First fight

I was currently in class seated at the far end of the middle corner near the window.

Everything that was being taught by the teacher wasn't that important as I had already mastered some of the topics.

"That will be all for today," The teacher said as she carried her books and left the classroom.

Immediately she left everyone in the class started doing their different things, some were chatting on their phones some were bullying and the rest were speaking to each other.

I stood up and walked out of the class, I was headed to the restroom to ease myself but then I saw Darren and Erick following me from behind.

Nevertheless, I continued my walk to the restroom and when I reached I was shocked by what I found.

On the floor was a student covered in pee and blood with a couple of cigarettes thrown at him.

I just stared for some seconds before heading in to pee and after I was done I washed my hands and exited the restroom.

Walking back to class I saw Darren and Erick moving quickly back to class too, it seemed that they didn't know I had seen them.

When I entered the room I saw Darren and Erick on the floor both holding their bloody noses.

"There the bastard is" I heard a black-haired senior speak pointing at me.

"So you are Damien huh?" The person in the middle said he had white hair and a few tattoos on his neck, and his hands were pocketed as his head tilted to the left.

I was both confused and annoyed at the same time as I looked at him still with an expressionless face.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, my hands still pocketed and my face still without an expression but in truth I was scared.

I was scared but I had decided that in this life I wasn't going to be thrown about, I was going to have all that I desired.

Immediately he heard my reply his right hand left his pocket and immediately went towards my face but something was off.

The fist seemed to be moving in slow motion as I moved my face away from the attack.

"What?" The two lackeys at the back exclaimed in shock.

The white-haired senior seemed dazed for some moments before again initiating another punch which I dodged easily.

"You, you're not like the others," He said staring at me with a disturbing smile.

He removed his left arm and got into a boxing posture, he then struck again but this time there was speed and power behind it and I could tell.


The first sounded upon making contact with my palm which caught it easily, he then went for a strike with his right arm to my stomach but I caught it again.

His attacks were slow and easy for me to dodge or block it but I knew that my new body was also one of the reasons why every action I performed was easy.

I pushed both his fists away and got into the pose he took earlier, I was trying to imitate his attack from earlier.

First I struck him with my left arm and when it made contact with his nose I could hear a cracking sound.

I then directed my right fits towards his stomach which I hit with enough strength as he immediately vomited blood before falling to his knees.

He coughed up more blood intensely as he grabbed his stomach in pain and agony.

"Warren..." The two lackeys behind him called out in disbelief, their bodies were shivering from fear and disgrace.

'It seemed the strength was a bit much' I thought to myself as I pocketed my arms back and went towards his lackeys.

"Get him out of here and clean up the mess afterward" I said with an indifferent expression as I took a last peek at him before heading to my seat.

Immediately, they both lifted him and took him to the med bay where he could get first aid.


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