In another wolrd

Waking up the first thing I felt was the comfiness of the bed I was currently laid on and the attachment of drips to my arm.

"What the..." I was shocked as my blurry view slowly became normal once again I saw two people that I didn't know standing before my bed.

"Doctor Max, will the young master be okay?" I looked towards the man dressed in a black suit, he had white dyed hair and also a tough face.

"Yes he will if need be you can take him home now but I advise that he keeps away from stress," The doctor said looking towards me with a curious gaze.

"Young master you're awake..." The butler said walking towards the end where I was currently laid.

"Yes, I am... If I may ask who are you?" I asked as I couldn't help but want to know why he kept on referring to me as a young master.

Upon hearing my question his expression turned grim as he looked towards the doctor before looking back towards me.

"Have you forgotten me?" He asked with a tone of pain deep in his voice, I didn't want to hurt him but I wasn't going to lie either.

"No" I started while slowly shaking my head.

"I am Jack your bodyguard" he stared at me closely for a moment before speaking with a soft smile.

Upon hearing his name I tried my best to recall if I had any memory of him but I just couldn't.

"Don't push yourself too hard, you should be resting..." Jack said still with a soft smile on his face as I slowly nodded in response.

"I think it's best you leave him to rest now" The doctor advised as Jack nodded his head understanding the doctor's reason for asking him to leave.

With Jack now out of the room the doctor too attempted to make his way to the door but I stopped him.

"Doctor Max, do you have an idea of what happened to me?" I asked out of curiosity.

He paused for a moment staring at me for a few minutes before finally replying.

"You were hit by a truck but you luckily managed to dodge some of it, still after you were hit by the truck you were struck by lightning twice," The doctor said readjusting the eyeglasses he wore.

The story sounded identical to what happened to me in my past life, the only difference was that he was stricken by lightning but I wasn't.

"Still it seemed the lightning was something ordinary as you did not sustain any injuries from it it seems to have improved your sight and physical ability" Saying this doctor Max showed the test reports that backed his claim.

Listening to all this information made me feel weak as my body became sluggish and heavy.

"Thanks for the information doctor," I said with a soft smile as he nodded his head stood up, and exited the room.

Immediately I was left alone I rested my head on the soft pillow and my consciousness slowly drifted.


After about 7 hours of sleeping, I woke up to meet a black-haired handsome teenager with tattoos covering both of his arms.

He had both of his hands pocketed and had an expressionless face while looking at me but upon noticing that I had woken up he smiled softly.

"Brother you're awake..." He said in a soft tone with his previous soft smile on his face.

'Brother?' I looked at him confused not understanding why he referred to me as his brother.

"So it's true you lost your memories," He said with a sad expression on his face.

"So you've forgotten all the memories we shared... Life is cruel" He said in a heartbroken tone as he moved closer towards me and held my hands.

I didn't know why but deep inside me sometimes tells me that he has been putting on an act up until now.

Suddenly his small pocket phone rang and he picked it up, whatever the matter was it seemed it was urgent as his expression suddenly from smiling to frowning.

"It seems like my attention is needed elsewhere, take good care of yourself brother" Saying this he stood up and and excited the room


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