
After some while, my eyes awakened, I felt different and was on my bed. I touched my head and found it bandaged. But how? The door was still locked. Everywhere was cleaned up, there wasn't any sign of anything that transpired. I still felt dizzy and hungry. My eyes trailed to my table and found something,I walked towards it and found food on the table. My curiosity set in once more but again there was no trace,I sat and digged into the food.

The following week,I resumed with a bandage on my freaking head. Axel gave a worried look while Montez didn't look surprised as usual, he just nodded and smiled( forcefully). Mr Brayan walks in elegantly, addressing the class.

" Students,as we have been informed, the hint contest is around the corner as the best overall student and CEO of the year will be crowned. I hope preparations are set as we need to top the charts and show that we are the best.

We all gave a silent" hmmm" as he left. Our questions were on the board and as expected, we were done under twenty minutes. I brought out the extended finance book to study and solve while Montez brought his system and began doing whatever he seemed focused on. Mason and Kim were chatting about the competition while Axel just closed his eyes. Kiel excused himself out of the class.

I was trying to deprive a new method when Kim turned to me with a confused expression

" I don't seem to get though, Tricia, are you going to be the next CEO? I looked at him" meaning" . By now, our conversation caught everyone's attention.

" What about Micah Peyton? Hearing his name made me burn with anger but I kept it under control. " If you're attending business academy and Micah is in science institute, does it mean you are the next in line; and Micah wouldn't fight you over it huh.

I kept mute, this is the part that bothers me,why? Kim has a point. Will Micah let go? Does Mom have any intention of making me the next CEO or is this just a sick game to distract me? Will Dad ever really care that I exist or was his reputation everything to him? Will I ever be free?

My head turned with all the questions. I lost focus and really really wish Nathaniel was here. Axel gave me a reassuring smile and that funny wink. I smiled. Everyone turned to me. Kiel walks in.

"Did you just smile? I looked down, Mason and Kim left their seats and sat next to me. Kim pulled me up, smiling. Mason pulled my cheek playfully like a little child saying" so so cute". I glared at them but they couldn't care less. Everyone grinned at their antics and I smiled inwardly.

" If you keep pulling her cheek like that, you might as well turn her into a piece of turkey". Montez said with his half smile.

" Guys, the school is about to give us a week rest before the competition and it's next week so why don't we have a get together and fun week out. You know do things we don't normally do. Fun.

" Who's in" Kim looked around anxiously. "Hmm, I'm in": I turned to see Montez hand up, Mason followed,then Axel and Kiel. Kim looked at me with a cute pout that seemed so childish .

" I'm in" I said and Montez grinned. Kim smiled,"then it's settled,a guys week of with a girl". I glared at him " Seriously huh" Montez grinned" He ain't wrong is he? I glared at him but he simply crossed his legs and gave a " what you gonna do about it" expression. I rolled my eyes.

The guys began planning, they looked like normal students with their excited faces and chats. Ideas was pouring in. Due to the weather change, classes were dismissed as the teachers had to prepare for the hint. During situations like this, we'll normally be studying and spend it solving quota and equations or reading the constitution but rather,we were gaming and listening to music. Due to our sound proof doors we were in the clear. We turned on the speakers and blasted music in our ears. That was the first time I saw them free and filled with smiles.

After awhile, Mason cleared his throat and tuned off the speakers. " Truth or dare". The guys glanced at each other and smiled. Everyone one gathered round. Mason brought out a bottle and spinned it, choosing Montez and Kim. "Truth or dare". Montez all knowing chose truth. Kim grinned"hmmm, so, what's your deepest pain, like regret.

Montez face changed, the atmosphere changed. A tear drop rolled down his face as he looked up " letting go of her hand."

My body turned cold