The lunatic twin, Elmer

In another place still afternoon, people gathered some with weapons in their hands while the others pocketed theirs.

On the opposing side stood only one man who looked identical to Damien, his hands were pocketed, and on his face was a carefree expression.

"Even if you're from the Chapman family you're just a kid, do you think you can beat us?" The man in front of the group of people said puffing out a smoke while looking at him with a calm face.

"Haa... Just get to it already, you know my brother just got out of hospital I have things planned out for us" Elmer yawned before he answered with a smile on his face.

"Tsk, Kill him!" The other blonde-haired man said with an annoyed expression as he took another puff of his cigarette.

Suddenly ten people rushed towards Elmer but he still stood with one of his hands pocketed.

"Ha" The first person struck at him but the power, swiftness, and technique were lacking as Elmer used his elbow and hit it breaking it awkwardly.

"Ahhh!" The man shouted as all the attackers paused for a moment looking at the awkward bent arm he had.

Elmer just chuckled and kneed his stomach before punching his face sending him a distance away from where he stood.

Just with that attack, the morale of the lackeys was greatly reduced.

The boss who was smoking at the back was also shocked, how could a kid possess this much power was what he asked himself at that moment.

"Hey, hey where did all that morale from earlier go?" Elmer asked with a crazed smile that made him look like a demon in human disguise.

Despite being a twin and identical to Daimen they were a few things that could easily differentiate them.

Elmer's body was a bit smaller and less jacked than Damien even after all the work out he did.

Also, his tattoos weren't the same as his own were only on his upper body while Damien had from his upper body to his lower body.

Still, there was one thing both of them shared even though it was hidden deep down in Damien's heart.

It was that both of them were lunatics when it came to fights, only when one meets the right opponent will they unlock their hidden personality and potential.

They had inherited their father's strength and speed but had innate talents of their own.

Upon listening to his taunts they immediately frowned and rushed at him again this time with weapons.

A pipe was sent towards his head in a vertical motion but he easily dodged it and elbowed the person causing them to immediately fall.

He then bent down and swept everyone surrounding him using his long legs and his swiftness.

Some of their legs were broken only in that single attack as they rolled on the floor in pain.

"Tsk, Jump him!" He said pulling

another cigarette from the pack as one of his lackeys around him lit it up for him.

"Ha... This is so boring I told you I need to go see my brother" He said easily dodging the incoming attacks before launching strikes of his own.

In about five minutes they were all laid on the floor with their faces all bloody.

Currently surrounding the blonde-haired man were only three people who still had indifferent faces.

Elmer walked towards where the man stood and immediately one of the three men in suits appeared in front of him.

"Woah, you're fast," Elmer said as he barely managed to dodge the first that came towards his face but the man in the suit immediately kneed him in the ribs.

"Strength too?" Elmer smiled nervously as his palm shakily held the knee that attempted to gut his ribs.

He then moved back shaking his right palm as though he was hurt while the man in the suit looked at him in annoyance.

This kid in front of him fought him using only one hand and he could also feel that he was holding back by a long margin.

"Tsk, stop playing around and give it your all" The man said as he took a pose making Elmer burst into laughter.

"Do you think you can handle it?" Elmer asked as the air around him suddenly changed shocking everyone present.

Currently, he looked like he could kill them in one swipe of his hand as they all gulped down their saliva.


Elmer suddenly appeared before the man in a suit with his fist engraved in his stomach.

"I've wasted too much time, let's hurry shall we" Elmer said with a disturbing smile as he grabbed the hair of the man in the suit.


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