Moments 1

Axel voice got serious" who? . For some reason, my heart pounded faster and faster as though it was gonna jump out.

" The only girl I've ever loved and the one who changed me" . I didn't know why but it felt like a dagger just hit me hard. Montez eyes were red and alluring yet filled with pain . " We were sitting on the top of the hills, gazing at the beautiful city. It was the longer night. The stars shone so beautifully and bright as we gazed at the flowing water fall. She hugged me tight as I kissed her forehead and wished her a happy birthday. She held my hand with a wide and beautiful smile on her face. Jumping round,I smiled at her antics, suddenly she slipped. I helf her hand hand but I suddenly felt a surge of pain run through me. I let out a loud scream as it pain ate me up,I was still holding her hand but was weak and just as i was about to pull her up, my hand slipped and I let go of her hand. When I realized, it was too late, all that remained were her piercing screams and cries as she fell. Tears falling down her face,then the rain began pouring,as though it wanted to wash away the tears but it didn't, the pain was undescribable . My gaze hardened as i saw blood all over. She was so young. If she was alive, she would be ten years of age. I missed her smile and jokes the smile that brightens up the day, My day. But now, she has become a treasure In the sky .... My treasure In the sky...


Everywhere turned silent. I looked at him "Your sister huh" . He nodded. We gave a minute silence. Montez cleared his throat and cleaned his face . " Let's continue". He spinned the bottle choosing Axel and I. I sighed lightly. " Truth or dare". I grinned " Truth".

" Who's the person of your heart? A friend you can't trade ".

Without hesitation, I said Nathaniel. Kiel expression changed.

"Why huh? I looked up. " Nathaniel is the only friend I've ever had, the only one who cares for me,in my difficult time,he was there. He was always there. He found me. ". Kim pouted, trying to lighten up the atmosphere "aren't we your friends? " Of course you are"

Axel rolled his eyes, back to the question, you seem as though you don't get well with your family as though you can't wait to leave.

" It's not a lie though" I replied. Kiel scoffed" You come from the top wealthiest family in the country and yet you complain. You live like royalty" I smirked," royalty indeed" . Montez eyes gleamed " You seem different,are you being maltreated huh. You're different from the Peyton's" I smiled sadly," more like nightmares. That's my life. But what could happen,am a Peyton. Who cares!

I stared into Montez eyes, my heart cold as ever and his eyes though cold yet warm, couldn't melt it despite trying. I was too broken for love at least,so I thought.