
Throughout my life, as I knew it my life had always been monotonous, I always read got good grades, and tried my best to become a good child.

I never made friends not in elementary nor junior school even high school I was always alone, I ate lunch alone during breaks I was always in a library.

I never stood out in class as I always did my best to remain like a shadow to the rest but deep inside me I knew better.

I wanted fame, respect, and power, I wanted to be looked at as an idol whom others feared but that was but a dream.

Even though I kept to myself and never stood out it didn't stop me from being bullied by the others as it even made it worse.

Almost every day I came back with a swollen eye a broken leg and a burnt palm.

Still, I never gave up and endured every bit of torture that I received from everyone well that was until today.

I was hit by a truck driver who mistakenly hit me while trying to avoid hitting a bird.

How ridiculous could that possibly be?

Currently, I was lying on the cold and wet floor with my blood gushing out from various parts of my body.

I knew that there wasn't any hope for me and I could feel it as my consciousness was slowly fading.

At least I finally got to leave this boring life, all I could hope for was a better next life.

"I must achieve it..." I mumbled as I raised my arm in an attempt to grasp a floating light but I then lost consciousness


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