A taste of death

I fidgetly bit my nails nervously, I couldn't understand a thing, it all felt new. Everyone was so focused but my concentration was all over the place.

I heaved a sigh of relief when the thirty minutes break rang for the students. Everyone left for the cafeteria while I stayed back drowning in self pity. I placed the financing text in front of me, trying to understand but it all looked like Arabic. A language I couldn't understand. I banged my head on my desk swallowing my pain . I held back the tears. My patience was limited

"Teary much", I raised my head to see Nathaniel smiling at me with a contended look in his eyes. Though I didn't cry, my eyes were red and puffy. He brought out a neatly folded towel and cleaned my face. "Now what's the problem huh" , his enchanting voice charm got me.

" I don't understand anything". Nat let out a small chuckle. "That's why am here duh" He sat next to me and began tutoring me from the basics of the topics, slowly,I got immersed and made some progress. Nat looked so serious and I couldn't help grinning. Noticing this, he pulled my cheek playfully " I know am handsome,stop stealing glances ,am all yours okay".

I gave a silent" hmm" and he continued. After awhile he glanced at the clock," that's all for today then, I'll come over to tutor you okay" I looked at him surprised and asked how , " you do know I close by ten unlike you guys right" He smirked at me," of course I do, you are in the same class with my brother aren't you, don't worry, you'll see me" . He winked excitedly and I couldn't help but smile. Hr passed me a slice of cake and toasted bread and apple juice , " eat up okay". He kissed my forehead before leaving. I rolled my eyes at his antics before eating.

I really envied Nathaniel, unlike intensive high, academia closed by six. Business academy was split into two, having academia , the normal school for students and intensive high for the next CEO'S of every company, they were set apart from academia students, even the uniform was different and intensive high was well, intensive, the students were ever so serious and rarely smiled and at times, rarely come out. Nathaniel belonged to academia while his brother, Ezekiel Tan belonged to intensive as he is the next CEO of Tan corporation. No one really knew about the friendship between Nat and I. Even how we met was quite funny but that remain a story for another day.

"We always walk into it blindly"

I turned to see Montez standing by the door. His eyes cold as usual. " I didn't understand what he meant but little did I know that at my lowest point, that sentence will make a come back.

I tried to focus during the rest of the classes but I still lagged behind. It was my first day but I could already hear downgrading remarks. I needed to work harder,so my routine began, studying and studying and studying. I began to catch on thanks to Nathaniel who tutored me every night and soon I was able to call myself an intensive student. I soon lost my self though, I forgot about everything that made me, Me. School was exhausting, home was worse.

Isolation became my second home, though my hardships continued, with time I began seeing it as a part of me, the urge to fight it,was gone. I succumbed to the conformity of fate. Who knew time flies? Hmmm.

Within a blink of an eye, two years has passed, Nathaniel left the country for business camp and furthered his education there. I have also rised and was now topping grades with Kiel Tan. Axel was the top of the class and with me in the way, kiel found it difficult to beat him. The competition between us both grew fierce an none was ready to let the other win.

At home, the distance grew amongst us and I wasn't bothered.

On a Saturday morning,I was reviewing my texts in my room, when he came in.

"Can we talk" I hated being disturbed but I was already used to it. I looked up to see Micah staring at me. I rolled my eyes annoyingly, " How may I be of help to your highness" . My tone was filled with sarcasm but I couldn't care less. Micah handed me a graphic design laptop and drawing equipments but I just stared at him. Normally, I would have been excited seeing it but it just wasn't the same anymore, my grad was three years away and the annual hint, around the corner,i had to focus. "Thanks, but it of no use to me Sir". I stressed the word Sir, to tell him to excuse me. His face finally showed something after all this years.

" I thought you loved painting" I rolled my eyes again " People change sir" . My tone was firm and clear.

Micah kept mute for a while,a dozen of emotions showed on his face but I couldn't care less. He stood to leave,then turned " I am your brother, aren't I supposed to care?

He then moved menacingly towards me, his eyes filled with something unlike before, cautiously,I moved back as he came closer till he cornered me. He then pulled me to him as he hugged me tight, I tried to wriggle free but it was of no use. His hot breath lingered on my body, sending chills to my spine , our face was just inches apart and there was this look in his eyes, it made my heart race,in fear. He was leaning in as my heart pounded so fast I thought it was gonna fall off. Suddenly, the door creaked open and he pushed me to the floor hitting my head on the wall. Mom and Pamina walked in. Pamina came closer, pulled me up and slapped me hard, sending me back to the floor. Mom looked at me like I was a piece of trash " I knew you were useless but not so shameless, going as far to seduce your own brother, you apparently, are nothing but a whore,a slutty whore" . Each word was like a dagger thrown at me, hitting me at the worst possible place. Mom then grabbed the laptop, pulled me up and smashed it on my head. The force and pain it sent was indescribable, I fell lifelessly to the floor as blood gushed out from my head, my eyes turned blurry. Before losing consciousness, I saw a smirk formed on Micah's face and my hatred towards him burned deep in me, like a wild 🔥 . Those bastards locked the room before leaving. Right then, my life flashed before me as i saw it all crumble. After what seemed like eternity, I struggled up trying to find a first aid kit but just as i was about to reach for it, I felt a twisted pain as I let out an ear piercing scream before falling. Right there,I asked my self,is this what death feels like?