mental clarity, steeling his mind against the horrors of war and fortifying his spirit for the trials that lay ahead. Drawing upon the wisdom of his ancestors and the strength of his convictions, Kelvin found the courage and determination to face whatever challenges awaited him on the battlefield.